Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

cc would love DRK

BLM:75 WHM:73 SMN:46 THF:75 WAR:61 RNG:44

After two weeks of moving to new areas I thought I could handle sitting in my own desk again and no. Just yesterday the same people start the same crap all over again with the interruptions while I am talking on the phone. It really riled me up. Later in the day though they seemed to be in a "wonderful" mood. The only solution is to keep moving I guess. If I complain to my leader, he will give me a bunch of whatsit errors and then I'm fired, if I do nothing I am going to get really pissed and yell at them, and then I'm fired. If I complain to HR, I'm fired cuz the HR person thinks I must be the problem. If you remember the last time I had a conflict instead of sitting us both together to talk about how that person was having the time of her life getting me in trouble, she just sent my funny ass home like I had Frankenstein written across my forehead. It really royally sucks to be me right now.
Well, I told them I would switch schedules to get myself a new boss but changing that would really make my life more difficult. I don't think a different boss will change things.
On a lighter note, I finally got my BLM hat from Dynamis and hoo boy it works great with my Errant gear and Dark Staff for sleeping purposes. I am half tempted to go quest my BLM AF pants just to improve my sleeping gear but nah, I don't want him looking like a jalopy. I tried using the hat with other gear and it really seems to me that the Black Cloak is best. Maybe after I get like 10 more merits in Elem skill I might pull out the weskit and use the hat with it but for now I am just gonna stick to my cloak.
I have sold off by Blessed gear cuz if stupid parties don't let me heal to my full 1300mp as a WHM then I might as well not have +mp gear and if -enmity is all I need then my Errant gear will work fine til I get my relic WHM body anyways.
I bought the staff grip and upgraded my Ice Staff finally and wow do I love being BLM now. I can't wait til the rest of it sells so I can buy my Jet Seraweels which look so COOL with the Black Cloak.
In assault I have begun the long climb to getting my Pants for THF which match perfectly with the Blue Cotehardie but I still have about 10k to go. But hey, I am now a Lance Corporal, woot.
I went to the bar last night and even though I thought it would suck I found myself talking to some people and in general had an ok time listening to the band. There is this one girl there that is really good looking and smiles at me a lot but as soon as I go talk to her she has stuff to do. ??? Whatever.
I need to take more risks in general though. I find the more I analyze my situation, the more I realize that I like to play it safe a lot and attack from on high when I speak. I need to do something this week.
This picture is me as a DRK. I have always wanted to level DRK cuz of the greatsword that I used with my WAR solely since I was a low level bum. Now that I got the paper for the GSD and the relic weapon, all I have to do is start my own Dynamis linkshell or something and start collecting money for it. It would take a VERY long time to do that though and DRK is only at level 16 but hey you gotta start sometime. I guess first I will boot my WHM to 75 though and then my WAR is next and then SMN. By the time my RNG is 75, I expect it will be next year and hopefully will be living it up in a place of my own with some chick with my relic weapon and full band of brothers going yay HOhito you ROCK, I never knew you could kick ash wit da ownage on a /WHM and WoW your wife looks like Cindy Crawford omg she IS cc, woot!