Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Supreme Court reviews healthcare

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Today I watched a discourse on the Affordable Health Care program that will force everyone to buy health insurance.

This is a tax on the poor.

The money collected will go to insurance companies not to the government.

The biggest question I saw was commerce vs. public need.

If you are not doing commerce with healthcare, you basically get forced into commerce with the healthcare industry. Is this fair?

If people can't afford healthcare, young people that don't need it, pay for the people that need it.

It will be collected by the IRS on your taxes.

The reason it was enacted was to compensate states that were funding successful healthcare programs for out of state participants that would be "attracted" to the welfare magnet of the successful states. The supreme court is deciding if congress has a right to make it federal and because of this flaw between states that have and don't have public healthcare, I believe congress does.

It also was enacted to allow people with pre-existing conditions to get healthcare. This is basically everybody because you don't get healtcare when you contract a disease, you get it years later when your hospital says that you got it which in most cases, in this ever increasinng job market of contractors and people with short employment histories, probably occurred when you were at your last job, which means you don't qualify.

The supreme court will also decide if the public mandate( the requirement to have everyone pay for insurance on their taxes),
is constitutional. This is iffy. It draws people that don't want to use healthcare into a system that requires them to pay. This could have been done through regulare channels (like CALLING IT A TAX!) but many feel this opens the door to a "new power" for the government.

Good or bad this something we all need but it is a scary thought to see government and insurance companies working together no matter what the intent is. I feel it is necessary and proper and also that it can be ammended as needed later.

However, is this like hoping the lion won't eat you after feeding it something really tasty instead?