Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Gun control and Palin

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Well today is a good day to talk about gun control.

Btw, doesn't Isla Fisher look just like Amy Adams? Wow, I thought she was so good looking in Definitely, Maybe and then I find out it wasn't Amy Adams. Oh well. That was a great movie... which means I have seen it like 10 times.

I am one of THOSE guys that has had only 3 or so great relationships in his life. People might say hey what a loser but that's not what you see in the movie and most of what that guy feels, I have felt.  Another movie about me, or I guess all movies are about "everyman" so maybe it's not unusual.

Is anyone upset that MSNBC is all up in arms because the NRA went after the President's kids? Any coincidence that they accuse the NRA of scaring people? That they define trolls as the people that are against us that are not serious people.

What trash. I love you Rachel but you're full of it. 

EDIT: I can't say that to Rachel, omg I'm feeling pain reading it ok so no Rachel you're not full of it, you are um, ah, ummm ah  PREGNANT yeah you are pregnant with MY baby and I want child payments ummm yeah, because it's mine dammit even if you been sleeping with other people, nah isawright men don't need DNA tests.  (joking btw hawr hawr)  BTW those other guys O Donnell and Matthews need to learn the old axiom that Those who fight monsters should take care not to become one.  They have been covering Limbaugh so long that they don't realize that they themselves have become him.

I have had the luxury of having a GREAT DEAL of people provoke me because I sometimes fly off the handle at any sign of disrespect. I know trolling and some of what she said was true but not when she talked about the NRA commercial.

It was not so long ago that Democrats rang up the phones to talk about Sarah Palin's daughter who was pregnant. Or to talk about her baby's handicap.   

OHHHH! What happened! Take that Pembridge Scholars! (The Mummy) (Rachel Weisz is fine fyi)

Yeah so it's despicable and deplorable for the NRA to use the President's kids to point out the issue of gun control that is being discussed BECAUSE children have died. Yet it's not so despicable if you do it to Sarah Palin. 


The real issue here is just what you see in the commercial but again it's done so bluntly and hee-haw like that people don't have enough time to think about it once they get the first impression of what is obviously a personal attack that didn't need to be addressed that way. That's why they need me at the NRA because sometimes there are whole groups of people that are just thuds. They communicate like they are painting in the cubism method but knowing that they will not have to explain it.

In that vein I might as well pee on a wall and call it art!

The issue that SHOULD have been gleaned from the commercial is that rich people will have the guns. The rich people's children will have rifles at their doors. Poor people will get harassed. Fast forward to policemen at your door collecting protection money because you are in a gun-free zone.

I like what they are doing but there is a real drawback to this in that background checks mean more of your information that will be in the hands of the government.

Now you might think, hey didn't you say we should give the government our credit bureaus? Yeah I guess but think about this... if the government knows you have a bunch of guns, who else is gonna know?

Still I have to hand it to the President, that was a great speech. I completely agree on many points and the VP finally doing work to get people together and allowing the President to deliver a "spot-on" speech that was easy to understand and in fact... was endearing. I am all for more police btw but what happens when people lie? What happens when the information gets sold?

There are people out there, especially armies for foreign nations, that would LOVE to know how many guns are registered per city. What happens when Japan decides instead of being afraid of dropping troops because there is no way of telling if the whole city is chock full of assault rifles like they did in WWII... what if someone sells this information to China allowing them to cherry pick which cities to takeover first?

Well, I don't wanna stop this legislation but I do want everyone to be critically thinking about how this impairs us. Honestly this is kind of like Voter ID laws. There is not that much Voter ID fraud going on to necessitate legislation but it's a good thing... similarly I just don't think that restricting guns is going to lessen crime or death.

It didn't stop a gang of thugs from injuring my friend by kicking him into a coma... and it won't stop people from using handguns.

Still assault rifles are excessive.. large magazines are excessive.. I think it is time that we have police stationed at public schools.. I mean everyone wants to be nice even the principal but in time everyone gets chaffed... so much that they become irritable and less sociable (take it from someone who did customer service for years) but, with a policeman there, there is no reason to even involve teachers. 

And what a good idea for the kids. Tantrums and thievery can still be handled by teachers but what about violence and bullying? What a perfect way to introduce violent children to the police!

Bring back the paddle! Break out the color-coded handcuffs! Say hello to your first day of good-cop bad-cop!  Nothing says I love you mom like a field trip to jail! You know if I had children I could get excited at the thought of police at school. We certainly could have used some police back in New Orleans schools. 

On a final note, I like what the president said, and it brought me to tears just the way he said it, we have to try. That's what we have leaders for, to try. If nothing else, our children will know... that we tried.

Remember that old song by White Lion I think, it goes " when the chilDREN CRY, let em know that we tried..."