Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The uncorrupted

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Sequester or cut Social Security?

Well ask yourself, is it ok to fund Universal Healthcare on the backs of ALL young people?

Yes, if it helps everyone have a chance at healthcare. But, if you think about for a moment. What a good idea for the rich people right? I mean if you are already rich, the law doesn't affect you and if you work in the Medical community, you're rich so GOOD IDEA!

To pay for this, you tax all the young people that didn't need medical insurance so with this influx of mass money, the insurance is supposed to "trickle-down" the savings to regular people that can't afford insurance.

Trickle-down didn't work for Reagan and it won't work here but meh, what do I care since it's the next generation that will "wake-up" and find brat children holding all the money with the rest of the people paying for medical procedures they can't afford.

This is a terrible, terrible idea since what should have happened is that caps should have been set in place much like minimum wage. to restrict the "price - gouging" that is going on now.

But taking money from rich people is much more difficult that taking it from the young and poor. Hmmf.

Well, bad news right, but good news is we as Democrats believe ALL things can be controlled and allowed. So this too will pass. In time we will refine and refine the law so that the controls are set to a reasonable tone.

But what just happened?

We just took a BUNCH of money from poor people by "taxing" them! We are going to REQUIRE everyone to contribute and mostly this will happen to people that are not already paying for medical insurance. We just raised taxes on the poor. What the hell is this?! We are the democrats for godsake. Whatupped?

So we CAN tax the poor people, but when it comes time to pay for the sequester, let's not talk about taxing those undeserving rich people that are always getting picked on to pay for some squatting old people that expected to be provided at least a military level of subsistence in their dying years.

How can this be the rhetoric of a democratic president? And now I hear that their "fix" is to lower social security benefits.

This is gonna sound racial so ... hmm instead... let's just say that this 180 on democracy is very UN-ohiowa and is very CHICAGO.

Ok, I was watching Rachel tonight.. just saying that sounds sexy which makes me wonder if I spend too much time typing... and wow didn't we all look SO much better 10 years ago. She looked fantastic and by the way so did I back then and by the way, wouldn't that be nice to travel the world chasing after news stories.

Yeah, unless you get raped. Yeah, not so nice cover Egypt's rebellion and bring the world to your doorstep only to have some egyptian gang rape your young bunion and your little cameraman too.

Well, it's like most things like government and journalism and even missionary work... it seems to us old people (40-somethings) like the world is getting more and more corrupt.

But hasn't this always been the case.. and time and time again the young people arrive on the scene.. uncorrupted.

Raise a glass to our young people.

You know somewhere out there someone needs to know that rich people are ever on the move. And that you can't be a preacher and comfortably sit in charge of an ideology. Always the rich are wanting to control you.

If you believe in equality, EVERYONE gets a gun. It's just that simple. Everyone gets abortion. Everyone gets married. Everyone gets healthcare. Everyone pays taxes. Everyone gets respect. Liberty and justice... FOR ALL.

Everything that takes you away from that paragraph is "inequality". Sometimes that's ok though right? We want social security. We know we can't work in our old age and we agree we want some money saved for that.

Think about your income tax return. How many young people save their money? Now, how many love to get a tax return? That's the idea behind social security. People aren't lazy, some things are just common sense and should never be touched. People MUST pay taxes so.. don't give them the option of not paying them! Same goes for social security, same is gonna happen for medical healthcare.

But always those pesky rich people are wondering how can we lessen the threat of poor people outvoting us. You see, if poor people can't pay for food then they can't vote. If they are sick and die, they can't vote. If they don't know how to do their taxes, they go to jail and then they can't vote. All this is a complication that makes the country stronger but also alienates poor people or maybe just the "uneducated".

You know there is a saying I used to use when I did my job in customer service. People would ask me how I was doing? I would say something along these lines.

"Oh it's another day of doing the lord's work".

I would get confused looks like they never went to church, and then I would say that the lord's work was bringing education to the natives. Sounds degrading right? Those stupid customers right? Well as it turns out we are all stupid. We have NO CHANCE of knowing how a car runs and knowing about taxes and knowing who is watching your wife and where the planes are flying and whether Mexico or North Korea is going to attack. We can't know it all. Superman can't be everywhere by the same token you can't point your eye at everything. And even if you learn ALL KINDS of information like I onec did, young people pay attention, you still can't learn what it's like to live in the world with people lying to you and harassing you and casting spells on you.

By the way, does anyone know why insurance companies are not run by the government? It's just math right? Like healthcare, it's stuff that even though private companies will charge more for it, it's really not very hard to run is it? You just take these risks, quantify them into numbers and POOF here goes how much you pay and it's not unfair or racists because it's all numbers. Even a sixth grader can get that.

You know it's time to graduate kids after sixth grade. All my time in high school could have just as well have been spent getting my law degree. It really is a waste of time to have kids in school that don't want to learn. As soon as kids start to have hair on their legs, poof it's time to get them married and working and out on their own or at least in a house with kids. And a fair way to do that is to have one of them work and the other one study and caring for children. It's always been my perception that women would someday run the world and this is how they could do it. All the money spent on secondary school could actually be better spent housing these adolescent children and their spouses and children in preparation for adult life.

Some kids don't want to study, fine. Give them 3 chances to pass and if not then POOF off to military school. Sure they have to risk their lives and die and what's wrong with a little ADD, are these the best ones to give a rifle too? Should mages have children and warriors have none?


