Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Friday, May 09, 2014

Two percent lowfat milk

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I have a knack for microcosm-ing everything I see in movies. I'm watching this movie WON'T BACK DOWN. In this one scene, Maggie Gyllenhall's character is leading the fight to reform a school that is bogged down with a lack of spirit. She begins by convincing a teacher that a new school is required and soon a whole slew of teachers are following her movement to start this new school.

The reason I started watching the movie was because it reminded me of a time when my sister was going through some difficult times in school with her son. She and I were going out on weekends and on Wednesday nights and sometimes Mondays but in return for these great nights out, she would call in to sick to work the next day, rarely, and then she would take her son with her and just have a day off just the two of them. And my nephew wouldn't mind at all and they are both really close but the toll of the days off added up and after she passed the maximum, they failed my nephew from passing the grade.

My nephew FAILED kindergarten.

So now, when I see a movie about a bureaucracy, I imagine myself having to fight with people that I don't work with every day and it's kind of annoying but also informative because I mean what would YOU do to help out your kids?  Watching this movie is a good prep for that.

The movie gets to one point where everyone if finally on board and it looks like she is going to get approved for the new school, it's just a matter of time now, and then we get to the really PRECIOUS moment in the movie when she is walking with what she thinks is a member of the school board, but is actually a high-ranking member of the teacher's union.

The lady is obviously much more refined than Maggie. She invites her to a school that she has planned for her and to wash her mind a bit with what could be possible. And sure enough, they start walking through a computer lab and a well-maintained black board and nice chairs and carpet and Maggie is surprised but elated that this is the school they have planned for her and the parents that want this new school.

But is it really? 

Soon, the school board lady advises her that she has PULL at this private school. She tells her that if she can't afford it there is financial aid available that she will help her get that  approved. So success, her quest for a better school is over... for her.

Suddenly Maggie feels like BRAVEHEART did next to that chest of gold. The lady was there to BRIBE her. She stops cold but thinks about it and then asks about her friend the teacher that is helping her who is in the teacher's union, and the lady explains that teachers in a union have a hard time sending their OWN kids to a private school because it is an affirmation that public schools suck. But she remains hopeful and says it is possible and that she is SURE it could happen for her as well.

So the movement is over yah? Just take the bribe and the reason you and your friend started this movement is now satisfied.  Surely, betraying all these people for the sake of your child would be ok with the GODS right?  Then came the clincher statement, the lady said it like this,

"the math is clear, 2% of students in public school go to college, here[private school], 2% do not"

And that's sort of what it is like out in the world. Depending on where you are, 2% of people are civil and somewhere else in another neighborhood, 2% aren't.

PS. the SAME neighbor woke me up with her car alarm again today, for the record