Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Secede not Succeed

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I was watching 9/11 documentary and I got all sentimental.   This is from an article about actual people trying to secede from Colorado. 

You know there are no calm people that want something interesting to happen. No old people with pensions, no college kids with trust funds, no children, no homeless people, none of these want something interesting to happen in Congress. When Congress gets nothing done, it occurs to me that maybe... just maybe... it could be... working as designed.
So when you see people wanting to secede or budget fails or a new law that was unnecessary but is somehow useful, you know the RICH people want it.  NOt righteous people, not productive people, not even patriotic people, just plain old I wanna make more money people. 
Is it obvious to anyone else?
Calm people are the goal. One person with just a little 30hr mickey dickey job is one more person not in jail. One more person not a danger. One more person able to endure the monetary mountain of volcanic ash of that sickens everythng being done for the sake of a better country. One more person, for Jesus. 
One guy enjoying his girl, an xbox, and some brews might inspire some people to ask where is his ambition? I ask, why is ambition so highly regarded? Why can't we all agree that money is not the goal, and that happiness is the goal?
When you hear of someone wanting to make their own way, and take some people with them, on some CAUSE, it should make you sick. The CAUSE should be
1. Life
2. Liberty and the
3. Pursuit of Happiness.
ps. on the other hand, if Alaska secedes and people turn to hell, Im movin to Alaska. People aint got nothin on bears. Plus Sarah Palin is not so dumb when ppl begin to outsmart each other. And no disrespect but the best education can't outsmart 2 ppl you trust, lyin to you.