Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Friday, March 09, 2012

Stories are about feelings

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Feelings are a part of most tales and if you believe in fairy tales then the Cyclops exist right next to Icarus and the Minotaur.

I spoke to my mother yesterday and she spoke of people trying to convert her to catholicism while she was growing up. She mentioned how they would not let the regular layperson read the bible and that only the preacher was taught Latin so that he could read the Latin version and he would even preach his sermons in Latin.
Very backwards.
She mentioned the confessional and called the whole practice of doing what you want and then cashing in a confession as rubbish.
But there is a lot of usefulness in confessing your sins. People build or destroy and if they are not allowed to return to building, then they continue to destroy. Such is the binary nature of humans. In fact that is why gangs should not be allowed. People that get together to destroy become confused. They continue to build something that is in fact destroying society. This is the fundamental problem with corporations. If I wronged someone, good or bad I would hear about it. They would simply comeover and explain that my car is in their spot and then I would realize that there are other spots out there in the parking lot and we would come to some form of agreement about how this relationship would grow. Enter anger. Hah!

But seriously, what if someone came up and sed that Jerks Inc. had licensed parking out to members only and sadly I was not in the club? Well that's what's wrong with corporations, they are nothing more that a large gang, working against the greater good. They can say that all they are doing is registering everyone so that there is more order in the world, but the fact is that I get wronged and the corporation gets blamed and it has no one person to name, even though there usually one person that is abusing their power.

What happens if it turns out that I am the one that is wrong? I get removed. You see how that is wrong? The corporation cannot be removed, see, and people of questionable morals may get demoted but in a crazy twist, if they get away with wronging someone, they get promoted!

Yeh, it seems easy to understand and obvious to look at but we are all just bleh so what, at least it's progress.

Well such are where the feelings come from in such tales as Icarus. If you are going to escape a group of people that hate you, you have to do it quietly using secrecy as well as a tremendous amount of effort and wonder. But as many will tell you, using magic is wonderous, if you find yourself able to fly you may feel that you are omg I can fly! But most of the time, magic is very short-lived. The nature of magic is that only you know or few people know the secret and if you tell too many people, the magic doesn't work. The sun in the story is the truth or the light. Using magic too close to the sun, FLYING to close to the sun, causes the magic to fail. Young people are especially susceptible to ruining their magic.

The story of the Minotaur is another curious example of a beast so horrible to he was part man part bull. But if someone is hated enough, people treat him like he is a beast. People in fearing him cause him to become a person lost in a maze of righteousness vs. torment. Anyone coming in contact with this person, enters his maze, finding in it corners and dead ends and two exits, the quest of it is all fueled by fear. He must go back the way he came or finish what he started. So in this tale of fear Icarus and his father are thrown into the maze of the Minotaur but the truth is that they are just threatened by someone dangerous... someone ruled by fear, who imposes his fear on others. Usually this someone works for a king. Yeah, sounds evil doesn't it, but it's not so fantastic now is it?

The cyclops were men with only one eye. They were supposed to be the direct laborers of the gods. I think they were titans or some such I can't remember.

I remember playing Dragon Age and coming across the story of golems. Amazing creatures twice as strong as a regular man because they had sacrificed their very soul to be imprisoned in these vehicles of death. Is there anything more noble than someone that sacrifices their very lives for the sake of the public? But that is where the affinity ends. A golem is about as dull in intellect as the armor he is wearing. He is about as capable of independent thought as the next one which is in sync only with whoever controls his control rod. This is the duality of public service, because though their own lives are a testament to what all humans should aspire, the lives they affect are inaffably affected by the will of the golem's ruler, whose vision of good will is as tantamount to tyranny as is your mother's.

Worse still is the cyclops, you can see well with one eye but with two eyes you can see both. Again with the binary. People can see good and evil or since everyone is good in their view then they can see what is in their interests and what might be or isn't. People have two sides to their brains, two cheeks, even two butts if you count what they say as adding to what they are full of. But a cyclops has one eye. All he sees is what he must do and not what he mustn't. He is a slave of the gods, a Balrog, a servant of Sauron or Zeus even, (hey Zeus:) his only eye being godless yet self serving. When people speak about serving the one eye they are talking about what must exist out there. It MUST! There are people that want to get together and build and to do that you can be blind and even a little off center, lazy even, but to work for the eye you must be able to see your prey and see nothing else. It is said that prey have their eyes far apart so that they can feed and see a predator coming from a wider range, but that predators have their eyes close so as to refuse to be distracted and to maintain their focus. A cyclops has one big eye, an assassin, a one purpose terminator like the cylons from Battlestar Galactica.

Anyway, that was intense but it all gets back to what I was saying at start and that is that most stories are about feelings and interpretations. If I am your preacher then this is what I got out of those stories and I tell you so that you won't have to spend the hours it took me to put it all together in my head... plus it's free, you like free? (Bsterds!) If you believe in superstitions then you can rest assured that someone will sense that and use it against you, much like having fear.

I wonder if I have always had fear of women. I really don't like to have my feelings hurt so I loathe to talk to good-looking women but WOW have I had my feelings hurt anyways (people out there are warning girls off not to talk to me).

I sometimes wonder how much money the world owes me.

PS. If the composition is a little hard to follow, that's part of the getting to know me! Follow me?