Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Sunday, April 03, 2022




In the time that I have I must explain what I feel about the Will Smith incident that just occurred a few days ago. Now as you might imagine the first thing I want to say is what a WONDERFUL display of witchcraft that was. No one physically did anything but we ALL agree that a slap was coming from someone insinuating that they could take "your money or your life, or your bald headed wife"... that's was not the insinuation? well, ok. But we all can agree that he was being crushed. Not only was he sitting there with his wife and children but he was already not liking certain comments to Javier Bardem, and then HERE IT COMES what you most dislike is ACTUALLY happening to you... almost like you invited it. Well, that's a part of being attractive right? You attract "everything". And like you might think not only is he being pressured by his family out there but now he has to act for ALL black men... some who are also sitting there. Now he is like an Aquaman, trying to keep it all together but still having to make a "reasonable" statement of what should come next... not unlike MY life so many times. By the way, check out the Aquaman cartoon on HBO, the third episode but go ahead and watch ALL three, it won't take long AND... you'll understand me better. Now I don't want to confess to any crime but if there were a situation where this happened to me, I will say that I would have done what he did, I would have exerted just enough violence to make a statement and not to damage the person... but it still would have been a crime. But there is a call to DO something when it comes to women, in my opinion. They need PROOF that you care and if you don't care enough... well, it's time to "ride the bull"... usually someone ELSE'S, if you get me... lol, of course you do, lol, of course you do. I have said this before that sometimes these backward countries are NOT SO BACKWARD after certain things happen, namely the hiijab. Now I was going to pay Will a compliment by suggesting that his wife was like SHAZAM sitting there next to him but then I wondered, as it has happened, that it would not be well received. You just never know if he is laughing with you ... when it comes to his wife, ya! But there goes another reason to use the hijaab, yes? I mean in your mind you are like surely those arabic women are not so good looking that they gonna be causing car crashes and IMHOTEP as they walk by, especially Indian women right? They aren't so good-looking right? Well, let me just say I used to watch a LOT of porn and some of those girls look just like Penelope Cruz and you think to yourself in your "youngness" WHY is this girl not an actress... I mean I would watch ALL her movies yes? But this gets me to my point today in writing and I'm not sure if I have enough time to catch up all of the writing I have missed. My computer has crashed several times over the past two days and if I weren't typing this in Wordpad right now and getting ready to copy and paste it into the blog, I'm certain you all would never see it because my computer would crash and erase everything I typed before I could finish. But on the upside, I have learned to do it this way... from my mistakes. And I have made my mistakes with a certain Penelope Cruz girl and maybe some other women by name, but keep in mind that people's hearts aren't like that, love is always on the way out. It needs to be refreshed. A girl needs a list just like a guy needs to never get lazy. You would think that this means there should never be marriage but that's not what I am saying. We all need chapel. We NEED to reinforce our belief in God, in our wife, in our job, all of that. It's kind of like a jump in Destiny 2 where you have your jump on super high. You have the same energy as a regular jump and it's USEFUL in combat, but if you go all the way up you are out of energy and then you are just gonna drop, which is useful but when you are just jumping regular from cliff to cliff as often happens in the regular non-combat areas, you are going to have to POP the jump, then drop and let gravity to some of the work, then POP some more jump so as not to drop too far, and then if you let it go too far... then hope there is enough super jump left to push up and over that next cliff so you can grab and climb up. Moreover, I learned my lesson that we can't control other people, whether or not women can control other people is NOT my job, I have to keep true to my soul, I have to be a good person that can control themselves and by doing that we worship what is MOST important in life... choice. You don't want people restricting your choices, so you mustn't restrict those of others... most especially small people and women, that you think just need a little reinforcement from the "righteous" mind... lol. You know what I am noticing, lol? I am noticing that not a lot of people have asked what Mike Tyson thinks, lol? Yeah, Mister Mike what do you think about people getting slapped in front of other people, lol? That's violence boys... there's always a bigger fish. Even Mike, maybe ESPECIALLY Mike is succeptible to crowds taking away his power. Will Smith is like that now, people wanting to take away his power. Are they righteously wanting to stop all violence in the hoods? Are they willing to pay higher taxes to raise more police so there is an officer walking or riding nearby that you can flag down? No, they are just attacking what's attackable. Much like MY life, people have been attacking me because I'm attackable, not because they actually think that I am some violent out of control guy or a guy that can't hold his liquor or his mouth... they just meet me with violent words or rumor because they know I won't talk bad about anyone. It's probably worse for Will Smith now to have been violent in public but not actually be violent... so now it's ok to get his goat from time to time to SHOW him you aren't afraid... and shit. This leads me to the crux of my message today is that there are those that WORK for the other side. You might think this other side is another country or another dimension or maybe it's aliens, but no, this other side is simply people that work earning illegal money. They all talk to each other. Just like OF COURSE black people all know each other, if you look closer, if you THINK about it at length you can see that IF black people were all criminal... they would know each other. And that's where that comes from I think. Criminals are all just "surviving" like as though the FBI were after black people so now it's ok to "survive" and break the law and form gangs or resistance. Well, I'm here to tell you it's NOT all black people, and it's not illegal aliens, and it's not all Indian people. If you do illegal activity, you got a "place" somewhere and everyone THERE, translation: God/everyone doing illegal activity... knows your name, which reminds me of a certain show about a bar... what a COINCIDENCE. Ok I'm out of energy again, it happens more now as I am must older but you can see that if I say too much you will stop wanting to work and will start to wonder why the REAL retards are running everything so... let me stop, lol. Now, remember that the truth is all powerful ok? Even though people can kill you or take your children almost immediately, our God... OUR God is all powerful.. but it's going to take time to do it right, that's what justice is, it's slow... vengeance is FAST, like Will Smith, and justice is slow. That said keep in mind that he had a limited time to act, I mean did he know he would get the chance to apologize by winning the Oscar? Did he know that Chris Rock would come back and apologize later on his own before leaving? Did he know that people would help Chris to apologize before it was too late? Of course not. You see, IF he had left that show without striking him, and IF Chris didn't apologize before it was too late, and IF he didn't win the Oscar where he would have been able to speak publicly... his life might have continued but his soul would be damaged, his kids would be damaged, his wife would be damaged, he would have to sit there with people saying I would have done this this this and you DIDN'T... for the rest of his life.. Do you see that? Do you see how that works? Our soul is our sum of knowledge. What we put in there is what you should be prepared to deal with for... the... rest... of... your ... life... Am I ok with having watched porn? Yes, several people have told me that it's better to be single than with a bad person and as you can see sometimes being with SHAZAM has it's problems. And I had my problems and so I watched porn to curtail that but -wow, this is taking me somewhere but I have to talk about it- masturbation has its own problems. Masturbation is not where society should go, if I convinced you to all stop seeking women and men, society ceases to function, because there are no children right? and really it's like work right? you have to WANT to be there, type of thing. Sidenote, my computer just crashed a bunch of my stuff so this last sentence is not nearly as clear as when PROPHECY comes out of my head like it does sometimes straight onto the page. But on the other side of that is having two women. You have to be able to dominate them and then they sit there and take it. That's like whores... no, it IS whores, and whereas masturbation leads to idleness, whores lead to violence, and violence leads to DEATH... so these backwards countries might have a point sometimes. It's like to hijaab or not to hijaab... of course having said that, I realize that they kill their gays which is completely proving my point that there are always people claiming to be righteous but what they DO is just attack what's attackable. This is missing so much stuff but I'm tired now, and hard to remember all my points once they've come out of my head and been crashed.

