Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Monkey sounds

BLM:90 WHM:90 SMN:90 THF:90 WAR:90 DRK:90 RNG:90 PLD:90

Well what should happen to Ms. Susan Rice. Today I want to talk about what happens when you do what they told you and then you got-uh pay.

It's obvious to everyone I think that the Republicans are peeved about the Obamacare plan being passed without even asking their ok.

In reponse to that, small wonder, Republicans stop working with Democrats on everything else.

In response to that, Democrats accuse them of obstruction, of not working in a bipartisan, two party, way.

So now we are getting towards the end of the "cool off" period and Republicans are starting to get back to isawright status and then we have this attack happen in Benghazi.

What do Republicans fear most? Everything. In their view we should all be at war and the sooner the better and moreover I believe that if we do the right thing now, we attack Mexico  before we end up with Democrats who logically end up attacking Canada later.

Because there ain't nuthin IN Mexico.

Remember that most Republicans fear God, and in their belief, it's ok to live in fear and by that take they use that fear to dictate where they look to move. I am semi-religious and you could say that I have some fear but I don't use that to make my decisions.

Ok so back to Ms. Rice, so Republicans notice an attack on an embassy and Obama who has just almost finished "cooking" public opinion to the point that all military is withdrawn overseas, has to decide what to say about the attack.

Let's say it was one man working alone!

Yeah, classic coverup. So it's now not so important, maybe it was this and that and maybe we can blame Hilary. In any case the last thing they want  is to mobilize the military at the dawn of our effort to pay down the debt. So, probably with the President's approval, Rice says that it was due to some video that is SO OFFENSIVE that a group of 30+ people gear up on a military truck and crash the embassy with chemical weapons and rifles...


Well, nice try, good luck, thanks for playing, keep your money... now GET OUT. That's what we should have said to AIG execs and others, and that's what needs to happen to Ms. Rice.

Besides, John Kerry is not a bad option and he is old and experienced and if we REALLY get into trouble overseas, it will help to have someone who has learned a lot of lessons(ala his VP) over there, and no not Rice with her lessons. She has not spent a lot of time being elected and as such I consider her more a soldier and less a politician. Condy Rice is someone that should get elected before she starts to work as a partner in the Republican party.

Anyway, it's plain that people somehow got the Generals all scared and wondering what they did with their hotel receipts in foreign lands and who is in the CIA looking at me, so NICE SHOT Obama, now it's time to give something up for that.

Military people are mostly Republicans.

You know, we have state taxes on sales to give the states a way to pay for police and for roads and maybe even for the government that it takes to run things. You drive on the roads that must be policed and you drive past stop lights that must be regulated and you use up the roads that must be repaved. So ok, in some cases, charge sales tax for the state and for the city.

But there is NO REASON to charge sales tax on internet purchases. Just stop it. You know it and I know it so why you gonna act like it's my fault? If that is the case then we need INTERNET POLICE.

Yep it's time for INTERNET POLICE. You know that bad people are out there loading their cookies maybe even proactively waiting for people to click here or there and then selectively screen printing this or that for use later. It's not that hard to imagine people that used to wait for you to go down an alley, are now on their laptop waiting for you to click that buxom blonde that says she may have some news about a business venture etc. which allows them to mug your info while your computer lies in limbo and poof charges show up on your bill.

So START online policing if you are gonna charge sales tax. Start chasing down people that fail to send stuff ontime or whose websites crash after your VISA info is captured. DO SOMETHING for the taxes you collect!

And for the record, we should go over the fiscal cliff. If it was good enough for Clinton, and if these were the tax rates we had in the past despite prices being lower and all of us earning less, it shouldn't hurt anyone special if we start on this road.

Besides, like Obamacare, if we have problems with it a year or two from now we can always amend it like people do.

I have noticed a recurring trend that annoys the crap out of me is that people will interrupt their guests when they have views that don't agree with the interviewer. To further chastise these people, while they are talking, they will make these sounds like mmmhmmm, yeah, uh-huh. And then they will do it after EVERY sentence in an effort to shake them. Now you have to ask yourself if this is, are you willing to attack someone YOU INVITED to an interview. That's all this is, and to see this happen on a show is about as offensive as watching Bill O'Reilly interrupt the president. Some people are ok with it and some others clearly find this behavior unexpected and even probably feel that they were publicly harassed. If so, it should be a crime.

For the record, making mmhmm sounds while people talk makes you sound like a monkey. Yeah, you are making monkey sounds.