Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Follow up

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I think we should legalize everything. In line with the thinking from the previous post, thinking we can do something can be done if we put it out there and then mend it.

I great plan tomorrow is not as good as a good plan right now. Some general said that maybe George Patton.

Mona Lisa smile. Great movie.

If you like to look at women and wonder what goes through their mind this movie will answer that for you. It's like a big room full of democrats. Behind closed doors you see that they are loving each other, embracing and playing and telling each other who's got their interests at heart and what they really think about their latest boyfriend.

As an extreme example you can see what would go wrong with having too much democracy. It would be run by women and choice not by men and power. It would have intellectuals deciding if this teacher should be fired for "helping" a fellow woman even though it is illegal. So what I said before goes that actors will run the government.

A clear mistake would be to put an actor to run a Republican government. It does a good job of confusing people yes, but it makes everyone trust in someone that doesn't know about power and pushing and fighting for what is right.

People in general are of two mindsets. Male and Female.

Heh, that's no joke. Being of a female mindset only works up until someone slaps you. Then it's time to fight and even women will agree that you can't decide what side of your face you want to get hit on if you want to ever look good again.

So to have a dumb republican of noble salt like GW Bush is at least honest. It tells people that we ain't discussing it. It explains what every good republican knows is that if we don't fight for freedom, we lose it.

I will be the first to say let's fight if there are no options, or if the rest of the world thinks they got enuf stuff to surprise us and take us over. They are neanderthals intellectually. So though I reason that democrats are superior for our own people, republicans are what we need if we get attacked.

It's preposterous to have in our history, especially since all of this will become more and more clear as the years roll by, that we got attacked just as a Republican president was about to take power like in 9-11. It's about as surprising as a Republican Vice President taking over for an assassinated Democratic president like JFK. Was Reagan's assassination attempt that surprising? Who knows. But meh, it's history now and there's no use in fixing the past but there is use in preparing for the future and understanding people's programming.

Democrats are people that believe in others goodwill, Republicans are people that believe in another's use. What good are you? is something I used to hear from this lady from New York. She would say it over and over and I wouldn't get what she meant. It still puzzles me even now but I would rather think that I am useful as it applies to my world that I want to improve than as it applies to her view. But democrats want others to benefit, so therein lies the weakness and the opportunity for republicans and people from New York to get you to do something for them.

In the old days or as a matter of fact in Dragon Age there is a part where a young boy is refused by his lady until he learns to hunt. Very republican thinking and in many cultures young boys are "taught" to hunt at a young age so that they know how to survive in a grown world.

But can we apply this to women?

Should men learn to take hits from women who reject them? Should the question flow of a man's lips like an arrow from a bow? Should women be treated merely as prey or a prize?

This question more than any other has confused me all my life. Many people think I am gay just because I take my time with forwardness. Some people perhaps think I am afraid. At this point in my life I am incredibly fragile socially so it might be true now, but I wasn't afraid.

Women have as much of a duty to talk and make cues as a man does to respond to them. I never thought that I had to make that much of an effort in asking a woman as I had in showing off my abilities. And to have those abilities I needed to practice. In my mind most everything I tried to do I was exceptional at. Still, it never dawned on me that I had to "hit" on a girl. So I never did it or at least not often.

Sadly, other men would instantly become aware that I was interested in a girl but since I never would hit on a girl, I worked myself into a little cage of desire and failure. All this for showing women how a man that is not a hunter gets a girl. The few women I have spent time with were amazing though so I thank the Lord that I had my time with them.

I would call each of them brave and I guess masculine for women because if they had not worked hard at being with me, we probably would not have got together.

In college, I was hanging around with some really rough types, well rough types for a Baptist College, and they would love to talk about girls and fighting and the one guy was always wrestling with anyone who would do it. One time he badgered me and badgered me and I would not let him get to me and finally I grabbed him by the hair and planted him in the seat with some help and yelled at him then I got out of the car.

Later he came to my room looking for a fight and my roommate, a black guy told him I was asleep and then threatened to kick his ass if he didn't go away. About a day or two later he was over it. It didn't feel like a fight at all but I did lose my temper perhaps for the first time in public.