ps. People in a marriage are still trapped. That's why they need chapel and lists of other people and stimulation. I mean, you should only BE with one woman but you should have a backup and so should she right? Because choice right? Instead of choice , there is domination... trapped, you see that now? Don't do what I say, think for yourself what you want and listen to the Diary of Jane song, lol. A solution is to both get fat, that worked for me when I wanted too much sex but then it became OBVIOUS that it was because she was fat that I was getting fat and then she lost weight ok sidetracked but still probably true. As you might guess being with me is a FULL TIME job, I'm gonna get bored and gonna yell and bitch and you are gonna want to cheat on me and you PROBABLY will if I ever get the planets to align to allow me another girlfriend, but with experience come lessons and you or we... can expect Will Smith not to do that again, although people will SAY that he needs to lawyer up and spend money on gangs and protection and maybe even do a movie on some charity that no one had heard of in a while simply because...witchcraft.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Judge Dredd


I read my recent blogs and I am surprised that I am such a good writer but it's been at least a year since I wrote and this all due in part to my sister adding her hatred to the neighbor's and the church person's and it came to a head as my video game did their usual thing of skewing the "reality" and making me think that I was getting treated differently which in the world of lag, and cheat codes and developer's backdoors is a reality. 
I am required to catch up all those missing months and check to see what I was doing and you have to understand how TERRIBLE it was what my sister did.  It was terrible.  You can only do those to a person a finite number of times, it you get me and a lesser person, a lesser PERSON, would have not kept a handle on it. 

Right now, I am watching Sarah K and Sarah E and just playing Destiny 2 and Diablo 3 and I am kind of sad I don't watch CNN anymore.  I don't have it on cable anymore for various "reasons" that probably includes undue influence about what was happening.  But I am nothing if I don't have the "patience of an angel". 

My latest problems don't include anything special.  I get sick once in a while.  We all know about the plague but I just get sick once in a while and I assume it's the plague in small doses.  I never used to get sick but now once in a while it happens.  I have stopped brushing my hair and my brother says that now that it has looped on itself several times and I groom it and wash it as a clump and not as individual hairs, he said that that is called Dredds.  And he said that that's where we get the word Dredlocks and since I have only one, it's called a Dredd.

So that means I am something close to Judge Dredd.


ps. no matter what you just said... "I KNEW you'd say that"

Sunday, November 01, 2020



So long ago there was an old lady that lived in a shoe she had so many kids she didn't know what to do. 

You know, when you go to a Baptist High School and then to a Baptist College, you'd think people would be like THIS guy will never buy drugs.  They should say that to themselves.  It should be like WHY IN THE HELL would I try to sell this guy drugs.  

Ok, so long story short we are going to talk about the machine today.  You see long ago I knew there would not be a retirement for me.  I don't know why but I knew.  I even told my sister one day out in front of a bunch of twenty-somethings that ALREADY hated my guts that they would try to capture me one day because I was smart and that they would trap me somehow, because I couldn't understand why they disliked me so much even though they didn't know me.  

