Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Monday, September 09, 2013

What poison is

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We have to stop ourselves from reaching the peak.

All civilizations have their peak. It should be obvious, after watching A Crude Awakening, that we are living at the end of an era. At the end of our lives, our world will be a very different place with very different means of energy.

Similar to the 1900s when people were travelling by train, our means of travel may indeed be a thing of the past. In any case it should be clear to all of our young ppl, esp those that have had dealings with Mexicans, that the period of growth is over and that betrayal is going to be, increasingly, the way to make money.

Of course now that pensions are becoming a thing of the past and ppl are realizing that most money put into the stock market is being quietly funnelled to the ppl that control markets, finding these pools of money to steal may also be a thing of the past.

The bible's idea speaks of sodomy as one of the acts that caused Sodom to be burned along with Gomorra. I take the story to mean something very different.

People that are "curious" are obviously ones that lack control. For all the benefit of finding ppl's G-spot through anal intercourse, there is an increased likelihood of introducing a contagion via your anus and thus cause some sort of plague. Still, that's not enough to damn a whole city but just think of what the thinking is at this point. People arguing for not doing sodomy simply because "it's wrong" are getting outnumbered by people that "know" that sodomy is not wrong because they like it. This is similar to the mentality of drug-dealing. Many people do the drugs correctly, but some few ppl will still die because "shortcuts" right? Some ppl just want more and when they start making demands, well, we AIM to please, right? Instead of using hot water or of cleaning thoroughly, instead of dotting their Is... oops over here, and oops over there.

At this point, after shortcuts start to occur, as the ppl addicted start to really dismiss their chores for another fix, the ppl left are left with a city they don't know how to run, all they know is how to subvert the ppl that DO know how to run it and eventually all you got left are stupid people.

People with all the money that eventually stop paying ppl for what they know but pay people to harass ppl and THEN who one day kill the last smart guy.

So Sodom is not so much a city that burns but a city that noone wants to do business with, so it sinks into the desert and is forgotten, perhaps like Las Vegas but worse.

Rule # 4 Don't change the contract!

When you're late, when you almost get your orgasm, when you pay almost full price, when you begin to like mooching off ppl, that's when you are going to lose your understanding of what a normal person is or feels like, and then you are just addicted to hurting others.

Ok that's enuf about butts. In Syria, they have taken it too far. In Pakistan, all the world knows, when they tested their nuclear weapon, we should have stomped into Pakistan, planes first, until all their reactors were shut down. And then India next.

It didn't happen.

Instead of a Middle East, firmly in our left pocket with fear of attack looming in the minds of businessmen everywhere, we have groups that are "curious" about nukes, about chemical weapons, about intelligence gathering and about secrets. Groups that include our own people.

You see, the bible is STILL relevant even now ppl around the world can understand what is happening because the bible is in print in ALL languages and such is why it still serves as a Book of Judgment.

Fighting with rifles and with ppl in a straightforward manner, one on one, is an honorable way of fighting. You DECLARE war. They expect you on said battlefield. The land or the woman or the memory of whatever expletive that was uttered is rendered LESS important by both parties because losses occur on both sides. It is a lawful and good way to fight because both sides fight with a cause and without fear.

Using poison is the way of the assassin. People die without knowing who killed them. The cause is lost because the body politic never knows what the reason was, it merely suspects, it doubts, it fears.  A body poisoned often incites rage and violence from others in the form of an EVIL that escapes the true purpose of the death. This evil finds its way by causing other "unexpected" deaths. Fear becomes rampant.  The evil is a virus of the body politic that causes death for no reason at all. Instead of one side winning, and the body politic getting the answer to what it should do, the body becomes an infected husk of people dying here and there with no one ever knowing when the war will be over. This is a chaotic and evil way to fight because the cause is soon lost to the spirit of vengeance that sucks everything into a black hole.

Such is the danger of drones and of "unholy" police like the CIA. If the cause is not clear, then the death must be avenged... not necessarily in an orderly fashion. 

Edit: Now the CIA are unholy to OTHER countries, they ARE our holy warriors, hopefully with the light of our history as the torch that lights their way.   

This is why everyone must be given a gun. Noone should die without a chance to defend themselves because all reasons for violence MUST be voiced. They must!

We owe it to the body politic or at least to our relatives that support us.

So should we let the world use poisons, WMDs, drones, or assassins?  No.  It will be shown that all the world wants CLEAR reasons for war but this can only happen after all nukes are removed.  I have hope that it can be done but only if everyone understands WHAT POISON IS.
ps. after we get done putting Syria in line we will need to continue on to Egypt and soon after that a world discussion of poison will perhaps put Russia in line with giving up its use of poison and nukes along with ourselves.  Well I can dream can't I?