Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Wanna be me?

BLM:75 WHM:75 SMN:47 THF:75 WAR:74 RNG:44 DRK:26

Not a lot more going on. I am still losing my job. If you like being told you have one more chance to improve quality and then you get a zero so you know you are going to lose it but then you apply for a new position and get called for an interview and then get told sorry you are still not meeting quality but then get told you are moving to a new team which means you still have a chance but then get shipped off to the Mgrs office to explain why you keep "threatening" associates that harass you at work and wonder if tmw is even going to have anything positive come out of it, then you wanna be me. If you like going to the bar to do that same thing you have done for the last 10 years and honestly "in a retarded sort of way" believe maybe you will find a girl, then you wanna be me. If you like driving in a great car that has everything going wrong with it and know that it's gonna cost a crapload of money to fix even though you know you shouldn't fix it, then you wanna be me. If you like being out of breath cuz you smoke too much, then you wanna be me. If you like being fat and skinny in an "anima" sort of way, then you wanna be me.
On the other hand, at least I have money saved. I have great friends even if I don't hang out with them so much. I have a good time online and a good time just talking with ppl at the bar.
Count your blessings, I guess.