Well, that's really the point isn't it?  If they KNOW you they own you, and if they DON'T know you, they NEED to own you.  It's all a matter of scaring you enough that they feel safe around you and if they don't feel safe they continue to scare you until you are "broken".  

Now, long story short I am never broken because in my head I know that all things heal like the spirit and the hands and even the tooth, but my broken tooth is taking quite a while to heal and ... has actually broken several times more and I'm pretty sure it's never going to be a full tooth again.  

But about other things I feel pretty good.  Now, keep in mind that even after she made friends with people and we all got along ok, NO ONE was trying to sell me drugs.  I even let them know that I was kicked out of the Marine Corps at some point so you'd have to be a FOOL to try to sell a SOLDIER some drugs, even if I wasn't a soldier at that point.  

But years went by.

At some point, I figured my greatest disgrace was that whole Marine Corps thing so I kept a humble soul towards people hoping they'd never find out the story and really just trying to prove that I was brave somehow.  

I remember trying to re-enlist and they took a day to look at it and then gave me this SOULFULL look like "this guy?" and told me no.  

At the time, I remember sitting with this girl that looked like Cheryl Tiegs.  A REALLY pretty girl that I was surprised I had the courage to sit next to at lunch and we talked for several days and maybe weeks at certain times but since she told me she had a boyfriend I never pushed it further and one day she got sick of it and stopped seeing me and I honestly NEVER saw her again.  It was very strange because I think she must have quit college or something but I didn't know her classes so it's not like I could figure out where she was if she wanted to hide.  Well, it was around that time that I thought to re-enlist and thinking back about some things now, I wonder if that's what happened, someone told her my story.  

Well, I will talk about that some other day since I have many stories but today I want to talk about the Presidents.  I think people don't understand things until they have it all put in front of them and even though it seems like THERE'S the water and HERE'S the land, they don't think it's possible for a crocodile to be there so close to land right?  

Ok, so when you are at the bar you have to keep in mind not to make deals with people and why would I? I have a job and a place to live and parents that looked up to me and a whole lot of things and stability that if I was in trouble I would find ways to support myself BOY I am getting off track...

Trump said he would build a wall and people thought that was stupid.  It was like OMG he is wasting money to build the wall and after he got money from the military and moved the military out there I was like THAT'S what I want, WHAT is so hard about moving the military to the wall?  Why don't people get that?  But it's apparent to me now that he is just a puppet and that all those people were just puppets.  They don't have real power.  One time there was this guy standing behind President Reagan and he was telling him what to do and people are like what was THAT?  Well, that was the guy responsible for lowering TAXES on the rich from 80% to 30% or so.  It was a move so awful that if you showed it to people in college today they'd stop going to college.  Well, that's what the tax cut Trump did was like.  A really ridiculous move made worse by a second person that "puppets" like he doesn't get it.  

Now it seems to me all the more obvious that Biden is another cut off the cuff with that grain.  He is just going to "puppet"what the corporations and the machine wants and do as much as people will push for to keep social security and medicare.  But we can all see that those are very different pushers.  The corporate pushers always show up.  It's their job 24/7 to call Congress and send them protection money and keep them happy and figure out what to do with all that extra while regular people pushers have faith that the system and the people elected to it are working in their interests... and don't show up.   

And what's worse is that he is a Democrat.  Those guys speak a good game and then deliver another.  But it all really depends on the person.  I for one believe that if the person says something often enough to themselves they will believe it and THAT'S what we need.  Even if it's stupid I NEED YOU TO SAY THE WORDS.   I know it's all a machine that swallows what's tasty and spits out what's used up but I need you to say you don't know that and that you are going to walk across the coals and bring back help from across the lava... JUST SAY IT.  

As you can guess my spirit is just about spent.  I took several months off from writing the blog while my sister moved in and her harassment in tandem with my already worked up mood from church and the neighbors really pushed me over.  She would cough at me so much even after I got angry that it takes everything I have to recover myself from not doing something physical.  And what's even more sad is to have to think back about ALL THOSE PEOPLE that coughed at me over the years... THIS is what they wanted all along.  Such terrible people, to just despirit me, to break me down, that was their goal.  They wanted to see a day where I would be afraid... of their coughing.   

Long pause.  You know sometimes when I'm down, I think about someone beautiful and wonder if I just didn't have courage, which I know can't be true because NO ONE beautiful has ever been single or not married or even available.  I was SUPREMELY popular in high school and college, though still weird but never unattractive and all of that went away here in Jacksonville... and now in these days of melancholy I think back about HOW LONG has my sister been working with terrible people.  Has she known or not known about all of this STUFF happening to me, because I personally thought I caused it all myself and was protecting them, my sister and brother, from my "tactiful" people but it doesn't seem that way anymore and I am forced to wonder how long ago, did they start their war against me... without telling me.  

Did they actually let their OWN father die? What are you convincing me of exactly?

I remember taking one of her "friends" to a corporate party and he drove a Jaguar and I thought I brought some CLASSY people with me, don't I look good with all these good-looking friends on the cuff.  Later she and my brother were hired there as they asked people to sign up relatives if they knew them, as long as they could pass the drug test and mental tests.  I remember later how they lost their jobs, my brother over some stupid lie his wife told him to use and my sister because she got sick from a roach infestation at her trailer.  What a stupid way to lose your job by the way but if she's like me, and she is, she probably stubbornly thinks that was natural and that NO WAY did someone do that purposefully.  And now thinking back about it, I am almost sure they did.  They cost her her job and then she got her job at Liberty something something Medical Supplies... and met her "friend" that is now her ex-husband's wife and met her other friends.  

