Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Doing whats best?

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Maybe you believe that it is your duty to get results when it comes to the enforcement of what is right and wrong. Surely if you raise a fuss loud enough something will happen.
Maybe one day you see a couple fighting and the husband grabs the wife and tells her to shut up, so you call the police and he is arrested. It turns out that they were fighting about the family and bills. Well you really helped that situation right? The husband now has no job the wife is totally miserable with noone to yell at and maybe the children will be raised up proper by foster parents when it comes out that the wife has been using drugs or cheating or whatever. Boy you really helped out by calling for help to save that marriage and the menace they posed to society. The kids will probably be miserable their whole lives and never mind what happens to the cute couple.
Maybe one day you see someone kicking the dog and you call the Humane society to help out the poor dog. Well then you find out the dog bit the smallest child and he has to be put down. Boy you really helped out that dog!
Maybe one day you think Saddam Hussein has got a big mouth and we really ought to go shut it for him. Well you see what happened. People in New York definitely see what happened.
Maybe one day you find out that terrorists have kidnapped a bus load of people and all of us should do whatever it takes to free them. Well that's when Reagan decides it's ok to sell arms to terrorists. Hah. He must have laughed when he thought about the irony of it. Boy we really helped out the country by defending our honor and getting our hostages back. At least noone died.
I'm not going to say that people shouldn't call in the police to get help when they are in danger like from violence or from threat, but if you go to a drive-thru after the bar and end up in jail, you are gonna wonder if perhaps there are some screwed up people out there... doing what's best for society.