Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Santora tactics

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There comes a time when men of good conscience cannot in their right mind agree with arguments that present themselves to show their actions as inept.

So let's pretend that you are a judge talking about your normal everyday stuff and suddenly something you said has hit the papers and because of that you are out on the street.  

Should this happen? Judges worried about someone listening in?
Worried about people paying too much attention and not liking it?  Worried that maybe their comments aren't popular?

So let's open it up about people abusing their power. People act like monkeys in Congress and pass legislation that post-pones the fiscal cliff and makes a circus of the federal budget while in the balance hang thousands of jobs. The President is forced to send troops overseas and lead our country into war over the incidents of 9/11 and it turns into a stompping of  Iraq. (I personally think we should raise the crap out of taxes to pay for the war so let the sequester happen I say).

I was watching War of the Worlds with Tom Cruise and it was quite a different perspective to watch it and pretend that we were Iraq(Thank you Link TV and Alanis and India I guess). Try it. Watch that movie and pretend that there is a war between men and maggots. That's my favorite saying from the movie, "This isn't a war, anymore than there is a war between men and maggots." And such is what it was for us to take them over... a war where they pulled out rifles and we pulled out tanks and drones and missiles and where no matter what good intentions we had when the war began, the fact was that we were in it to exterminate the populace or at least to keep the war going until enough money was made. 

In the end the malevolence of the indiginous population was assured.

So crazy things, ya? Well now imagine you, from the Supreme Court, are watching all of these events unfold, all smattered with might is right stink--with a handprint on this ass and a booger on that jacket and some hair on the shoulder of that guy and you say to yourself, boy I am glad I don't work with THOSE types of people. Hah, there's no way any of that crap is getting inside the Supreme Court because here it's all about being an intellectual. Intellectuals don't stoop. And you dress yourself up a little tighter and starch your shirt a little longer and you actually begin to use the little mini-clipper that you thought was such a waste of money but that does a great job of trimming your side-burns and such. What a smart man I was to choose to work for the law. Might is right doesn't touch people like me, you say to yourself.

Ok, this reminds me of one time I was out at the bar, (I go to only one bar, so if anything bad happens to me, it's because of that one bar which just had it's hours extended.)   Anyway, I'm out there talking to a guy and I thought "hey, he's a professor from my University so I will sell myself by talking to him for a bit and show off my degree" and so we get along for a while and start talking about what dept he was in which I didn't recognize and then I tell him I had the BEST professor who went to Thunderbird then he begins a long diatribe of godknowswhat which is clearly a way of making me stand there for what seemed like half an hour. But I stood there, being polite and showing respect to a JU professor. As I was walking off, I couldn't help but notice a slight smirk in his demeanor which puzzled me at first but which I figured out later was due to the inconvenience he imposed on me as payment for slighting him I guess by talking about another professor being better which I agree was TOO HONEST but COME ON there was no ill will on my part which makes me wonder how many truly ill-willed students must he run into that made him treat me that way after just meeting me?

So that's the last time I "open up" to a professor.

By that token, I wonder if that's what I do to people when I start to unravel my mind about stuff. Do I inconvenience them? Do I make them squirm like I was squirming in front of that professor?


So all this prologue is to introduce the fact that people suddenly thought it was a good idea to subject Supreme Court justices to term limits. Ya. So what did you think, you thought they would just agree with the buttafucos of the world and say mmhk? Right now judges appointed to the Supreme Court get appointed for life.  The argument is that maybe just maybe Congress should limit their terms.  Really?  So that more of them can be subjected to this Senator Bagel nomination crap?

Well, get ready for the Supreme Court version of chiding inconvenience talk. 

Enter the voter's rights act... yeah... mmmYeah... uh-huh. So we all agree that the federal government needs to have less power ya, so that states can have more power? I certainly do... hah! I vote for the succession of Alaska! Hell, I might move there. When government goes to might is right crap it's time to vote the beauty queen as governor. Why? Because frankly if they can't be honest, they might as well look good. Hell, make Tom Cruise president. You can bet he will nail all those speeches without looking down at his notes and even if the fiscal cliff and sequester and the next crisis is decided ahead of time, without the President's input, you can bet that he will all make us feel like it was a good decision and that the progress justifies the sacrifice... and stuff.

So how stupid are WE to allow Presidents or whole systems of people to lie to us?

When states have more power congressmen can decide if they are happier serving their people they have come to know and care about or if they want to go off to Washington DC for the sake of POWER! Of course if your state is run by only 5 or 6 major companies, you probably already know how to be a lap dog.

Ok sidetracked, so fact is if you are gonna start attacking a system of power, you can expect their attack dogs to start to "reach out" to would-be attackers and "explain" things to you much like Khan explains things in his battle with Captain Kirk. If you want to see a whole "splash" of federal overreach cases hit the Supreme Court that move the balance of power back to the governors and which limit voting and allows voting to be done any which way the state wants... keep attacking the Supreme Court.

You think you are doing things without consequence but the examples are there. Judges give "honest" opinions of black people and the black people get them OUT. Well I'm guessin the Supreme Court is a little too quick and lithe let themselves be subject to politics by allowing these "term limit" arguments to go unanswered.

Remember Judge Santora, how his comments both personal and honest were used to call him racist? And do you remember how they took his job? Well fast forward to what judges in the upper echelon think about mobs of people showing up to "cry witch" on judges in the future.