Ok, way back there I wanted to make the point that rich people, or might is right people, want to control you, much like they controlled that lady in Egypt. It sets the example of how righteous people that believe in respect for all don't belong anywhere near respect is earned people. At least they don't belong there alone. So to vilify those people I make the case here that when in Rome, do as the Romans do. Don't be the poor guy in congress, or an actor among lawyers, or a black guy among whites, or even a patriot among mexicans.

Bring help.

Actors make the best politicians. I realize that now. Lawyers are meant to analyze arguments. So get yourself a a group of lawyers that commit to your district their benevolence and then SOMEHOW, get an actor that can take your side and present it to the masses and uneducated. It has to be a group effort because only a group can come to a consensus about issues without being subject to an infiltration of the mind.

I can tell you about an infiltration of the mind but I will only end up convincing you that my thinking is unsound. Do I sound unsound?

It takes a lot of experience to be a good lawyer, or so I hear, and such is the case with actors. Still, now that I am 40, that some people are just MEANT to be great. Jennifer Aniston is SO amazing and it doesn't seem like is trying all that hard but she is a natural. I never watched Friends either but watching the reruns now makes me feel like I'm cheating. I started liking her after I saw an old photo of her driver's license in People magazine and it reminded me of a license this girl at the bar showed me and they were like identical in many ways except for the black hair.

Robert Downey Jr. and Tom Cruise are other examples. Ashley Judd would have made a good choice I think although I believe she needs to get her actors guild and twitter behind her to help her and do the crusade like "it's the lord's work" that she is doing. Her opponent is obviously a might is right curmudgeon, how hard would it be for a valkyrie to slam an ogre? Sell that! You're a TV person, so bring out your Law 96 " Life isn't always fair". Then Wesley says, " I know that one".

I loved her in Star Trek and I actually started using those rules and made some of my own because of her.

Another one I use is "you gotta go with what works". It's sad that Ashley Judd is actually better regarded than all of the cast of Star Trek. Marina Sirtis, the counselor Deanna Troi, was another amazing actress. She was head and shoulders above the rest I thought and maybe it was just because they wrote her great parts but, " I don't think so".

Ask yourself, do I feel charmed? A good actor should do that. It's even harder to do it to older people like me so when I tell you they are good, you should trust that. Trust me. Hah!

Ok I'm way offtrack and tired now so I will leave you with this. equality has nothing to do with democrats or republicans. Jesus would be about equality and so would any Baptist worth his salt. Having more government is good if corporations are starting to buy up all the judges. Having less government is good when judges can be trusted to not get bought out by the corporations.

Every dictator starts on that track, like Hugo Chaves, that says I am a man of the people. I just watched that episode of Star Trek and I am convinced that my ex-brother in law did that to my sister and more perniciously maybe they both did it to me! Hah! What am I talking about, watch the episode Man of the People.

Every dicator says I am for the people but what they do is basically sacrifice some few of their friends to make some new friends that have stronger reins of power much like a corporate takeover.

What is a corporate takeover? It is much like what happened in BusinessCard when I was in charge. People know their jobs. People have set schedules. Problem customers get immediately shuffled to the SMEs for handling. I know all the rules and have full influence to have them changed. Life is easy for me but the whole department is running very well and the cost per customer is the lowest in ALL of Citibank worldwide. This is because all problems get attacked as problems not as people. Quality is low-cost because our quality is virtually non-existent and this is because there is trust all the way up the ladder. The job in my eyes is not complicated and the less complicated the better for all.

The takeover occured when we hired this old lady. I heard the managers complain about her slightly and she had one guy on her team that totally mutineed on us by failing to do reports for fraud that eventually got reported to the fraud department. Later she caught my direct manager kissing his girlfriend in the stairwell and he was let go.


Next comes the person they get to replace him who is there to throw her weight around and I will not stand for it but all of my passion is for naught against someone like that. I cannot enjoy winning because I don't enjoy fighting. Fighting is wrong and such was my fate when I left. I lost but fact was she risked her job knowing that I would not fight back. If I felt she should lose her job, she would have lost it.

That's a takeover. Happy people get replaced by "harder working" people and they call it progress. That's what I thought when they bought AT&T Universal Card, I "thought" we deserved to be taken over because we didn't work hard enough or make enough "stockholder value", which is what they teach you which is BS, but fact is the rich people attack happy people and only thing that can happen is the happy people become unhappy and quit. Or they fight back but that process of changing beliefs, from worker to fighter, is MUCH harder to achieve than it is for rich people to just keep on doing what they do all day long which is just find these little nest eggs of goodwill and crack them open.

Now by rich people I don't mean rich is wrong. By rich people I mean people that seek to take from others an undeserved amount.

You can own a yacht and not be rich people. You have to use what you have and that makes you holy.

Ok so still tired but still typing, I want to end with a note that you can believe that good people are all dead or chained but fact is evil people, people that enjoy winning at someone's expense, need others to brag to. In their minds, they are working hard and doing what the world needs them to do. You could call these people "worldly". But unlike good people, they never find themselves alone. You can expect them to be in a group 90% of the time and you can expect them to believe their own BS. That's because in their heart they know they are wronging others but if you say it often enough and people nod their head yes to you, then you can think like the Romans do.

That still doesn't stop you and your group from being crazy.