People are like NO WAY did they have our names on playing cards 20 years ago, but I am almost sure that they did.  Just like in Training Day where the guy says "I know all the players".  Nobody good cares who gets elected but those "corporate" people, they care and they show up EVERY TIME to push Congress in their direction.  It's their everyday job to do that if they can.  Well, I can't even make sense of what I was writing about today, I just know I have to catch up somehow or I will fall into confusion. Not the good confusion where you don't pick sides but you are at the center of it all.. but the other confusion where you don't pick sides... but no one cares... because you are out. 

Friday, June 26, 2020

The flat Earth


In the beginning the world was round.  It was from here to there and at some point some young guy would test that theory and "race the Sun!" as it were and maybe keep the sun to his left... and then he would realize "hey, the earth is round!"

But at some point, people stopped speaking English.  When you STOP speaking English you START speaking a different language.  That's when you know you are no longer in Kansas... or at the center of all things... btw Kansas is the center of the country and I'm sure that wasn't just a co-incidence that they chose Kansas as a "home" point for Wizard of Oz.  And like most movies, it covers all the bases and you could literally do up the Bible with just verses from the movie.  What bothers me is that SO MANY writers know what they are writing about but no one tells you how this applies.  No one explains things.

So when you started speaking this other language you stopped caring about the "there" in "here to there".  You no longer wanted to "go there" get it?  You had boundaries and the young people were told that outside this place there be dragons or some such.

Today's message, (and since I am missing a month then this month you get two) is about the flat earthers and HOW can they be right.  And I will tell you this, by the way, that they are right.

The Earth is flat.

Now remember in the Wizard of Oz where as soon as Dorothy lands her house falls on the Witch of the East.  Well, that tells you something.  The sun rises on the east you see.  A long time ago, I wondered about a saying called "the four corners of the Earth" and "the four winds" and always it seemed to me that these people thought the Earth was flat or something.  But the reality is that the Earth is always flat.  You live in a community of people that all look out for each other and tell on each other and guard each other and trust each other.  The sad part about this is that as a child you are simply told to trust everyone.  That the country has a border but there is no danger of a takeover or something because it's so far away.  Ok I am losing my point, but every city has four corners and as such they must have four gatekeepers of knowledge or of rumors.  I would call these people witches but really they are just magic-users.  All magic is simply hate.  If we love each other and always tell the truth there can BE no magic but as we risk and as we exaggerate and as we sell ourselves to women or to jobs, therein lies a great deal of magic that can be used and abused. Therefore, it seems PERHAPS OBVIOUS TO ME NOW that there must be FOUR witches for every city.  Four gatekeepers that absorb all of the knowledge to keep the people at the center safe.  It's like that guy in the Matrix, the Merovingian or whoever who said "It's my business to know"... he's the witch of the East or something... it's his job to know what people want or plan or need.  He's the gatekeeper.  So naturally there are FOUR of them and how lucky were you before reading this that you DIDN'T know that.  The opposite of four is SEVEN, lucky number seven... is that co-incidence that SEVEN is lucky and FOUR is the "crossed-roads"?  I don't think so, thanks for playing... now you know TOO MUCH, lol.

Well, what is even more co-incidental is the logic box, the one that has lawful good people to the north, chaotic evil its opposite, and lawful evil people and chaotic good people at the other directions.  It's strange yes that one of the witches is a good witch?  But it's not so strange if it's intentional in the movie, so that there are ALWAYS unicorns, demons, devil, and angels... all witches, all magic-users... that corral knowledge like money hoarded by a "dragon".  With the "cryptic" wizard at the center yeah?  The "one to rule them all" or some such... Did you think dragons were not real?  Lol, well, now you know how people can afford to sit around all day long riding bikes and driving cars and harassing people on Twitter and they don't even have jobs.  They work for dragons... or witches... but some of them are good and some are NOT so good.  Theoretically the wicked witch of the West would be the one that was Chaotic Evil since she had monkeys as slaves.  So the other two would be Lawful Evil and then the Chaotic Good witch... which would perhaps be a unicorn or something.

So at some point people realized that the Earth was flat and then science taught them the Earth was round again... because people figured out that CONTROL was wrong...

So now you have to ask yourself... is the Earth round? Are you being controlled?  You can bet your city is in some sort or fashion, and I used to think it was just me and it was just my situation but it's not, it's a MACHINE... meant to filter stuff through these gatekeepers maybe for safety but mostly for the benefit of the people at the center, the HALO people, the inner circle, the EYE or the hurricane.

This reminds me of Pac-Man, right?  And if there was a Pac-Man or something like "The Running Man" movie happening in Jacksonville (doesn't remind me of anyone) then he would be getting chased by four ghosts, right?  The Shadow ghost would be the wicked witch of the West, and the other three, Pokey, Speedy, and Bashful, would be the gatekeepers of the other directions.  Of course, those are no longer "good" witches if those are scary "ghosts" so... there.

Ok, last thought, at the center of all things is the throne.  A man's home is his castle and right at the center of it is the throne room right? The toilet is the throne.  Now what we all must agree on is, if it's better to have the inner circle have NOTHING in it or if it's better to have SOMETHING in it.

