Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Monday, April 09, 2018

Mog House


OMG.  This usually means "Oh my God."  We fall just short of using the Lord's name in vain when we say this because it's honestly what you feel.  It's an exclamation.  You are not intending to insult anyone or to draw attention for ill gain.

Ok, today the lesson is about MOG.  Your Mog House is the place in FFXI where you start out every time you log in.  You can move the furniture around and purchase some furniture and in the old days the furniture used to give you more space and it was really expensive but they've toned it down quite a bit since then.  If you buy really specific furniture, you get an "enhancement" that can be like a world perk that works wherever you go like a bonus to skilling up or a bonus to experience points not lost when you die.

The little guy that greets you is called a Mog.  Moogle is "official" name but he's a MOG.  He's got these little dragon wings that protrude through his cape.  It looks like he is smiling because he has these Chinese eyes but the truth is you don't know WHAT he's thinking.

And yet most of the time, his job is to keep you happy and to say delightful things, kinda like a news anchor would.  (deleted really irrelevant description)

The mog is meant to keep your spirit alive and happy.  He opens up your list of options where you can check your money that came in from stuff you had on auction; he can give you access to what you have stored; he can help you with quests sometimes, until you finish them and then he's just always there.

You remember in the last blog when I said that the end of the world came from a woman, right?  And you're thinking to yourself, WHEW, I'm glad there's nothing like that in the Bible, am I right? 

But there IS something like that in the Bible.  Jesus comes back to clean the world just like in Ragnarok and he doesn't come alone this time does he?  As before he BECOMES God or gets infused with God's real power and you could say that he becomes a Holy Spirit of (insert cleaning agent word here) - ing.

And that's why SarahK talks about the Holocaust and makes a big deal because THEY (the Jews) talk about the Holocaust like it's a reminder of something that really happened... that could happen again.  And they are RIGHT.  Now, that doesn't mean Hitler was ACTUALLY the Devil but it means that that scheme of things could re-occur.  So we need to be afraid of the Apocalypse but not fearful of the Apocalypse, do you see that?  We should "fear not" the apocalypse while staying VIGILANT that it could reoccur and that we would LET IT HAPPEN if it started happening... if we aren't careful.

In Sucker Punch,  a great movie I've seen probably more than 20 times, there is rule number 3 which is "Don't wake the mother." Now while you watched this as I did, you probably assumed it meant don't wake the mother of the dragons right?  You can't carry this rule WITH YOU into real life because there are no real dragons... right?

Well you have to finish the thought... finish it.  We've been talking about belief these past couple of blogs and you know about the holy spirit now, so what is it that we should NOT do?

Well, we should do what they say.  Don't wake the mother...of what?

Don't wake... the... Mother of God. (MOG)

PS: The mother is close... real close.... I mean missiles. (Rambo III)