Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Just like people

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So watching the clouds roll by I noticed recently that they move from east to west, but only sometimes. I thought more and realized that on days that it rains or when the clouds are heavy the move west to east.

Noticing even closer, sometimes I notice a little hole in the middle of the clouds when they are large. It makes me think that they gather water thru those holes perhaps like hurricanes. If so, then the clouds need the water on the earth to form larger and larger clouds.

As the clouds become larger, I imagine that the solar wind or the higher atmosphere starts to influence the clouds and pulls them the opposite way. But as they begin to form or as they dissipate, they go back to following the rotation of the Earth.

Corporations are like huge clouds, trying to keep up to speed with the sun and to stay there. They grow and grow but at some point they must let go of what they know is RIGHT, and go left. They begin to fear that the sun won't come out again... tomorrow.

But the small clouds, they always stay down to earth. They know the sun will come again and that what they need is here and not out there. They know that hell is the sun and heaven is right here nearby, feeding us with what hell could never give. They know that hell is necessary but that if they grow too large, hell takes over.

Just like people...

Edit: heh, don't believe everything