Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Huge postcript about leaders

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You need to have PERFECT people represent you in government. 

Not rich people, because after you reach a certain maximum, the only way to increase value is to eat off your own.  And then you have to find protection from the vampire-killers by finding other vampires. 

And not poor people, because people without autonomy, people working 40+ hours a week, don't have time to contemplate the overtures of the elite.  When you're starving, you get USED to stealing, much like when you're rich. 

Oddly, poor people don't need protection from other people... makes you wonder who the police are FOR. 

Professors seem to me to be the best source for leaders.  They haven't been corrupted by magic/mind games that infest the non-Ph'd type.  And they have a lot of time on their hands to contemplate stuff once they max out their class schedules and get their lectures all memorized. 

And they tend not to be rich or want to get there.  They tend to be incredibly happy with being well-thought-of which is an admirable trait in a leader. 

I have said this before that value grows and then tapers off or levels out.  You begin to work twice as hard for half the improvement.  Then 3 times as hard for a third more improvement. 

The law of diminishing returns or the law of the rope on a pole.  (code for some of you)

In statistics, there is a norm of pursuing the tri-theta or tri-delta goal since achieving value of 100% of market share is ridiculous.  This tri sigma is best explained by taking three standard deviations to a sample. 

You could liken(lycan?) this to taking 3 scoops of ice cream with your scoop out of a cup sized to fit your scoop. 

After you take the first standard deviation, you get like 66%. The next takes you to 90% and the next to 96%.  So in business, you set these as your goals and realize that successively, each goal will be twice as hard to achieve but what a badge of honor IF you can achieve the third one. 

At any rate, this practice is slightly disconnected from reality because value once it tapers off should never be pursued again.  That's my rule.  When you start a business, demand will become overwhelming.  Once this starts happening you must find ways to make products finish faster and get delivered faster.  Efficiency. 

This is like what a comic does for society.  Let's talk about what is WRONG in the world and now let's shave shave shave some of that PUBIC hair. 

Ok, so now your country or your business is running fairly well, so you have a new problem, turning away customers.  That's not a problem really. The bottom of that ice cream never really gets empty.  Losing customers is one of the first things they will teach you about but it's one of the LAST things you should learn.  People SHOULD be turned away as long as your operation remains efficient.  In my opinion, it's better to take regular scoops of 50%, and you can call it my theory of "the perpetual hand" if you like. 

Do I win a Ph'D?

Ok, so now you re like this highly regarded person that works full-time and suddenly someone comes along with this GREAT IDEA for making more money.  Once you have your business running efficiently all you should think about is perfection. 

Perfection is achieved NOT by great ideas or by investment opportunities or by expanding your business by going public.  Perfection is achieved by doing your job just so.  So-so.

That used to be a nickname of mine hah, if only they realized WHAT they were calling me. 

So in the pursuit of perfection, NOT excellence, you have to stop yourself once your production has stopped increasing in  value.  Once you have a stable amount of cash inflow, now it's time to open a second business and give MORE people jobs and maybe promote some of your own people that get the value of what you are trying to do, which is to get people into jobs.

See that, that's what you ALL should be trying to do is get people INTO jobs...  to GROW our body politic. 

But you can't do that if you have a money problem.  People that want more and more money, especially gypsies that won't be here in a couple of weeks, want you to sell your GREAT IDEA quickly and instead of growing your business like I just described, in a farmer-like fashion, they want you to seek the third delta and to achieve this you will have to borrow a bunch of money which can happen if you sell your ownership of the company to the public.  And what happens after you figure out the magic of what these "gypsy" companies were doing or when the government wants to fine them or you win your civil lawsuit? 

They're money gets moved offshore. 

If your firm is running smoothly, you can start to sacrifice your own people to improve your efficiency further.  And sadly, you can't even stop this, if you don't start to sacrifice people, and you have chosen let's say one or two foreigners to work for you(aka not calm) then you start to have problems in your office that you wouldn't have if you started to sacrifice people.  Indeed it may be that once you START to sacrifice people and scare them into working harder, because of those pesky foreign people, you might LIKE scaring people as a practice.  You see and that is what you call Venture Capital as a practice. 

You are nothing but a farmer, but these reapers will do the work you are unwilling to do like fire some people, here goes your bribe.  But this is all dark practices.  The money isn't from goods anymore, it's us/them mentality going on.  Instead of selling the business for the real value, and keeping the employees on board making slow money, they can DIP into your mentality and GIVE YOU HALF while they burn the company to people that are "less sharp" than they are.  it's nothing but a plunder you see?  A betrayal.  The company because it's being destroyed, gets it's employees removed and the only people who could possibly profit from the burning of the company, had people on the outside betting against it.

The Stock Market is nothing but an avenue for secrets.  People in the know profit and the ONLY thing that can happen is that people not in the know, pay for their wealth. 

Ok so after all of that, I am tired and rather depressed.  But I have more hope than I did some few months ago.  I believe good people can prevail and for some reason I feel, that is likely that professors WILL become the new normal for leaders and although, especially after Reagan,  I don't believe actors or comics were EVER going to be any good at leading, I have the mentality now that even they can be effective as leaders

At least that's my hope.