Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Famous is as famous does

I have put down Hohito for a while. I am finally beginning to want to create again since losing my job. It is a right awful thing to lose your job. You never feel it was your fault. I wonder at it a lot. Still people are like trees; you either reach for the sun or you will stop growing and die.

My thoughts lately are about the bar since that is where most of my money goes. I am there a lot and there are people that have come to see me there as a regular. Still, I find myself most of the time wondering about the future. Next week my brother in law is playing and that is when I will see my sister perhaps. I don't talk to them much although it is for the best since most of the time my mood is melancholy and makes for not such a good time among friends.

I have DirectTV and although I am spending a GREAT deal of time watching commercials,(which I totally swore I would never do when I stopped watching television several years ago) I feel that I am more a part of regular society somehow.

I would like to post pictures of the game but I'm not going to play it for a while. Last time I was partying with a bunch of JP this one person from my linkshell SizeDD, Siolorae, came and messed my party up. I passed leader to her so that we could avoid a gigas and then she decided not to give leader back when I asked, and then started to invite someone else when I disbanded the party. When I ranted about it in the linkshell someone actually stood up for her even though they had no idea what had happened. It makes you wonder what the hell is going on in that linkshell when they harass someone in groups like that.

It's obvious to me now that the game is corrupt. Evil people not only play out their fantasies abusing people in real life, they do it in the game all the more often and with less scruples. It is time for me to take a break. All day long while I was playing I would receive tells advertising RMT despite the chat filters. It's clear to me that the game is corrupt even at the GM level. I have filters up and the /tells show up all day long. I send emails to SE and get no response. It is sad to have to give up my character which took me so long to develop but I have to put it down. Maybe more famous people will take up the torch and stop RMT from their evil.

I don't mind a little "behind the scenes" business as long as people agree but if that includes "reavers" doing what they want because they are a bunch of "I do what I want" types, then I am out. Promoting risky business is good policy for the sake of keeping things exciting but if that means I am condoning tyranny and torture, well then I was wrong. So now that I am writing again, I am gonna vent.

I might go back to the game but if they can't keep the RMT out or from harassing people, well, the game is obviously not going to be very much fun. And if they can't stop it in FFXI then they certainly can't do it in FFXIV.

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