Did that humor fall "flat"?

PS. You know it's possible that no one hears a tree falling in a forest... that's why it's important to connect with the people RIGHT THERE in front of you... or report them as hostile... just saying'.  That's why it doesn't MATTER if the Earth is round, YOU have four corners to you. 

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Nature finds a way


I was going to start this with an interesting word about haircuts but I forgot what it was... oh, that's right.  There was once a barber that asked me how I wanted my hair done.  I was at the mall all excited to pay someone to cut my hair and by the way, it's nice to be OUT in front of everyone with a new haircut and shopping and being a part of the community, isn't it?  Well, that day I remember it was a guy and he was kind of skinny but I forgot his face and he asked me what I wanted and I said something like "I don't know, short".  So OUT came the clippers and he was done in less than 5 minutes.  The receptionist saw it and suppressed her laugh and I could tell he had done me a "special" that was not in keeping with standards but YOU KNOW, if you don't know what a good haircut is, you kinda can't complain.  And that's what's wrong with staying silent.  You can't complain if you don't know what's happening.  
Some time later, see this is the part that I forgot, I did the same thing to someone else and now I forgot what it was... well, there was this one time that my girlfriend scratched her nails on my back.  I had sores because I had a little bit of psoriasis and I liked to scratch right there and since SHE was the one full of secrets I am pretty sure she thought that I was cheating on her or that my "other girlfriend" was sending her a message.  To put a cherry on it, she liked to "exclaim" her passion... right into my ear... almost to the point of it bursting.  She did this several times and I don't remember how I put up with it but eventually IT went away.  
The N-word or nigger, which is what someone called a slave back in "nigger" times, is called a forbidden word because just like this "assault" did to me, it stopped me from sending her "messages" and so like a whip, it CAN be used to immediately tell a black person to "sit down"... like a dog.  This also lends to why we don't want Mexicans in our country.  If they "act like a dog" in their country, what are they teaching us when they get here?  Do they think, "what nice people I will be nice now"?  Or do they think STUPID PEOPLE, everyone knows you'd better watch out or you're gonna get owned.  You ever ask yourself about that, by the way, what's so special about BROOKLYN or DA BRONX or QUEENS or NEW YORK?  Are they MORE civilized and therefore worthy and attractive and deserve our BEST people to go move there?  Or is it some amazing miracle that you survived the GANGS of NY?  Is it like MEXICO?  

"What are you convincing me of exactly?" - Kill Bill

Anyways, the real point is is that a forbidden word, is a detriment to our youth just like defacing statues and staying silent.  I might have a HUGE thing to tell you all but if I stay silent I am complicit... just like that cashier lady that knew some people would wonder why I paid for a "sub-standard" haircut, and most definitely the barber that perpetrated something uncalled for.  And notice also how if you rotate the N and then flip it, from the N-word you get the S-word.  I have noticed with directions that if you do that to North you get South. I have wondered about it often and it doesn't matter which direction you rotate THAT letter.  The E in East you rotate it clockwise to get the W.  Why?  I don't know.  It's almost like a logic square where North would be the Lawful Good and South would be its opposite, Chaotic Evil.  Now I have a new understanding of Chaotic Evil since I have always thought to myself HOW can there be a Demon Prince like Demogorgon and Orcus... and there be order?  Why don't the demons just run around like crazy and eat each other?  I mean they hurt each other (Evil) and they have no rules (Chaos) so how can there be a PRINCE of Demons?  Well, because that's what Chaotic Evil is... is slavery.  Slaves are constantly wanting to break free of their master.  They cannot be predicted.  And since that is the lot of their kind, I wonder if that's what people think of ME is that I'm a slave.  IF so, there are a LOT of slaves out there... trust me on this. And they are ALL chaotic evil.  And if the slaves are Chaotic Evil... then the MASTERS are Chaotic Evil because just as "I won't do what they told me" (famous song lyric) the masters don't want me explaining the fact that I am being forced to "do what they told me".   

And this is why ALL THOSE ILLEGALS don't realize what waits for them in this country.  They are expecting Utah, but are gonna get "do what they told me" and if they are 5 percent of what Mexico is, they are just gonna dominate unsuspecting Christians/Mormons that confess their souls to God... and are too humble to start their own business... and go to the police... and call their lawyer... and form a Chamber of Commerce where we all talk about price-fixing... and worry about the Mexican mafia ... WHOA lol, how'd we...OHHHH we brought it with us... fear.  

Ann Coulter... I will leave it there.  

What if there is not a SINGLE OTHER PERSON that will talk about illegal immigrants and PHILOSOPHICALLY speaking explain what that means, to say nothing of the fine research she must be doing in her books to "explain things".  
Now I will be the first one to tell you that my job as customer service was as a diplomat.  I explain things and then as a supervisor I make what's possible, possible.  

Diplomacy = the art of the possible

Now AnnCoulter's one job is to sell books... and books "explain things" she doesn't realize she is on the verge of evolving to a diplomat but that kind of shuts off the MONEY she is getting ... and it kinda SHUTS HER UP... lol, so yeah, maybe being a politician or a diplomat(like me) is not a worthy goal... a lot less money there... TRUST ME on this.  

