Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Atomic theory

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I have this old need to want to join the Republican party in Florida because my sister was somewhat involved there.  And yet I could work there among the righteous people up until the day they started to talk about religion in politics.  

And it's backwards to have the Republicans be the ones FOR guns and at the same time be FOR strict religious values.  My old view is that since only cops and bandits would have guns in a gun ban, that ALL people must be allowed guns.   This attributing to the cowardice of police in a tough situation where GANGS are concerned.  Several examples I have seen over the years(on TV) include one where someone's child is in that house and Police are slow to respond because she must be using drugs and she must like the sex and all that's gonna happen is police are gonna be in danger and tomorrow the girl is going to go right back to using crack after she escapes her parents again.   

So because this could happen, and knowing how my sister liked to sneak out of the house not having ANY IDEA then of what could happen and what she and I know now, I believe every house should have a firearm, most especially when it comes to defending your children.    

If everyone has a gun in their home and we have ALL gotten used to the fact that noone would dare threaten children or come into another's house, THEN it's time to have a talk about de-escalating gun ownership.  We can all have tasers and if that works out well then we can all just have cameras.  

This all can happen only AFTER everyone has a gun.  

This same theory applies to nukes.  We haven't been able to remove all of the nukes from the world and now since Russia has them and is changing the map of the world, everyone that gave up their nukes feels betrayed, not the least of which is Ukraine.   What happened there is much like what is happening with the Patriot Act.  Out of goodwill we hand over "emergency powers" and then the government just KEEPS them... even though the emergency is over (remember Chancellor Palpatine's emergency powers? to start a drone.. er uh I mean clone war?)

"Once the bra comes all the way off, the bra STAYS off."

(college girl warning her friend not to take her bra all the way off in a Girls Gone Wild video)

See, once all countries have nukes THEN we can all agree on how to de-escalate.   If some countries have nukes then the only way to get them to remove them is to nuke them or force a nuclear war which of course is not an option, which means the nukes that are out there are there to stay... until they fire their nukes because of increasing sanctions as we try harder and harder to get them to remove their nukes.  

One IMPOSSIBLE situation that I found incrediby enlightening was during the movie LOST IN SPACE.  I have watched it several times not the least of which was because it was like a FAMILY that was LOST but somehow still together.  At one point, right after they encounter the spiders, and they start to become overwhelmed I am like OMG what now.  No solution.  But there was a solution, you had to provide the spiders with even MORE food to attract them to that INSTEAD of you and then blow them up(didn't really need to blow them up, imo).  That's the only cure for a hunger that becomes an addiction is to lure you away from the source to a temp but brighter source and then CUT you from that source by extinguishing the food.  Gun rights is like that, everyone must satisfy their hunger to have the "advantage" and then ALL can settle for less after the advantage is extinguished.  

OK so to finish, now I want to explain religion in politics.  I have thought of late to involve myself in FL politics.  It was my goal from the get go... to get a law degree and get elected to office.  But now it's going to have to be a backup role that I serve because my reputation is shot and meh so what, I get a great deal of satisfaction just knowing things are running well and I play a part.  

But my take on religion in politics is like I have said before, if there are few people, we can afford to be more trusting, but with more people, especially in a state like FL, we are going to need more regulation.  And they might coat "less government" with a religious tone and make it sound benevolent to TRUST people and have less regulation, or they might call it good capitalism to let businesses out-compete each other and let that be the mark of excellence, all without regulation.  

My lesson for you all today is that gun control is like having religion in politics.  It's ok to have it but only after everyone is on board with YOUR religion.  Religion is superior to regular government.  You can fuel your righteousness by just BELIEVING the same things as your neighbors.  But having a belief is like having a nuke.  You can blow yourself up by doing forbidden things or blow your neighbors up by accusing them of forbidden things.  And the more BELIEF or religion is there, the more damage the accusation will cause.  

Just look at how BELIEF in being a Republican blew Charlie Crist out of the water for doing "forbidden" things. 

And that's why everyone needs to be allowed to have their religion and their set of beliefs and it's why we need to get RID of the forbidden button that a SOLE religion gives to people.

Removing the nuclear option, makes for good atomic theory.  

ps. you see, if you are FOR gun rights, if you believe in everyone being free to carry a gun because you TRUST them to carry responsibly, then you should TRUST people to have their own religion or their own set of beliefs; but I think Republicans, at this point in time, hold to more Christian values in their beliefs... which is a BACKWARDS thing for a Republican to say since they are all about freedom.