Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

What love is

The end of the age of reason comes with one person sitting too close to you. This is why elbow room is so important. If we sit too close together, someone must give up his seat to make the other person more comfortable. Usually the one that is the most "righteous" wins. Hence, the irony of being religious.

I just watched Agora, the movie, and it proved useful to proving that complete idiots usually have the most power. Don't let this happen to you.

If there are too many people in one place they usually or eventually all have to have a common cause and such if what the fate of our country will be if we become as populous as China. The end will come with some question about our lack of shame in not paying our debts or about some betrayal our God and they will ask us what the truth is, and when we can't say what it is, they will brand us "cheaters" and then they will come.

It's important to note that there are two kinds of people, people that let things slide and people that don't. And for all it's pompousness about being a "good" religion, muslimism and christianity and even dog-worship is about as "good" as a one-sided coin.

Don't let people tell you what God is saying. Don't let them tell you you're crazy. And by the way, don't let them ask you if it's OK to kill you. People will agree to many things but that doesn't mean you can't say, "Hey, what's that knife for?"

Vigilance, people, vigilance is the only way to maintain our peace in this country, if we even want that. But as has been the way in history, if a wall goes up, it must come down. So if some people have bunches of money and live in relative freedom, rest assured that some people are looking to take some of that.

I like to think that the whole world can be defined as binary. But that is slightly wrong. The world may be about good and evil, but mostly it's about what YOU believe, that being good, and the many evils of what everyone else does. So it's like ones and zeroes. Everything can be defined by numbers that become more complex as more complications are added that complicate them.

But the world isn't ones and zeroes. The world is ones and twos. We by ourselves think ourselves perfect to be alone, but that is wrong. Love defines whether you are perfect.

For that to happen you need two people. Two people are needed for love.

Think of an ellipse. Happiness is defined by two people sharing a bond. When they make love, they become a perfeect circle. When they stop, all the world is nicer or different to one person than the other. But the couple is relatively happy or "in love".

When they fall farther apart, the ellipse, becomes more large and the whole world will seem much more different to one and not the other. This is called irreconcilable differences.

When they separate, there is only one focus. This is a parabola. It curves inward because it is seeking a focus. A second focus to create love again. That's me. I am seeking a focus.

You can guess what happens when you are NOT seeking love. This is a parabola curved outward, a hyperbola. This is what crazy means. In fact, I believe it's possible to actually convince someone that love is not possible. (edit: actually a hyperbola approaches a righ angle and does not curve outward. Coincidentally though two focuses that hate each other could be useful in the same way that parabolas are useful in that two opposite parabolas that are made to touch could produce anti-matter but I really shouldn't talk about anti-matter because that would be philosophically WAY irresponsible.)

What would be the use of such a person? Ask yourself, why would you hate anyone for any reason and then tell them that? It sounds like a crime of passion right? It wasn't planned but it just happened. Suddenly you think the one you love has made you unable to love but in the legal system it's called temporary insanity, but really, it's just good math, hah!

Still I wonder if I should tell anyone about how to make crazy people because that would be just WAY irresponsible. I mean those poor poor people that don't know what is going on, what will happen to them?