Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


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What happened?

I thought that electing and having a Democrat in power meant that the country would be all for taxing the rich and giving more programs to the poor.

I thought that helping the poor by raising taxes and restoring the government to an actionable system free from financial woes was what we wanted when we elected a Democrat.

I thought people could tell what their congress was doing now that we have CSPAN and the internet and websites to tell us what they are doing.

But I was wrong.

We went from Occupy Wall Street to bail out Wall Street inside of one year. This tax on the poor, which is perhaps the biggest bailout in history, will not only make every doctor a newfound player in the market, it will draw in ALL poor people into the financial market.

You don't have to have an Economics degree to understand supply and demand. With the same amount of doctors, the demand for healthcare will go up and that... will drive up prices. Good news for rich people investing in the medical field or even in drug companies, WHO ARE ALREADY THE RICHEST COMPANIES!

This increase in prices will drive up the cost and the amount necessary to pay for the costs aka. our tax money.

I don't think it is the place for the Supreme Court to annul legislation when it is unpopular, but wow did I just kind of let this happen without understanding what the government was doing. Without this move by the Supreme Court, I would never have known how this was going to go about.

We assumed.

We assumed that rich people were going to pay.

We assumed that finally doctors were going to have to accept lower wages.

We assumed that insurance companies would see their profits go down.

We assumed that the financial market would cease to be a factor in healthcare.

I assumed the Democrats were all about helping the poor, but as it turns out it doesn't matter what you call yourself, if you want to do work in politics, you gotta have money and to get that money you gotta play with the players.

Sad news for our government, instead of taxing the rich, instead of provided incentives for public assisted care, instead of doing their jobs through welfare programs and budget cuts from the military, they have taxed the poor and walked out smiling saying we won this for you!

It's like telling your girlfriend you got her yourself for her birthday.

Thanks a lot!

If this plan of taking our money to pay for social security isn't working for social security, how do you expect it to work on healthcare?

Oh that's right, we aren't going to be able to track the money now that it's going to insurance companies so it won't matter. It will all be so confused and lost in public reports and change hands so many times that in the end we poor people will be like, it's our own fault, we should have studied in school.

PS. I am all for public healthcare though, I thought I was a Democrat when I said I was for this plan but it sounds so much like somethng a Republican would do, that I'm not sure what I am. It's definitely a biparitsan (two party) initiative, hahaha. I would go out and drink myself stupid if I drank anymore but I don't.

I king of feel like one of those toothless people on Bill Maher who vote Republican because the south will rise again. Yeah well this plan makes as much sense as that that in many ways, it's like the people in charge are outsmarting you but you outsmart them by playing stupid... and then paying for what they want you to pay anyway.

I wonder why I just thought of mechanics again?