Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, April 05, 2018

A Justice League AJL


In the Avengers there are a number of characters that remind you that heroes have their problems too.  The first one was Tony.  He is the Iron Man.  He is strong and rich and famous and has it all really, at the start of his run into hero-dom.

And it's strange because the Hulk is the quintessential guy who had it all REALLY.  He was a doctor and was accomplished and had friends and then he did this FRANKENSTEIN THING to himself.  You wonder at this but it has a LOT to do with being really intelligent.

OK I have to go around the world now because I have to deal with it.  People don't think you are all that smart.  No matter where you go, people think all you did is read some books but what you are missing is street smarts.  And if you got street smarts then you don't have book smarts.  It's like the guy said in Robocop, "you a COLLEGE boy or something?  Do you think you can outsmart a bullet?... I'm talking to you!"

Those that CAN do.  The same old saying rings in true but can be insulting to people that try really hard at studying and at teaching because there is no time to be smart once you are faced with danger... it's ON you. 

In the Justice League, we are missing Christopher Nolan  (Amirite?) ...and despite whatever Affleck did to become Batman and despite his amazing portrayal of the hero, the audience needs that backstory that's true to a director.  That's what's missing with JLA is the continuity of Batman Begins, of Bruce's sacrifice, and of the Joker's.  When people face trauma like they did in those Batman stories, we doubt it when there is a NEW hero doing the same things.

Ok so I'm getting off topic, too bad and all that, bring Christopher back but we can't, we need to save money and pay whoever whatever because it's all about money but you know what, people can SEE that, especially when the movie makes mega millions and the STAR got a couple of hundred K (Wonder Woman).

Now, this story is already long and it's going to get longer because I am going to show you how Aquaman is the same as Captain America before I'm done.  You don't believe me?  Well, I get that a lot and you know what I get tired of saying?

Boy, do I hate being RIGHT all the time...

So in the Avengers you are probably wondering if Thor is stronger than Hulk and what's that all about there can't be TWO gods and how do we make sense of all that.  Well, first of all can we agree that being a scientist is like being a hothead all of the time.  You know how hard it is to study right?  It's kind of like how hard it is to write.  You have to have a LOT of energy and a LOT of motivation.  And this only happens when something WRONGS you.  This is why HARVARD people and Ivy League people are petty.  If there is something wrong, something clicks in their heads that it's FIX IT time.  It happens to me and I'm not really that smart so IMAGINE if I had gone to Harvard!  Just imagine what a PAIN in the ... ok.

So Banner tries to make himself better and ZAPS himself with "alien" energy or gamma waves, which happen to be completely UN-quantifiable.  These are cosmic rays folks, if this didn't immediately distort your skin and burn it off even YOU might become the Hulk.  You probably shouldn't try this at home.  But it has a lot in common with Superman right?   The "energy" is from another planet and it's Unquantifiable.  Nothing on this plane of existence can affect his power BECAUSE it comes from ANOTHER plane of existence and here he is like a being in Astral form with an umbilical(silver) cord to another world that gives him his power.  This is why the Hulk and Superman are near indestructible is because nothing from this plane affects them.  Although it makes sense that gamma rays could be used to re-align the Hulk also right?  Just like Krytonite affects Superman?  Heh, don't quote me because I might be wrong(see above). 

Further along we see that Thor is like a Captain of this world; the weather, the earth, the water, all of it work UNDER his hammer.  In old times, we know that THOR is the one that defeats the World Serpent but how?  How to explain why LITTLE Thor becomes BIG Thor?  How can he kill the unkillable?  But this is where we get the hammers for our courts is because order rules.  One precedent, then another, then another, that's how we establish what we KNOW to be true... we might make some wrong decisions(maybe a LOT and maybe I know something) but these decisions are all we have until we make new ones because the most important thing groups of people can have is an understanding and THAT'S the purpose of the law.

Wonder Woman is a lot like Thor.  She is the child of Zeus but worse than that, she's not even real and she doesn't even know it.  I have said this before that the Holy Spirit is the BOND between man and God.  We have it inside us and God has it and people that are beasts have it there somewhere they just have to find it.  You could say that the holy spirit is you soul but you can lose your soul and not lose your holy spirit.  Hey, I'm not trained in this so I can't spell it all out.

At least you know I'm not lying to you and have some alterior purpose.  That would be worse right?  Amirite?  And you all do know this blog is meant for ME right? It's not meant for you stupid people that like to invade other people's privacy and then USE it!  I have to wonder at it now... WHAT IF I lied to myself?  What's that?

So you see what I am getting at now right?  All we have left of the heroes is Batman and Aquaman and Captain America and Ironman.  Do you see how they all interact?  Batman doesn't seem like Ironman at all he's like a rogue COP or something but worse because he won't use a gun.  Whereas Ironman has NO problem with that so we think Ironman is totally different than that but he isn't.  He is the SCOUT of the group.  Just like Batman he pays for everything, he makes it look good, he hides his face but is at the same time the most famous which is why he was all his money and for the most part he is at odds with his greed which is why those two are the ONLY ones we can identify with.  Those of us without issues that is... what?

