Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Sacrifice Syria

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The president was right. It boggles the mind how some people can still be against the president even at this point. Everyone now claiming to be against the president at this point should be labeled an extremist or a radical.

How can someone not want to debate going to war? Hmm, don't answer that.

Several things I pulled away from the recent things I saw on TV news. Putin speaks for his people and as Ms. Ioffe said, he is as much a servant to the majority as Obama is. People should take comfort in that and not attack anyone that is for Russia! I'm talking to you Lawrence...

And now in a like fashion, Obama is going to act based on the actions of his Congress and not pick the apple from the tree himself. Imagine what Russia would think if America just went to war on one man's say so. And where would the next "outbreak" take place you think?

It's true that war is a great tool. I love the old way of doing things, by fixing unemployment by killing some of our citizens. Ya, mathematically, good call!

Or the ingenious comment by Obama of funneling under-funded school children into over-crowded jails. He's right. And ya it's a whole lot of black people but still, the theory is sound and we have to stop it.

All our answers are in history and we had best teach our children what history has taught us.

That few rich people will dominate until there is revolution.

That the world has limited supplies yet has people with unlimited demands.

That musical chairs is not just a fairy tale sung by witches. Moreover, that you could learn a lot from a witch but the lessons are expensive. That this many people, one percent, can rule and that's the way it's been and that's the way it's always gonna be.

That even if we give up on meat, we STILL GOTTA KILL THE PLANTS TO SURVIVE. Technichally, mathematically, THAT'S PHILOSOPHICALLY WRONG to do it , but it must be done.

To maximize goodness we HAVE to start limiting population. It's not cruel, it's not overlord politics, it's math. Too many people using fossil fuels is gonna kill us just as soon as a plague will. And this is an age old discussion.

The black plague was caused by rats, who had fleas, who got it from, what else... decaying bodies. That's where all disease comes from. From Death. From Nidhogg. The great equalizer. The spice must flow. That's not just from Dune and a nice saying. It is making it obvious that there MUST be SOME form of evil for us to survive. A person with everything soon begins to want a second wife or better yet he wants YOUR wife or he wants to mess with Amanda Bynes because he's got too much money so it's time to get her arrested. Yes, it's evil but it's also what prevents bored people from shutting down. Poor guy he was probably SO TIRED of waiting for his football season to start that he had to go mess with Amanda and get her put in a mental institution. He's not laughing his ass off, far from that, he is probably relieved that his next neighbor isn't as famous... because now he doesn't HAVE to go mess with him.

That was sarcasm.


Sidetracked, ok so I wanted to keep going that we need to keep the chain alive. I was watching today a show on CSPAN about the middle class and sure as shootin as soon as the differences get to be too much, we are going to have people revolting against the rich. I mean why does a flea do so much damage, because it is large enuf to carry the carrion to us. Roaches do that too, carry pestilence. So it is that dead things must be burned or recycled. Even trees. Even garbage. We must find a way to use what we throw away or we will hoard up the future plague into a vat of crap that is one flood away from world destruction. And from what I saw of the hydrogen bomb, we are tentative, and I DO MEAN one atom bomb away from a world full of mutants, eroded by cancer and radicalization. That is the point of my next blog, radicalization and pestilence

In the future, there need to be public places of entertainment where people can go to relax, get doped up and then driven home. Like a Domino's delivery but for entertainment where they can pick you up and then drop you off. Think about it.  

Ok, so in the time of the black plague what happened, castles go up, too many people after a while but the king is TOO NICE so now everyone can live there even on the street. You see this is where nice belongs, in the preface where the king was too nice to an old lady and his child was stolen. It's not just a fairy tale, it probably keeps on happening over and over again and we are just too stupid to GET that people go on building castles even though we know what happens next.

~What goes up... must cu-hum down~

Like George Bush, like Reagan, like Arsenio, like Daffy, the bigger they are ... nah thas BS Reagan got away with most of what he did...

So who is guilty? Who is to blame for unending betrayal, yet the fact is most good deeds go unrewarded. Most good deeds are in fact expected, so why reward them? It's a puzzle.

Remember that about life. That half-full or half-empty, yin or yang, fist or open hand, a new person or kid believes what they are told as truth. think of them as little computers with recently formatted hard-drives. And if this is true then blacks CAN be good people, just like mexicans, just like russians, just like Jews or even sharks and tigers. Conditioning is everything at least after the first couple of steps.

So it's time to take a hard look at how will we educate people. Wouldn't it be a great idea to have public education where old people EARNED their pensions thru elementary school education. I mean, is it just a little preposterous to need a 4 year degree qualify you to teach 10 year olds and under?

I believe everyone in this country should manage people from the other countries that we farm our labor to? England did just that and what happened, the native population revolted right, like in Haiti? But you can't say the theory is not sound. We are the ones with education. WE have the engineers, THEY need the dams, etc. So legislate it and then implement it. People are supposed to migrate after they marry anyways so why not put it into practice. Have OUR people send money back to the states through taxes and and have the government pay or subsidize rent for them in native countries.

We could start this in Syria. As soon as they see examples of calm people without religion exercising their "rights" instead of their notions, they woulld follow or lead by example knowing that vast earnings were theirs in due time. I mean sure it's a risk, esp for a pristine college-educated mother living among natives but think of how much safer she is from poolboys...

I always had the dream even when young while reading of migrant birds and such that to get away from my parents I would move far away. I planned, like Superman I guess, to get educated and then come back smarter faster, better, we have the technology... what show was that ? lol

I wanted to move to Alaska to raise my children while keeping my wife safe from others while I worked. But, like you saw in Last of the Mohicans, the threats are everywhere. It's better to have a warrior chic but how long can you really last against a war party? I always thought that a tough chic that could survive Alaska would be what I would need, someone that could take the punches and come back for more, someone that could "take all comers". Like Sarah Palin maybe. Can you imagine that her sp was visiting whore houses? I mean I realize that for every beautiful woman there is a man that's tired of blah blah blah but DANG you tired of banging THAT?

It's always sex with me isn't it?

Ok sidetracked. That's part of how I justify myself though cuz I know that life is irreversible. Once I'm married, it's over. Once I bang a Sarah Palin or an Angelina or Lara Croft, I'm not gonna want to marry B-movie types anymore. That's probably why it's better to not have sex until marriage. Because you get used to the face you see every morning until other faces just don't look as friendly. I can picture the girls I loved in my life right now and most people I find good-looking look like them and the rest look just different but I think it has a lot to do with heroes maybe or relatives but fact is a have a TON of relatives and none of them look like anyone famous so I might be wrong. In fact I wager I find people that look like my relatives as somewhat interesting in a forBIdden way, which of course makes you wonder for the sake of SCIENCE if that sex would be good. :D

No not really.

A final thought about Syria. We are about to have a long discussion about our role as police in the future. Maybe that's what we need is a big fight to get the Republicans to play nice again? So be it. I keep wanting to do things like Jesus would do but the reality is there is nothing people recognize but sacrifice. SACRIFICE. Is it any wonder devil-worshippers act how they do?

I'm talkin to YOU, women.