Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Periodically speaking

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I have been trying to write shorter blogs due to doing other stuff.  Think about the moon for a moment.  How you get a full moon once a month.  But not exactly.  When the moon is closest to the sun it is impossible to see a reflection from it, right?  That's a new moon, one that is black.

Now imagine that the gravity from both are affecting the earth.  That's a lot more gravity than say, without the moon there.  So tides can be set based on the moon being there.

But wait what else happens once a month?

Periods.  Women get their periods once a month or MOONth.  So imagine that you are standing on the earth when the moon is closest to the sun.  More gravity right? So as opposed to other times this is when women would "hold" their blood more. 

On the other hand, during the full moon... less gravity. In fact, LEAST gravity.  So this is when women shed their blood because less gravity equals more chaos, more freedom, more wolves.

It's not hard to figure out what smell could be out there during a full moon.