Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Minimum wage

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Raising the minimum wage sounds like a no brainer until people speak up and tell you that "hey, if we own a business, and you raise the minimum wage, we are gonna have to fire some people".

That's more or less what happened when the fiscal cliff was adjudicated to raise taxes on the $400,000 income or greater. My father was told that his premium for homeowner's insurance increased $300 for the year. This came without warning and, if not for being able to make payments, he would not have been able to afford it. So I guess this increase in taxes to corporations was license to raise premiums. Doesn't make sense but what can smart folks do surrounded by dumb ones.

So let's take an example. Let's say that you run a McDonald's.

Now when I finished my Finance degree from JU I did what my finance professor who went to the Thunderbird Academy suggested that I do, I took a job as manager at a fast food restaurant.

You actually practice FIFO LIFO. You actually work retail, production, and storehouse roles. Your expertise in using your many basic Business degree functions are practiced and you FEEL like you got something for your money. In fact you feel like overkill for a McDonald's but that's going somewhere else.

Now let's take production. You are cooking burgers and you see on the screen about 2 cars waiting in line perpetually. There is a guide that tells you that for this much demand you need 1 person on the grill. Now let's say you have two people on front line and two in the drive-thru. Now you need two people cooking and maybe 1 person preparing. And if it's lunch at McDonald's you will see seven cars lined up with several lines up front and usually even then you only need about 4 cooks and 2 preparers and 1 manager... or something like that. It was 1996 or so when I worked there.

Ok. Now let's raise the minimum wage. Hmmm. How many people do we need NOW?

Can we send one of these people home cuz it's too expensive to have 5 people in production?

Is it stupid to have one person in production with bunches of people in line? Of course it is.

Now extrapolate that to any business and pretty much any quantity, whether it's pouring drinks, flapping jacks, fixing cars, or answering phones; if you have THIS much demand, you are gonna need THAT much people to handle it. And this is basic to business, I mean it sounds like NOONE from the business world decided to tell the politicians; big surprise since they are the ones that would have to lay out the cash.

The main drawback to minimum wage is that it's just more incentive for other businesses to cash in too. Gas prices go up, rent goes up, and even taxes go up and it's just foolish because the poor people stay poor and these SPECIAL interests get a nice quick boon until the rest of the prices catch up and re-establish value back at a normal level which just eventually means the dollar buys less.

Politicians have NO IDEA what it's like to be poor. ONE little thing means you have less gas and food. It would be nice if they took a poll on merchants rather than taking polls on stupid stuff like abortion and immigration.

I read the Declaration of Independence today. You should read it. It reminds you of why we are the country we are and what the thoughts were that caused us to break free from the "usurpations" of a tyranny.

I watch MSNBC a lot and though they have very bright minds that work there I am often taken aback by how one-sided they are. It's almost not very interesting to watch as an intellectual because "how wrong is wrong when wrong is a bong?" See, I can only say that so many times and then it's not catchy and people that smoke weed stop laughing. That's what it's like when people say Republicans are wrong but don't stick up for them some of the time. It starts to FEEL like you are drinking the Kool-Aid and that you just might BE in Guyana. ( Guyana is where Jim Jones got a bunch of people to drink HIS Kool-aid and committed mass-suicide which is where the expression comes from ).

So let's defend them for a minute. Republicans are for limiting government. They are right of center. If you have less government than you usually want to have less restrictions and more freedom. This is what the founding fathers wanted. Freedom from tyranny. It sounds like we should all get up and vote Republican and put Obama out of business... the tyrant!

But wait.

What did Reagan do? He de-regulated the finance industry SO MUCH that banks were allowed to borrow beyond existing thresholds which then threatened our stability. So now most people are VERY OK with having more regulation and voting Democrat.

Voting Democrat means you want more government, which costs more so that means you don't mind having taxes raised.

So this is like having parents. Mine were VERY oppressive but that made me more resistent to stress I think. Anyways, so you hit 18 and you're like "See ya!" It's time to break from the tyranny of total control and embrace freedom!

Now what are you gonna choose. Your brain has a choice to make. A personality to choose. Will you be an opportunist? Will you do what you feel like doing devilmaycare? Hahaha. You might for a while. But that's freedom and you're gonna LOVE LOVE LOVE it until the first guy comes around and sits in your chair... now you have to decide if it's YOUR chair or the place's chair and if the affront was intentional or accidental.

Several things just happened and not many 18 year olds will catch on. You can wait for him to get up and take your chair back. You might even think he took it intentionally even if it was just a subconscious need to sit down, he at least THOUGHT grabbing YOUR chair was easier than grabbing another guy's chair, AND THAT SIMPLY CANNOT STAND!

But this is the mentality of the opportunist.

If you believe in being an opportunist, people will know you as an opportunist. Which means they can't trust you. You will have friends that are opportunists also and pretty soon there will be only one of you that's not in jail! That's because the smart one attacks the others first and eventually they all get betrayed. Hmmm, too bad for you, take comfort in knowing that someone told you how it would end ahead of time and you just couldn't help yourself cuz that's what wrongers do, they wrong people over and over and over again and noone misses them when they're gone. Why do they do it... because their friends are clapping and applauding and this increasingly smaller group of people doesn't realize that they are eating each other. There might be a sucker born every minute but from a philosophical standpoint these people are crazy.

And they call ME crazy?

OR... you can become an egalitarian. For these people, opportunity doesn't happen. Women who like you make it obvious. Bartenders get to you when you are next INSTEAD of when you are the loudest. Drive-thru people do their job and pay attention to the order instead of looking at the camera to see if that's the car with the DUI guy! These people are FOOD for the opportunist but, are far more pleasant to be around because unexpected ATTACKS don't come from egalitarians.

Remember "The Fly". Be afraid, be very afraid.

Ok sidetracked. I was supposed to be talking about Republicans and the media. If we are looking to have more government to keep us safe from those pesky rich people that make deals that threaten our economy, then we did the right thing with Obama. But all people succumb to avarice.

I once told my mother that if I were Jesus and I ran the world and I could do anything... people would still do what I said and eventually one of them would say " I'm with Jesus and he says do THIS, and poof my really perfect world gets rotten, I get misquoted, people get a bolt of lightning up the wrong end of a sentence." So fact is you can count on having at least ONE opportunist somewhere everywhere, even if he BELIEVES in you 100%, to mess things up a bit... usually for his own reasons.

Ok again off the subject. Hmm I'm tired now so I explain it maybe tmw.