Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Moonraker what?

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If you find yourself walking down the road wondering why people don't hitchhike anymore, you can blame society. Or, you can blame Republicans. Or you can stop reading this and blame Cheerios, cuz the British are too happy for all of this to be coincidence.

I believe, though this has nothing to do with people putting their shit on me, that monsters are created by the Republicans. Obviously if some people are better than others then the ones "rated worst by consumers" are the ones that catch hell from all the rest. These become monsters in society... the "skin of evil" as one Star Trek episode put it.

So small wonder then that whoring, hitchhiking, even giving each other a jump, is now getting more and more rare. In a society that loses trust, we have more criminals. You ever wonder why Las Vegas doesn't allow brothels in the city. It's perfectly legal but for some reason, not in the city. Well it's because the business runs more effectively with secrets, with power. And let's not forget that it's probably one big monopoly over there cuz if it was open like people think it is, every Jack and Jill would open up shop in their trailer; one providing the service, the other providing collections.

The hardest part of any business is collections... unless you're a bank.

If society were more trusting, more peaceful, children would walk the streets from one house to another, to the store, to the mall even.

I was thinking the other day, cuz I'm a democrat, that what happened to policy of jumping one another? The other day we were out of a battery and we asked everyone for a jump noone had cables. But this used to be a common problem. Now it's all forbidden and possible this and that could mess up your engine. In fact, I bet there are a couple of people out there, monster types, that would like to mess up your car if gave them a chance. You see, a democrat is innocent of violence, and harassment is violence.

He believes with more people, more information available, more scrutiny, all of this bad behavior can be corrected and good behavior can be fueled. He believes "that which you do unto the least of these, you do unto me". He believes the community is a body, and correctly that a wounded body bleeds and bleeds until the wound is healed.

Take one democrat, add violence, trap him, in a little cage, shake, and poof you have a Republican. Yeah. Cuz you really can't let yourself be beaten down to nothing without changing. You ask wait a minute, I thought we were all intellectuals and instead I'm getting violence, well ok then forget intellect, who's winning monkeys?! Which side?

Cuz there's always two sides and then come the Democrats. The Joker was a Democrat hahaha.

There is a lot to be learned from suicides. The greatest sacrifice one can give is yourself. You have to know that groups of people, all Republican, are causing this behavior. You have to know that noone would rather off themselves than eat a bowl of cheerios unless there was some "violence" constantly, periodically visited. Maybe some shame like the video of gay behavior which is not so bad, the knowing it's out there, as the people who now get free hits reminding the shamed individual. Remind him of what? That he has nothing on them in return and it's gonna be free hits to kingdom come unless he joins a gay gang and whew whattadaya know, another group of Republicans!

Peaceful gays are democrats. Militant gays are Republicans. I capitalize Republicans because they are so mean, democrats don't care and why should they if they're happy. Let's make fun of em...

...and here we go again.

Would you do this? Have yourself a free laugh because someone is gay? More importantly, it's one thing to laugh at a group of people or at someone when they aren't around, and another to say I saw YOU do THIS and it's bad and I'm gonna tell everyone to hate you and you can't hit me hahaha and where's your mother cuz she needs to know...

If you can't name someone as your maker and then off yourself and still not get any respect, well then we really haven't watched Moonraker lately have we, or Superman II, or Lara Croft II.

I am assuming that someone young is reading this because all of you old people already know through years of not really thinking about it, what type you are. You are either leaded or unleaded. You either have a selfish nature and an addiction to money, or you don't.

It's not evil.

Addiction to money is what keeps everyone moving when the girls aren't coming your way, or men for that matter. Women are no different than men and I say that with humility. In their brains they are this and that chemicals blah blah bullshit. We have an outee and they have inee and that's all. If they try hard enough they can be as smart as us, I have seen it. Hahahaha. But it's rare. Same goes for black people and mexicans. But you can't confuse me for someone prejudiced. I don't admire retards, that's all. You know that people used to say that black people had bad night vision and some people say that it's impossible to learn English once you learn Spanish. Hah. Except me I guess. So keep thinking that we are all different and you will find yourself unable to find a jump, unable to hitchhike, and maybe... unable to even pay for sex in Las Vegas or even to get there!

The point I am making is you choose, but just KNOW which way you are going. When you are doing something Republican you are putting in a day's work, when you are doing something Democrat you are having a day off from working.

One is not better than the other. But we shouldn't do one of these for too long. On second thought... I think I'll have another day off.