I was going to say a word about Michael Jackson, who in my view tried his darndest to do what people wanted of him.  Did he know he was the center?  Did he understand that not everyone was being honest?  Did he understand that the liars ORGANIZE?  Probably not.  And then a doctor did something terrible to him... I don't know what and I don't wanna know but when you HANG ON to rumor you are bound to have secret things happen to you.  Switcheroos will happen.  You might have a secret drug and then it gets switched(witched) on you or you might have a secret "thing" that happened and ALL your life's work is trashed. I looked up to Michael Jackson quite a bit growing up.  I know what it's like to constantly impress people and use that and impress people some more and use that and try too hard.  I never got money for it but that was my "humble-ness" talking.  My happiness came from leading others, either to try Karaoke or to come out to the bars or to try a pool tournament, all of that was community service done without a LICK of reward.  In fact you could say I spent time PLOWING money into bars just so that I could impress people... and I was hoping someone would notice at SOME point, that I was single.  

Ok, I don't want to finish that point because it's too terrible but notice a thing about Superman's curl, it's always a backwards S.  Together with the S that makes a Yin Yang!  Is that a stretch ... lol, well maybe.  But one thing is for sure is that Superman is the bringer of the apocalypse.  If we need Superman?  Superman shows up... if there were no problems there would be no Superman, I hope you guys can see that.  That's why we have elected officials and police under that command of elected officials.  And yet that can all go south, so like an angel, sent from God, like a SOLAR, (a very powerful Omega-level being from Dungeons & Dragons) he fixes what needs fixing.  

So does anyone have any idea what the S on Superman's chest stands for?  

You get three guesses... 

Sunday, May 31, 2020



I have always wanted to date a blue-eyed redhead perhaps because my first girlfriend had big blue eyes.  Or perhaps I should say the first girl I lived with.  My best friend for a while, who was Irish, said that blue eyed redheads or "gingers" as I have come to understand is what they get called were naturally attracted to brown eyed brown headed people, like he was.  And which is also what I am.  

Now, there are some REALLY I mean HUh-really good-looking gingers out there like Jessica Chastain and Emily Blunt I suspect and Zooey Deschanel... I suspect, I'm sorry that's just funny thinking about, lol but yeah I wonder if (in my dreams) somewhere there is this island of beautiful women and they are like "where were YOU"?  And I MISSED OUT!

But my old me, knows that what I really should do is bond with someone of my OWN race.  Now I don't think I am against Mexican people or Black People or Asian People but if you come at me that I am racist because I won't have one of these types of children I have to say I would not have a ginger's baby ... so there... don't make me... and I don't wanna... she better not be good-looking... whoever you set me up with that is a blue-eyed redhead... lol.

But in keeping with that trope, I need to have children from a brown eyed brown haired girl to propagate my "species" if you will.  So whenever I see a really good-looking brown eyed brown haired girl I get excited especially IF they do NOT look
like one of my relatives.  So naturally you might think Erin Burnett and Ann Coulter are immediately out but you know... not so much... lol... again it's a tentative racism if you will.
But Rachel Maddow and Anna Kendrick and Kate Beckinsale all have to know "it's like that" if they ever catch my stare lol.  They are ON my LIST.

Ok so enough about that.  My purpose today is to point out that women are becoming a "thing" of the past for me.  I once pointed out to "someone special" that my needs were wearing off and that it would be just a few years left before my desire left me and I think I am almost there.  After my sister blasted me out of existence for inquiring about her past too much or after maybe venting about the videogame too loudly while she was next door, well my spirit is damaged.  I don't FEEL excited anymore like I used to.  I don't even blog like I used to and I used to want to start a YOUTUBE and now it's meh... people won't watch and if I start to see how they aren't paying me I might not want to support "fiends".
That brings up another "feature" about me I wanted to end with is it's important to me who I work for.  At Citibank I was more or less the James Comey of Citibank.  Everyone was pretty much in agreement that there was NO WAY I should still be on the phones.  And by that standard I was happy that I was supporting all of these people by sacrificing myself so that they would be happy in their jobs.  I was of course Lawful and Good in what I did and now alone and suspecting my siblings of "questionable things" I wonder WHO is worthy to be my wife?  Who is worthy to have me work for them?  Who is worthy enough for me to be in their city?  Lmao, you think?  Well, that's my dilemna now I want to explain things and now that I actually know a lot I have the ability to explain a great many things and start my own church.  I wonder if that's what the problem was with that church is that I was too much a leader type.  I push.  I want to know they are clear in their thinking and when they are not right I can't put up with it.  At Citibank I had that a lot but I put up with it because I just weyleyed people with my reputation.  There are amazing things I did for the company that followed me around in my days at Business Card and it colored me as someone unquestionably sincere when it came to the ethics of me.

Now, I have made mistakes but it doesn't change me.  I figure those out and STOP doing those.  Ok, now because of the recent video of George Floyd, which was the name of this famous hurricane that led a LOT of people to leave northeast Florida, there is a lot of unrest and protesting going on but I also believe that it will pass.  I don't want a violent neighborhood but there must be an accountability of "control" that is abused.  There must be control but too much and there is no freedom.

I have not had a lot of freedom but I daresay I sort of diminished reality so that I understood it to mean I was retired but it is apparent to me now that people intend for this to continue... that I will be harassed if I try to get a job... if I try to speak to lawyers... if I try to speak to groups of people... online...

