Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

No longer likes cars

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The best part of being a nobody is that you can look at somebodies and imagine how you would have done it different. I have downloaded the miniseries called "The Kennedys" from Zune videos and even though it won't be on DirecTV and I had to pay for it, it was only 1080 pts which comes to about 1080/80= $13.50.
In the movie, he makes a big decision to back a power play to take out Castro from Cuba. There are 25k troops over there and 1.5k troops are supposed to start the uprising of their people. Now even though I may not be too politically attuned to the world of today, it seems to me that if we go into a country that is already ruled by a dictator, that is backed by our #1 enemy, and that is a close neighbor without so much as a fence between us, it seems that they might be able to afford some intel on a major operation.
Oddly, the bay of pigs scenario mirrors a lot of what is happening now with Libya and though I don't believe our generals would ever risk their "jobs" to belittle OUR president, I believe it is in his best interest to get "bobby" in there, or at least someone that will explain things in an easy to understand language that doesn't say "you're engine is clogged has a bunch of gunck in there and best thing to do is to replace or rebuild the engine."
I realize that Harvard is a very hard school and coming from there you probably think you know a lot about the world but let me tell ya... a mechanic can take you to school. I have had two cars of my last two cars have their engines rebuilt. You're probably thinking I'm an idiot for allowing that but do I sound like an idiot? It's funny you think that cuz you can't really hear me now but heh!
Well back to the presidency, the only way to counter a military mind that doesn't want you as president is to change the military to fit your needs. We spend a lot on "defense" right? The DOD, (Department of Defense), is supposed to be the mightiest hand of government in the world, so we should use it as such. Obviously the best thing to justify people paying for our army is to attack us and get our help for free, so instead of having our engines cleaned by every friggin mechanic in the world that thunk this up, maybe we should do more research, throw it up on a blackboard, maybe we should ask for a base there and perhaps some land for testing our bombs. Right?! I mean we don't need our engines cleaned tomorrow and just maybe we didn't even cause the damage that's in there.
My last point is pride. It's nice to have pride. People love that stuff when you are running a business because there is no way someone would mess up a job they are proud of. But I believe that Republicans and the military are capable of just that. It takes a lot of hard work to fool people and it's one thing to be proud of a good job and another to be proud of a con. The military is by and large Republican and it's gonna take a lot of negotiation to get them to play fair with a Democrat as president. But why should they play fair when even Democrats like to putt from the rough so to speak. It's enough to say from a mechanic's point of view, that people with money have that money because they found a better way to outsmart people than they have, and it's probably true. The banks have organized, the medical profession has organized, the baseball players have organized, and even the mechanics have organized, who hasn't organized is the poor people.
But even though it sounds like evil people out there making the devil a nice slide to play on, the truth is people with enough elbow room don't make each other leave. When they become more and more bunched up the ones on this side need to gang up on the ones on that side, the ones that think it's just a temporary situation this pushing that's probably gonna go away. Eventually, what you have is a bunch of gangs some bigger than others and then what you have all the way at the end of this story is a bunch of people, some on this side and some on the other.
Welcome to Global Warming.