Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, March 08, 2012


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When I was a Junior in high school I had just left public school to start at a private baptist school. I placed first in a district rally in 9th grade and that allowed me to seek to run as president of the FBLA club.

When I went to private I thought I would run for class president. I would play tennis over the summer and my father liked to take me to the bowling alley to get himself a beer while I played video games. So it seemed logical to me to promise them a bowling league and tennis club. The election was one week later and even though I was new in class, I was elected the Junior class president.

About a week later the finest girl in the school sat next to me and made it obvious that she wanted to date me. It's about that time that I started to think that I was irresistable or at least that I was top tier stuff when it came to women.

The year didn't go so well though. I wasn't allowed to use the car to do what was required to start up the clubs I promised. The fund raising that was needed to raise money for our prom was up and down. I was able to score very well with alternative selling of gifts that made little money but when it came to selling M&Ms which made a lot of money, I sucked.

Later, it became obvious that they wanted to impeach me. The principal herself came into the class to ask if we had done anything to start planning the prom which was the Junior cabinet's responsibility and we had not. She asked the whole class why they had voted for me and I remember her saying that perhaps my election mirrored what really happens in real politics.

It was not my intention to deceive anyone but my actual follow through was not in sync with what I had planned to do as president.

I managed to wrangle staying president and remember wanting to leave that school with dignity so I was offered concurrent enrollment for my senior year. I thought it was a GREAT idea. So logical. I would leave with honor and still impress everyone by being in college. Since my birthday was later than August, I would be 16 when I started college. I thought I was pretty smart "cheating" my way past my senior year. (I really did have a good freshman year in college btw).

But some things I missed: socializing more, dating, talking about people to find out who was worth dating, getting laid at prom, taking a low class load to focus on socializing, and having a girlfriend.

I think that pretty much set me up for what happened the rest of my life. In an effort to get ahead I sacrificed a part of myself to look good.

So that's my personality, I am very impressive to look at but not very socially adept. I am woefully blunt and incredibly crass with sharp truths. It doesn't help that I have a baptist background and have spent most of my adult life hanging out at bars hoping to hook up with girls that I don't really have a lot in common with. Displaced. I don't like drugs or doing anything illegal and yet it seems I have the burden of being someone that does illegal things precisely because people have no trouble talking about me even though that is not something I can allow myself to do. Of course I have done illegal things, everyone has I guess once or twice, but it's like I have that bad form of being a vegetarian in a circle of meat eaters.

Well, it's time to stop that. My first 20 I spent becoming brilliant, my second 20 I spent ruining that, and now at 40 I guess my next 20 I should spend with my wife hopefully in some form of redemption for sliding all over the place for most of my life.

Problem is, there's no eligible women out there that are over 30 no kids, and as righteous and impulsive as I am. At least I don't think so.