Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Monday, July 29, 2013

A second language

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Lisa Bloom is more my level of intellectual.  Some people would say "OMG you are NOT on her level!"  Yeah well, when you've been lied to by lawyers and police and seen judges be ok with it,  you kind of realize what a waste of time it was to acquire your "amazing intellect". 

So she says that people today are dumbed down mostly by a junk media that makes reality shows and knowing the Kardashians more socially satisfying than knowing your congressman, which I agree with. Then some HACK writes that she may not know what she is talkin about because she isn't bilingual. 

Here goes my response.  And btw, I think I like her more than Ann Coulter.  What, me picky?


Secrecy is inherently evil. It is darkness. I am bilingual but people that believe it is everyone’s responsibility to learn two languages when there is already an accepted language, are speaking self-righteously. Speaking a second language is a luxury to be used to ease diplomacy when travelling, but to say that in Miami people should speak Spanish or in Chinatown people speak Chinese or in Montreal people should speak French, is to say that your method of interacting with others is superior to what was there before. It is an invitation to the devil… to chaos. 

A fundamental requirement for having a country is to have a constitution that all adults understand and pledge their allegiance to. What happens to someone when they are allowed to wander around speaking a different language interacting with gestures and shaking their heads and hands? I can think of nothing more profane than allowing another language to be used in our country. And it’s not just damaging to our nation,  I have seen statements written at Citibank in Spanish that were “less” than easy to understand. It is perhaps one of many reasons I was not allowed to remain there. Imagine being a customer with a 6th grade education from a different language. Are you vulnerable? You think? Is your family?