That is GOING to happen and it's going to be terrible if you try to stop me... I will leave it there. 

PS. Can you feel all these women coming OH SO CLOSE to reaching out to me to become my soul mate... yeah... so brave... (hint: 50 vs 1, that's not bravery) 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Ascend my children


So here at the ass end of the world people think that pornography is a bad thing but before I stopped watching porn I never fantasized about real people.  And the actors that I did fantasize about never in my wildest dreams would I comment on them because that was private.  But here we are and somehow I have broken my addiction to porn because I am now attending church and what do I find at the church?  I find that I might as well have been watching porn this WHOLE time since 2016 because it was all a WASTE.  

However, let me take this opportunity to thankfully THANK them for making what I thought was obvious to everyone, that prostitutes are a bad thing, even MORE obvious to everyone.  Now, for some people there won't be anything after prostitutes because they are too easy and regular women are too hard, and it's not that they are hard but once you have a taste for easy... it's just like in the movie The Edge, which I have mentioned before, a bear that kills a man becomes a "maneater" and will never truthfully hunt again.  Men are simply easier to kill and they probably taste sweet AF, like Richard Marx likes to put it.  Such is the way of having sex with prostitutes.  Now the whole time I have been here I haven't paid for sex but I don't treat people or even say the word prostitute in public.  As people are wont to do, if you call yourself a prostitute then now it's ok for me to say it but not until then.  Now I have the unique experience to have slept with maybe someone, my first, that was easy to get into bed in New Orleans.  Later, when I went to college I found that place FILLED with attractive girls except they all wanted marriage before sex.  And even though I now agree with that, I have to say that it wasn't how I was brought up in New Orleans.  In the city most people there, albeit common people at the apartment complex and otherwise were sneaking around trying to figure out who they liked and how they were gonna have sex.  Too many people... plus I know my sister snuck out at night and if you think about a little girl out at night in a city as big as New Orleans you have to wonder just how we ended up as normal as we are... ya, maybe she's not normal, BUT she's here, she's a person, and she's never been terrible to people that weren't terrible to her... until recently.  

Ok, so to hurry this up along, instead of talking about married women next, what I want you all to do is to ASCEND MY CHILDREN (also "Ass-End" my children, hey thanks for saying ass SE, lol, now I can say it but only once) to the next level and I am going to do that by explaining the days of the week to you.  I KNOW I have a "captive" audience now that all of you are nice and stuck in your houses due to the coronavirus and by that measure I should give you my 10/10 sermon today with a full 3 hours of editing and pitch-perfect picture selection so that the message stays with you a LONG while.  

Ok so, we all know Monday is the day of the Moon, ok wait, so Sunday is the day of the Sun.  Now remember this is all opinion and you came to me to read this PLUS you are not paying me so take all your doubts and GET IT or don't, but don't fault me for screwing up your beliefs.  

Ok so Sunday is the day of the sun and like many like to put it it is also the day of the son of God.  This as opposed to the Moon which comes one day later right?  So it's like a Yin Yang, Sunday and Monday and there is even debate about which of those is the first day of the week since one is reality and the other is belief.  If you worship the night you sort of worship reality and God IS often black, and Jesus is belief and if you worship the "light" you usually mean Jesus or some such.  

Tuesday as many people have researched is Tews' day but I'm not here to quote things I'm here to tell you MY WAY of thinking.  So like the planets are named, so are the days of the week.  Do you see that?  Seven days of the week representing the seven heavenly bodies or the "stars that move" in the sky.  
So Tuesday is named after Mars.  I have told my siblings this in the past that it's easy to remember what day or mood you should be in by the day of the week and that each day is represented by planets so Tuesday in Spanish is Martes and the Spanish word for Mars is Marte, so Tuesday is the day of War.  

Wednesday is actually Miercoles in Spanish which makes NO SENSE since it's supposed to be named after Mercury BUT actually the word translates as Odin's day or the ALL-Fathers day.  People get married on Wednesday often for some reason... just putting that out there, and Sarah, just keep in mind I'm in love with someone else, she knows who she is and she's married but I am willing to settle for someone else... what?  

I know, I'm TOO HONEST people!  THANKFULLY that wears off... maybe.

Ok so, Thursday is Thor's day.  This one is not hard but the planet it translates to is Jupiter.  Jueves is the Spanish word so saying it in Spanish easily reminds you which planet but if that is true then Thor is GOD and Odin is like the holy spirit or something... hey, I don't get paid.  

Friday is Viernes and whatever that means turns into Venus day.  Again, it makes sense to me... shaddap.  

Saturday is the day of the sabbath and I think everyone knows that it is the day of Saturn, who is the god of wine.  Norse...what norse?  Where? 

Ok so, as we have seen this convoluted mess only makes sense to me but I will explain it so that it makes sense.  Now I got this idea from the poem of Solomon(nice name) Grundy which was in the movie The Accountant which is an awesome movie that unnaturally describes someone "special" that somehow functions in the world... and whose father dies... Anna Kendrick is in it, looking hot, as one does...

The poem is as follows:

Solomon Grundy,

Born on a Monday,

Christened on Tuesday,

Married on Wednesday,

Sick on Thursday,

Worse on Friday, 

Died on Saturday,

Buried on Sunday,

And that was the end, of Solomon Grundy.

