Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Women in the military

BLM:90 WHM:90 SMN:90 THF:90 WAR:90 DRK:90 RNG:90 PLD:90

It's my opinion that soldiers should have a shield. It can be practical, it can be psycholically supportive, it can even be a source of technological advancement such as communication or scanning.

Women in the military need to find a place and the most logical place is as a healer. We all know in FFXI that you don't go into battle without a white mage and in that vein you shouldn't go into war without women.

Support is essential to a good party and as such a woman necessary when you lose track of why you are fighting and where you reason for living is going. Women, if not trained as healers should at least be signed up as priests or motivators. Now this might translate to whores but in an ethical world they merely need to serve as mothers or sisters.

Why you are in conflict becomes clear when you see a woman there healing your wounds, organizing your meds, talking to leadership.

People know me for being a loudmouth but if you notice men that are with women, they tend to be the quiet ones. Women are the loudmouths and they should be. They are the ones that should speak while the men who support them stand for what they believe.

Is it a coincidence that a party consists of 6 people? I don't think so. Squads in the military are made up of 6 people. 3 squads make a platoon. So in liking the military to FFXI you should have one point man or woman with a shield or a mouth, heh, then one healer and support or two healers, and then 3 damage dealers with two handed weapons, aka rifles. Now all should have handguns of course for self-defense but as a squad the makeup should be similar to FFXI to maximize it's efficiency.

Women have the least hit points so should they be tanking, maybe but if they have enough spirit to heal the spirit damage that comes from war, then sure put them as tank, because that makes the squad that much more effective and energized.

A kiss for luck, a hug, a thank you or a we need you said by a woman is huge for morale and someone paid to do this seems like it would be unethical but no, it's as unethical as it is to kill people. Questionable things yes but still necessary.

I might be loudmouthed but that just makes me a better tank but how would I be with a great woman... quiet.

That's why we like to see women in politics and in the media is because they are charming. But it should be understood that they all have a squad of people backing them, holding them up, and watchful of subtle attacks.

I know I would be watchful if I was with a woman like that.

I was just reading an article about women not wanting to be on the front line and how 2 women tried to pass infantry training and both failed even though 25% of all soldiers fail.

It should be noted that women are not SUPPOSED to be weeded out of the toughest group. In GI Jane the Sergeant played by Viggo is incensed that a woman was sent to his SEAL training group but then she can't haul her own butt out of the water to get on the boat. This should be on every soldiers mind. Woman are not going to be hauling wounded soldiers off the battlefield. Ever. Don't even think maybe because it's just not realistic. The advantage of having women is to balance the equation. To add hit points to the party or the squad, to perhaps minimize homosexual tendencies which are not wrong in the free world, but in a military situation, might be frightful for a guy to give you a kiss for good luck or dress up your wound and give a drink of vodka and then smile at you too long.

Too make a woman tough the focus should not be on strength as much as endurance. I mean you know that if women can endure child birth, they can probably endure pressure and damage to their spirit for a much longer time then men. Maybe not in all cases but that is where their advantage lies.

When soldiers start to eye villages and network with the enemy and start to legalize bribing and maybe looking the other way while power gets abused, it's the WOMEN who will speak up. And you need that. Because being loyal shouldn't mean you become a golem.

Diversification is the goal people. Your risk must be diversified. In finance, of which I earned my degree from JU, you buy some stocks that are risky because are going to pay off big , and then at the same time you buy less risky stocks, because if the risky stocks don't pay off, the safe stocks keep you from losing it all.

This is called diversification.

This could be applied to the President's cabinet. There are no women there but if there are at least half of them overall then these safe people, keep you from losing it all.

There's a reason it's called GENTLEMAN'S AGREEMENT people, because women don't secretly form private handshakes to overthrow the leadership.

Men do this. In fact people, like me, who don't form private alliances as men are seen as weaker and less risk-taking. So I guess I'm like a woman. Except when it comes to curling 50 lbs with one hand or bowling a 200+ or running a rack of 9 ball, heh. I'm not so womanly once I start kicking your ass.

It's nice to note that the president's cabinet is full of black people because maybe some people think that what should happen is that the black people should rule for a while and then maybe the women and then maybe the asians or mexicans, but this is not how it should run.

The point of democracy and our constitution and its amendments is not to change the leadership, its to improve how we choose our governement.

It feels good to choose your brother and mother to have people that you trust working with you but it's only when you choose people with completely different upbringings to work with you that you will get the most out of being a leader and indeed you will get the most out of life.

So if you spent your entire childhood in a baptist upbringing, I recommend you to go out to your nearest bar and try to make friends, AH hahahahaha...

reminds me of a great spot in a movie with Daniel Craig and a child asks him why he is always smiling...

So should women be in the military? Yes. And this brings to mind some of the real advantages to having a military, money. I mean the Syndicates or whatever that you see in movies always want money to be paid to them for protection right? This is why the military always wants more money and why it starts wars if thats the case is so that they get their money, so why not make this PROGRAM a public jobs programs. People, all people should work in the mlitary for a couple of years and the best of them should be promoted and the rest allowed to leave but given enough of a bundle of money to get them set to be leaders in our separate communities. All the while explaining that YOU COULD DIE. The business of the military is to kill so don't be deluded into thinking it's welfare, but it could be amalgamated to include local police and this mass of people could be used to work as a network to stop chaos.

I think people don't respect the law or an officer of the law enough but like doctors they need to go into the Africas of the world to get real world experience in dealing with chaos which perhaps puts them in the act of firing their gun once or twice in combat.

And this in fact makes them more likely to be direct in their dealings with people instead of one-sided. Because then they would know how easily doing one little thing could cause the outcome to go wrong.

Ok, sidetracked, so women in the military, yes but don't make them walk the line with all men, put them in a group where they can be appreciated like a 4-2 or 5-1 squad.

It's more complicated isn't it? It's harder yeah? More problems with people seeing each other naked? Well, once it becomes normal, you could be surprised who well it could work.

Sometimes I get fearful that the democrats are getting too much power but instead I get a boost knowing that I am right and that people get it that it doesn't matter which party you choose to be in. More government or less government doesn't so matter so much as we watch the governement, make the congressmen popular and transparent, make them stars, make them charming. It doesn't matter so much that we choose a side as it does that we LIKE who we are choosing and even if we DON'T LIKE them, at least respect that they were elected and that you can grow to like them and that they will be OUT soon enough to not muddy the waters of progress.

Ok, tired TTYS.