Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

What does Syria and Godzilla...

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The situation in Syria is so similar to recent events that you wonder if what they need is a fresh perspective to gauge what must be done.

I am not in the practice of offering solutions because that frankly takes too long. But I am in the practice of rendering a problem to its functional parts.

When we go into a country to give soldiers weapons it's a lot like giving an assassin payment so that we don't have to do the dirty work. It's obvious now then that this is why this practice has failed so often. When there is a "secret" assassin, then the assassin has to be kept quiet, the money has to be justified and then rerouted, the person of contact has to have morals that are questionable but at the same time noble... which is a contradiction. He has to want to take out Syria but philosophically he knows that these weapons will be abused just as food to Somalia was abused. The warlords will take half the weapons give them out to fools that they send into battle that are perhaps too "noble" to be given command responsibility, and then sell the rest of them for the sake of their "gang". Lo and behold they soon run out and need more weapons because they are suffering "heavy casualties" that noone can ascertain.

Hmm, I think that about covers why we shouldn't give arms to rebels.

Should we send our soldiers there? Yep. Should they get combat pay and bone up their HALO skills with a bunch of drone ships and so what if we get some civilians because those are too stupid to stay inside till it's over? Yep. Will we save money doing it this way and in the process get some "police" and "politician" caliber brave souls that are somewhat above corruption? Yep. Do I sound like an incredible buffoon saying this?

I just watched Bill Maher last night and although I agree with a lot of what he says, to a great extent, but I don't think we should tell the world there is no god. You are gonna find that many people will look at the great men in their lives and wonder if they are corrupt and all too often they will say yes simply out of envy or out of a wish that they too were "born" into money, or simply out of a wish to have had more education. He did a skit on the poorest state in the union Mississippi (We used to spell this state as kids a lot because we could get away with saying PP). Poor people need money and with a bigger government, aka Democrats, they get more social programs which makes them richer. So it's backwards to think that Mississippi would go for Republicans, because Republicans = less government, less government = less regulation, less regulation = more monopoly yay!, more monopoly = hotels for rich people, poor people hoping to land on go to jail... with rich people not all that worried about it.

Was that enough to analyze the problem well?

But, and you have to watch it to actually feel what they are feeling with all earnestness, they believe that if they just hope for a better government that it will happen. They believe that they are the underdogs, destined to win. They believe the South will rise again sort of like the Occupy movement believes that rebelling against the government will teach those Wall Street goons some fear.

I remember the movie Godzilla and one the most memorable things said in the movie, which changed my life btw, was when Matthew Broderick talked about his public protests against Nuclear Bases. 20 years later he works at one with the military trusting him with their secrets. A reporter asks him what happened to the old rebel she used to know, which was him, and he said yeah I found that by joining the enemy I could understand what it was they were trying to achieve and in this role, "I could effect real change".

So for those that think I haven't achieved much in my time on this Earth I say this from the movie "it's gojira you morons!" Which means Big Lizard! Dragon!

Yeah I know it's annoying to read my stuff. It's probably a little hard to agree with, sort of like Jenifer Lopez who doesn't do concerts, doesn't speak Spanish, went out with Black guys appears in magazines even though she isn't in any movies that you can remember and comes across as the representative Spanish chic for the Latin community, or sort of like Kim Kardashian who is so annoying with her famous stepfather who tries not to object to anything she does which makes you wonder if she is been spoiled from day one because she is way too confident to be all that great, and besides are those boobs real cuz she's just too good looking to have all that?

Well if you agree with that then the annoying feeling you are feeling is prejudice... yeah it makes your thinking faulty.

Stop that.

Both those women work very hard and even though some of what they say is annoying, what they do, like doing whatever they want, like Madonna does(and btw I am so sorry Madonna for using them in the same sentence cuz compared to you they suck), is what you should judge.

Well that's enough talk about Syria, Syriasly.