That's the poem but I don't like it. You can't be born on a Monday plus there is no re-birth in that poem.  It doesn't explain life like I am about to explain it to you and it ends rather badly... plus no Anna Kendrick... that's, actually not a part of it.  

Ok so in MY poem, that's actually not a poem since it's gonna be a sermon,  you are born on a Sunday.  This is the son of God.  We are all children of God as we can make no decisions and we are not held to account for ANY lies or misdeeds since you don't understand things yet.  All of your childhood you can say is your Sunday PART of your life.  Only after that can you continue to Monday.  
On Monday, you hit 18.  Reality.  What you do stays with you.  You have credit, you can be arrested, and you can have sex with anyone and people don't think you are crazy, unless they are married but that's some really good sex let me tell you lol... ya if you don't think that is funny, then let's see, what would Anna Kendrick say... hmm?  

This reality is like worshiping the devil or the actual God or the Moon.  You have believed in God as a child and you are told about God or Santa Claus or maybe you are a child of Fat Jimmy's clan and you worship Fat Jimmy?  Well, at 18 you realize Fat Jimmy is not made of money and that you are expected to work to support yourself... have a nice life.. get the eff out there.  

At some point, Tuesday comes along.  You question reality.  We all do.  Right around 30 you realize, as I did right around 2000 when the planes hit the towers, that WOW I am missing it.  There are some VIOLENT people out there somewhere and I wasn't told.  It's time to wrestle with who or what you are.  Are you a soldier, a noble, a citizen?  It's time to figure out like in Lucy whether you will reproduce or become famous... and lead others.  Preachers lead others, sure they can have children too but it's probably not a good idea, imo.  If you do you can, I mean it's POSSIBLE, to put your child's needs ahead of society ok?  Ok so it's POSSIBLE you are doing this if you lead a group of people but you also have children.  Ok that's enough of that... don't want some of you regretting you had children... and then somehow making me a villain in this whole thing... right?  We can't have that... RIGHT?

On Wednesday, it's time to get married.  Now Odin is the fake father or the fake God.  We realize once we are married that we had better for the sake of the country start believing in God again so we force it.  Ya, just what I said we FORCE it.  Now the church that I go to does NOT believe.  They are as MOVIE church as a movie church gets.  They are talking to the cops and gangsters and GOD KNOW WHO but they are violent right in the middle of their sanctuary.  It might as well be a gazebo in there with a bucket of water and a pulley for baptisms.  That's WHO THEY ARE.  But that's where I am now, that's where we all are in the community is trying to understand "what will happen".  I sure hope they don't make plans because yeah, that's just NOT learning anything... that's like taking off your shoe so you can kick me with your bare foot.  

Thursday is Thor's day,  the fake son.  After fake believing in God it's time to fake believe in Jesus.  We know that in our 40s our time on this Earth is at twilight.  For the sake of the children, it's time to get to a church.  Even if you don't believe it's time to simply join up with the community for protection from "diseased" people who think it's ok to lie all of the time and "it is what it is" while not explaining IT.  Now it's not a sin to fake believe.  I have faith that the main pastor believes but that his backup "needs help" but that's because he doesn't do any preaching.  It's obvious to me he has the skills but he doesn't practice them. But if you practice believing you end up doing it by accident and then it's like riding a bike, you just have to keep trying and soon you "get it".  It's like in Batman Begins where Alfred tells Bruce if you try to have fun you might have some "by accident" or something like that.  

Ok and now at the end, in your 50s, you come to Friday or I should say me and Sarah come to Friday, the rest of you will probably be on Thursday the rest of your life but for me it's time to decide whether I will get married or go mad.  Friday is Venus day.  WHO will you grow old with?  And just a side note who will Bill Maher and Ann Coulter grow old with? lol. It's depressing but you know it's coming, the weakness, the disdain from others, the unattractiveness, the lack of people wanting to help you or even caring if you are in pain... that's old age.  What will you do?  What are you even planning?  

Saturday is the day of madness.  Saturn is the God of Wine and drinking wine makes you unsound of mind or mad.  In your old age, if you are dependent on someone else and you are unhappy you will go mad.  You'll be hurried even if you want to rest, you will have ambition but you won't be allowed to seek it, you'll be worried people will try to steal from you because ALL THIS TIME you didn't think people were like that... except that because of this sermon now you KNOW that they are.  

A few short months ago I was living off of VERY little money and in my meekness I sought to reset people's thinking about me and I failed.  The only thing I saw was people willing to FULLY bash and FULLY throw me out of the community.  I didn't sense acceptance or forgiveness or even remorse for TERRIBLE things that were done to my psyche.  I was almost forced to leave to whoknowswhere but what a blessing for others that would have been to just get me to leave after ALL the pain they inflicted on me.  Pain.  Hatred is Pain, do you all get it now?  What could be possibly so terrible that after 10 years of being at home you could STILL dislike seeing me walking around among you in the community?  

PS. It's not the rumor, it's the people spreading the rumor... do you all, see that?  Ok, and now where is the source of this rumor or CURSE ah, so now you "get it".  

And one more thing, when I started church I was trying to SKIP from what I knew from childhood back into belief, like going back into my childhood but with the church's help I KNOW now, what they know... you have to do the steps... like the days of the week... belief then REALITY then belief, not belief into belief.