Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Finger of Death

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The Republicans were SO WRONG(sarcastic) to support Bundy in his remarks against the government most especially since he was from Nevada where he had already amassed a serious threat to the leadership of Senator Reid, a person who was EVEN getting the President's personal attention at the time of the shutdown. It was a move so brazen that I was PUZZLED as to how they could all side with this landowner who his biggest foul was to let his cattle run wild on public land.

Why didn't the government just pick up his cattle from their land? Was he defending them on public property with guns? Who knows. Those particulars never came out in the news story as far as I could tell. "He owes money" is all anyone would say and they kept it at that.  Again, puzzled, but I put it together that he was just defending himself on his property with weapons, as far as I could see. 

They didn't give TWO sides to his story on MSNBC did they?

Now as he started to talk about black people, I sensed it. Black people asking him about black people. He got set up. Why else does someone who is defending his land and facing the FBI with his family in tow start talking about black people? By now, in politics, if you aren't from the city, you need to GO THERE before thinking about talking publicly. Why couldn't he like mention women or something? And I defended him to the best of my ability because talking about black people is not the same as acting against black people. 

ACTING against black people or other races, is racism.

In fact a better time to discuss why "Might is right" fails, has never come along. Because now as you decide for yourself how wrong it is to treat black people differently... you can decide if ANYONE should be given less respect and be treated differently. And this era and practice of domination and escape, which Bundy had probably gotten away with by saying what he wants and people saying "because it's you" we let you get away with it, is coming to a end.

But it was FUN to watch right? We were gonna let him get away with defending his land if he just would not have started talking about black people. He was mighty, if only on his own land, because all the gun rights people were behind him up to that point.

So now we have a new set of controversial remarks and it's like the world KNEW I needed the beatdown. No sooner did I ask everyone for their empathy with regards to OLD MEN talking about an age old era, then THIS GUY showed up with remarks that made Bundy's PALE by comparison.

The remarks were awful.

To his credit, he was dating a black lady, employing black people to work for him, and he was not expressing his own concerns but those of some "people" that didn't want black people associating with her. In practice, it seems to me he ACTED to the benefit of a GREAT MANY black people.

Now since I am not black I can't imagine how those words must feel to a black person. However I CAN imagine how it feels to be TREATED differently, or with prejudice. This is because I am frequently given looks of dismay etc. for something that I don't consider to be a crime but that others do.

And that's where this guy is. He thinks he has the right to FREE SPEECH, esp if people that work for him will let him get away with it(btw who else would even hear his comments with him in charge). But the day came when he was next to people that didn't work for him. He thought he had the right to be honest... he THOUGHT he did.

But that's not the world we live in. Look at MSNBC at this point. It might take a while but little by little they are ramping up the "black agenda" aren't they? I realize they are just covering the story (and what a story it is right?) but aren't they acting just a LITTLE bit like the Republicans did towards Bundy?

I mean Bundy had GUNS and FAMILY behind him and everyone could identify with defending your land, and now that Sterling is on the defensive against every BLACK person that is forced to hear his AWFUL words, why not make a federal case about it? Suddenly instead of having a country of one people, we have regular people and the black people.

And the black people are proud!

Rev. Al is the worst. I was getting scared of the man just watching him on Friday. Words like "inexcusable" and "had better" and "we are gonna wait" like he speaks for the AFRICAN-AMERICAN NATION make me wonder what part of the meaning of the word "Reverend" he missed in school.

A preacher does NOT talk about securing vengeance.

The answer is in his mightiness isn't it?  How mighty it is to speak when you have a slew of people that will work for you. For both Sterling and Sharpton they are kind of in the same box aren't they? Free speech dammit!

But that is not the way to resolve differences. An analytical mind does not take a census first or do a poll. Racism is the ACT of treating one person better because of race. 

 It's not hard. 

A disturbing trend that I am becoming more aware of is the practice BY BLACK PEOPLE to make stuff FORBIDDEN.  Forbidden things were a part of black history. Blacks were forbidden good seats on buses, sex with white women, or food in classy restaurants. To catch a black person abusing these "forbidden tree" acts, was to expel them from EDEN.

SOOOoooo, it's time to STOP making stuff forbidden. You black people, YOU PEOPLE, stop taking offense to this crap. People can say what they want if they aren't SAYING IT TO YOU. If they ARE saying it to you, that's called an insult. An insult is a verbal assault and it's a crime but it has to not only have the offensive words but must have the INTENT of hurting someone's feelings. Right? So get over it black people, stop making stuff forbidden unless you wanna end up like Israel and India,

Don't become the monsters that you fight against, like Nietzsche said.

And when you have these forbidden things, it's easy (especially if you have the will of the BLACK PEOPLE or of the GUN RIGHTS people) to point your "finger of death" at people who infracted against forbidden things, maybe even... if they didn't.

PS. secretly I LOVE the fact that Magic Johnson, (is all magic evil? all magic is by definition evil because it is used to change another's perception from the truth) has offered to buy the team after being the one who posed with the guy's girlfriend that everyone knew was against the idea, who then gets told about it and who then gets secretly recorded by her and her people. Does that make him evil, ahahahahaha, can't fool mother nature, dog!(a black person's term) and btw Los Angeles is becoming more and more famous isn't it? Is sacrifice good for business or what?