Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

What is confused?

BLM:75 WHM:75 SMN:60 RDM:20 THF:75 WAR:75 DRK:75 RNG:58

Today I was sitting in my driveway at about 1opm and someone from two houses down turned his truck lights on to harass me. He must have been the one that kicked my dog and broke my passenger's side mirror on my other car because I went over there to talk to him and he clearly had some onus to take care of me and not listen to what I had to say. He simply knocked me down. I scraped my hand and my other hand slightly and I could have totally hit him with criminal charges but I just walked back to my house and counted my losses not the least of which was because I had had enough to drink at the bar, which had nothing to do with me being nice,lol.

Still I was surprised at what a small actual guy he was and how lucky he was not have hurt me. I often feel this way, outdone even though I am twice their size and twice their intellect, but still too kind to do enough. Nice huh. Well he's the one with the house and the girlfriend and I am the one that lives with my parents.

I hope he doesn't come over again and outsmart me by pushing my 73 year old dad over and knocking me down in my living room cuz then I would REALLY be confused!

I am going on vacation nevertheless; I dunno, if I start to kick ass I might actually start to like it, then I wouldn't be normal.