Ok so Aquaman is like... what the heck IS Aquaman?  He's like a pimp or something.  He's in charge of the mermaids and the fish in the SEA and he has telepathy.  He's like a very famous SOMEBODY that NOONE talks about.  He's like a PIMP except that he doesn't kill people or hurt people but somehow has the respect of ALL the animals.  Or... maybe he's like a soldier.  He's willing to kill people for his whore or for his GROUP of whores, hey what if these whores were businesses and they were a legitimate part of society but they STILL stole things and charged too much and trapped people in agreements that might be false and then here you are the pimp in charge of defending those disgusting businesses... well...

...speaking of the devil here comes Captain America.

It's hard to be a pimp and it's hard to be a whore and even though these names have undesirable connotations, you will find that in practice LIFE is binary.  Witches can good, Giants can be right... you decide what's good etc. etc.  yeah yeah, pimps still need to be in jail every so often as long as they don't use weapons.

But what all that was supposed to point out is that Aquaman and Captain America are the preachers.  They heal the spirit of the group and without them the group would grow brittle and crack under the limitless pressure of what it means to be OUT of the ordinary.  We need SPIRIT and song and telepathy to esconse the despair that comes with knowing that there simply isn't enough time to help everyone that needs help or to save all that need saving.

It's too bad they threw in Doomsday as an afterthought as part of the second movie that didn't even have his name because noone even recognizes any other villain to be as near as powerful and if you were to follow the logic I have drawn up here on the day of Ragnarok there should have been a displacement of order and chaos that was cosmic, and it's not Hulk that can save the earth from that.  On that day, the Hulk would die because life is about sacrifice, TIME requires sacrifice.  The fifth element.  The Fourth dimension.  A parallax existence.

TIME can destroy and DOES destroy everything... including the Hulk.  So at the end of the world TIME will be there claiming its due.  How will that happen in the DC world you ask, who knows... their shit's all over the place noone knows anything because their bunch of writers have never sat there and got slapped a hundred times like I have, which is enough times to piece together what some of the myths were all about.

So in summary, we know that Ironman and Batman are just about useless but that they are the closest we regular people come to being heroes.  They are the scouts,  they FIND OUT things because they are everywhere.  They are always talking to each other and to the news media.  We know that Aquaman and Captain America are the preachers.  They heal us either from despair or from danger by pouring water and storm on us to remind us that we ARE water and that we rule no matter WHERE on Earth we are and that our cause is noble... our beliefs... ALL of them... even the WHORES' beliefs... are noble.   (plus Aquaman might need to stay single because superheroes can't have families... in theory... sorry Hawkeye).  We know that Superman and the Hulk can't die, not while their power comes from another world.  The whole world will die before they do and that's just how it is.  They are SO important, in theory... lol, in this belief... that it's better to sacrifice ALL others rather than let them fall.  They are the KINGPINS or the ROCK or the cornerstones of existence and they get their fuel from another world much like the Ancient One got her power from another world and once they found out this was true... order became CRACKED.  She knew this day would come... lost my point.

Oh so Superman thinks nah nah nah NAH nya, and so does the Hulk because they are not evil they are doing what's right and they will MAKE it legal or whatever and soon here come some emergency gubernatorial(guber, I like that) powers to make the emperor's reign make more sense and the first thing he will do is create a CLONE army... ... ... what was I talking about? 

Oh right so, on the day Superman and Hulk fall apart because you know power corrupts ... Thor cracks his skull and you think to yourself THOR?!! THOR ain't shit to the Hulk.  But I read this comic long ago "What if the Hulk went Berserk"... it's one of those crying moments I have when I read prophecy and know it to be real, separate from all the crap people write when they have no idea how the world works.

In the end, you see Thor is Odin's only real avatar on Earth.  Odin IS time and time requires sacrifice.  It's like Gilgamesh and Enkidu, they fight the bull but one of them must die and it must be the one that couldn't before.  Always there is this day when the unbreakable MUST break because that's the law of the samurai is that ALL things shall be broken.  Did I say THINGS?

Odin gives THOR his power you see, at the end of time Odin is lost and THOR becomes Odin and HE CLAIMS the World Serpent, and KILLS the World Serpent, that which could not die.

This is how it should have ended with the JLA is Doomsday as the final part of FIVE movies, not an afterthought of the first one but that's greed for ya.  That's pay her whatever instead of pay her like she will be an icon for decades to come.

In MY ending of the JLA which comes at the hands of Doomsday ... FIRE rules.  Wonder Woman IS the avatar of Zeus and Zeus is TIME.  He is the omnipotent in that story.  And as Zeus does what is needed to put down the world Serpent that killed Superman, he gives his avatar his full power, and slowly and suddenly we realize who Wonder Woman was all along, she WAS Thor... she WAS Odin... she WAS Zeus or his herald and the relevant flumoxization of minds occurs as we watch as her Relics, that Girdle of Giant Strength, her Bracers of Defense, her Crown of Knowledge, and her Lasso of Truth... all artifacts of ancient unfathomable power and durability... crisp away as TIME comes for the Earth.

Wonder Woman is unleashed much like Jean Gray was.  A fireball of cleansing, rich with the putrid carbon that attracts  fire like an old rag, dry and brittle, soaks up gasoline and almost explodes when it's lit.  THAT is the end of the world!

And who claims the world?  A woman.  A WONDER woman.  The world's weakest link. 

PS. And what's even more to the point is that everyone knows Santa is white so TAKE THAT black people!  But you know, if my theory holds that we are all the same and if we agree that black people are SOMEHOW less trustworthy and therefore weaker somehow then I can tell you something that is probably true of God... (whispers) he's black...