Another day, I was riding in the car and smiling and he was riding in the back with his girl and she asks me something and then slaps me. I was gonna smack the crap out of her but he was there and I wondered what the heck is going on. Do I bring the worst out of people? I was 19 or so and I'm still puzzled by that.

I have a very baptist democratic older brother caring attitude towards people but I don't believe in showing fear or remorse. I don't wrong others and if I'm in a fight, it's their fault.

So my confusion continues. The saving continues as I have said in the past. Saving my innocence for a great woman and moment when to have her and love her will seem more like I stumbled upon God rather than feeling I have to haul around another prize until I need to show it off again.

I want to have her be the maul, the hammer, the angel, the bow, sitting on my back or my shoulder, obvious to all that look at me and awesome in her significance. When she speaks, her words should be the salt of George... useful, tasty, good for you, but definitely belonging to George.

But to look at my car you would think, is this the car of a great man? It's a mess. It's bumper is coming off. The lower part of the bumper has been attached to the bumper. The rear view mirrow is loose. The lighter doesn't work. I asked to have that lighter repaired 3 times and it still doesn't work. It's check engine light is still on. I spent more than 6k fixing it and still it is on. It's an Audi. I used to think that if you had a German automobile that all of your problems were over because of their great engineering but what I managed to prove was that, like restaurants, bad managers make a bad business. I might as well have gotten a Hyundai and I would have spent less on repairs. In fact with the money I spent on the Audi, I could have had a new Hyundai. Disposable cars! Who knew it was a good idea? If I had it to do over I definitely would just get a new car every year and piss off the managers on purpose and tell them how much they suck so that the next guy would have to deal with the bad cars I sold them. I mean more trash makes everyone get busy.

And that's the defining credo of Republicans and Corporations. Don't fix it until it absolutely doesn't work. We used to spend money at AT&T on stuff ahead of time like improving the site we used to give customers information.

This is a good example of why Republicans might be a better option.

The site we had was a simple database with fields over here with the balance and over there with the security word and over there the customer's name and address. It took a long time to get used to where everything was and you had to page backwards and forwards to get at different info like APR and promotion information if they signed up for one.

Well someone's great idea was to have it all in one screen and with USTAR, a windows program, they were going to have it all come up on windows and on one screen. This takes like 4 years and really it might as well have been the Jacksonville Courthouse with all the bad press it was getting. It seemed it would never get done. Finally, after a new department opens up for just that reason and after they approve a team of experts to give it a test run and after a lot of trial and error, we get it on the floor.

What a disaster!

Not only was all of the information just as jumbled up as it was on the database, but the system we used to handle it was now taking 3-4 minutes to bring the customer's information up. Everyone was upset and noone knew this would happen until the full press of customer calls was unloaded unto our servers. All of the hardware had to be upgraded to make even a dent on response times and it was many years later before instant info and new software was made available to get pop up info that CSRs could use right away.

It was soon after that that AT&T UCS was bought out by Citibank.

Small wonder, Citibank policy started to not buy new lights, new computers, new coffee makers, or even new anything until the old ones were broken. It seemed to us employess like the monster had invaded Eden but to look back on it all, I can see that it was those do-gooders trying to jump into a new age of technology that cost us our peace of mind.

Sometimes it's better not to upgrade your wife.

I can't imagine anyone preferring to have a hassle with a new girl when you already spent years figuring out the old one. Such is my policy now is that even though I like to improve a little this and a little that, I don't buy whole new anything unless I try it for free first.

Video games a are a good example. I use demos as a way to pass the time and vet out (what the heck does vet mean?) games so as not to have any unpleasant surprises. Halo 2 was a big example as it took the armor slots away and getting used to having only shields was so annoying that I didn't finish the second one and didn't buy the third one. FFXII was another game that I bought for PS2 that didn't have the option to reverse the Y-axis so after a day of trying to run around but always looking the wrong way, I put it down. I eventually got back to it but it was annoying.

I just thought of something. Those people were doing a job of building a website that we didn't need. What luxury! Imagine being those people coming to work everyday dinky this and that and go home and 4 years go by. That is what can go wrong with the democrats. Too much nice guy means she don't get hers.

So it may seem like I talk a lot of democrat and that I am on the gung ho get the republicans out bandwagon but no not really. When it comes to doing a good job the Republicans do it better.

It's just that a good job in politics involves oversight or like I have said... follow up.