Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Big Bang Theory

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Today I saw a show that explained that red giants are what will happen to our sun, our source of light.

This will probably happen to William Shatner too because you know, he will die alone. In a larger vein, it is only those people that live alone that are truly in danger of death. You know who you are and I am definitely not talking about me sitting here writing all alone... no, not me, remember that everything I say applies to you guys!

In the show it states that the mass of the planet grows as the interior of the star becomes more and more dense. So it occurred to me that this is what happens to businesses seeking to increase value. They start off as a star.
Value mounts as more and more people bolster the business to be one of the placeholders that will sit back and collect the earnings as the idea starts to grow and become more popular. But there is only so much use for said idea and eventually the great Apple or IBM or Bell company has spread to all the corners of the known universe and that is when the company becomes a cow. Some call it the cash cow. There is no more increase in value. The stock you bought at $50, now worth $1000 no longer increases in value because frankly there is just no further interest in the idea. So the business expands. But at this point, noone is paying full price for something they can borrow or buy cheaper at one of the competitors who have begun to replicate your idea. All you get now is steady income from profits and pricing but you can no longer sell your stock for a higher price.
It's at this point that all capitalism is put into question. What should happen is that people should look to invest in other new ideas. Shareholders should manage the company like mayors do a city. The star should continue to maximize the amount of dust it takes in and regulate its output so as not to overextend itself. It should not grow larger.

But that's not what really happens. People running the company in their "duty" to maximize value, now start to cut jobs to make up for lost public interest. They start to buy other ideas and merge with those ideas in an effort to cover up the fact that their own idea just isn't going to ever be exciting again. They start to make up new ideas and treat those as the mission statement for the company, instead of accepting the fact that companies are just not supposed to last, just like people don't last. When the well dries up it's time to move.

The purpose of building a brand is to let people know whether you are reputable under your current leadership. You can't replace your BS CEO and terminate the staff and get sued for millions and keep calling yourself Citibank! That's like saying AT&T is the most successful company in the US. It shouldn't be allowed. When our CEO got replaced right then we should be required to change the name even to Citibankz, hah!

Anyway getting back to the what happens in companies. The rich people, seeing that their company is no longer increasing in value, sell their stocks and look to find other stocks that are on the uptake. But, this shouldn't happen. Selling your stock makes other people sell their stock. People should have a limited amount of times they can buy stock in their life and once that is used up, the company should fail before they are allowed to buy more stock.

So rich people get richer, companies and the people working them, get "sold out" for the purpose of getting more money. The educator-turned-greedy people that used to run the business are now replaced by the get-their-hands-dirty people that know what comes next.

It sounds evil. But this is what happens to a star. The few rich people eventually have so much money and the poor people getting fewer and fewer dollars in their attempt to become one of the rich people become so separated that its like a red giant that is about to explode into a supernova some say, but what happens is a collapse. People and companies become so unsystematic in their attempts to gather value, where there isn't any, that they turn on themselves.

In the end you have, like the show said, planets circling a mass of people that are just as rich but that bring no value to the universe.

No light.

In contrast, building a star is a lot like my theory on gangs. It makes sense to work together and if we are all just dust particles in this morass of energized particles, one day we decided to "hunt" for more particles. We search out and consume the powerless to feed ourselves. There's no order in a morass or even in a moron's ass but someone's gotta do something so we start our gang. We "spark" into a star to accelerate the consumption and to begin anew our search for order and what people will call prosperity.

But it's all hogwash isn't it. The more we grow, the more we must be taking from somewhere. Evil people like to wash their hands of their wrongdoings, much like Pilate washed his hands for crucifying Jesus. But we can't really just point these people out and say "I pop your head". Well I guess we can say that.

But consumption is not prosperity. Wait nevermind that.

We want our freedom to do what we want until that freedom starts to scare people. It's funny how much more safety is required once people start having their children. Now we don't need so much freedom, let's do away with drunk drivers, let's outlaw guns and lower the speed limit. Let's kill the single people over 40. Let's euthanize all animals not on a leash. And btw my kid was stung by a bee, noone's looking so let's get rid of em. In fact it's probably a good idea to go ahead and cut down all the trees cuz that's where pests come from. There's no roaches in Arizona I hear and Somalia definitely has no problem with those pesky flying roaches. Hmm let's see what do we kill next, Jews? Black people? Foreign bodies?

(edit: removed crude remark perhaps unfair to people with children)

It's nice to think about going off the deep end but the real danger in swimming is not that you can't stand in deep water but that you never learn how to swim. I guess both are true dangers.

Without trying new things, we get the same result, slavery. It's all that can happen. And as we keep on using electricity and gas and cut out the space program and stop allowing new people to immigrate to the US, we stop going into the pool.

Yeah, this means you. Not me, I of course don't make mistakes and my friends are waiting outside with a friendship bouquet as we speak!

How many accidents were going to happen anyway? I just watched a program about Vince Neil and his accident and wondered how someone going to the store could be hit by some people and then he had to pay them out like milllions of dollars, even though it was his passenger that was killed. He was drinking at the time.

Being drunk makes you not of sound mind. This is the best way to put it and it's something I didn't understand fully. If they break in for a burglary kill your daughter and wife and you are in the house and you were drinking, you lose. If you argue with your wife, you lose. If you are in the bar and anything happens, at all, you can sound as itinerate as Shakespeare in your argument but in the end the manager will be like, why so serious? Ya cuz if you drink, you have no rights. People are much nicer to say a 22 year old and allow him rights but noone tells you hey look out for that mean person on the bike cuz he had it done to him and he is going to do it to you Mr. "couple of beers". You can go out and see hundreds or people in a nightclub and wonder "do they know you can't do this and drive?!" Where are all the TAXIs?!

Florida law makes it illegal to be under any impairment while driving, look it up.

You can even see thousands of people at a football game and it doesn't occur to you that fully half those people are like "wow is anyone in the rich section drinking, oh boy!"

Anyway peace to the world and all.

Whew sidetracked. Well my main point is this. there was no big bang. Spark maybe but no bang. Like everything else, it is what it is, and always has been.