Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

An epic battle

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Why this is an epic battle.

The government can have it's debt ceiling raised. This was never part of the plan. The sad fact is that Republicans like so many schools of sharks know a frenzy when they see one, and their SECupp like hunter senses come alive when they sense weakness and like the animals they are(sorry SE) they keep attacking without knowing what they want out of the frenzy.

Ted Cruz started this fight to defund Obamacare. Let me say that again, he wanted to defund Obamacare. Noone is confused about that but his enemies, esp his own people. He knew it was law. He knows what the Supreme Court decided in reviewing the mandate. He now wants there to be no money given to the program so that it cannot be rolled out.

The NSA is legal and is approved long ago by Congress. If we want to Defund the NSA for a year, Congress can do that. And here's the really relevant part... they can do it without the President's ok. (edit: ok they need his help, I told you Im getting slower) 

Yeah, sorry Charlie. For all the attitude and the this-is-illegal huff and puff, and the election-was-about-Obamacare rhetoric, truth is the election was about an election, and Romney, having won the election, would have been able repeal the ACA about as likely as he would have been able to keep his military from bombing the crap out of Libya.

The ACA is a program and now that I am against it, I don't think it is necessary and should be shelved for the foreseeable future. I like that it was approved by the Supreme Court, I like that a whole lot of Democrats voted it into power. When the Congress is again led by Democrats, it might see the light of day, but at this point it needs to be stopped.


What also needs to be stopped is confusion. The debt ceiling has nothing to do with this. Medical Device flim flam and entitlement reform discussions, it just makes me crazy to think that after debating this we might end up with SS reform, UGH!

Still, it might be ok to raise taxes later to allow for the program to exist and only Democrats would allow that and unlike most Republicans, I believe that is a worthy program.

But not now. Now any talk seems like a bait and switch when EVERYONE knows exactly what is happening or not happening in DC.

Now to finish explaining, why is this an epic battle. WE ALL, all of us, are about to start paying 10% more to the government;  AT LEAST 10% more. The undocumented might escape it but to be a legitimate citizen or business owner, you have a new club fee to be a member of our country. Now it might make illegal aliens a thing of the past since more identifying and more outrage will drive out these "non-club" members and this all might be better for our country, but first we have to ask, did congress get everyone's ok to do this. I think you will find a great many that say NO. And we owe it to the country, when something this EPIC is about to be implemented, to have everyone on board.

Everyone must CHOOSE to be on this ride, or they will forever be foreign to it. People will look back and the simple fact of race will make this a dividing bastion that separates us from the blacks or the poor people's party which will be the Republicans. (edit: The reason for this is that the people that don't like it will blame Obama and then it will be a black thing) 

It's not surprising that the Koch brothers are separating themselves from the GOP because this is not what they wanted. They wanted small business to be deciding the way to the future because these people are a lot like them, greedy, which makes them easier to control.  But all that has happened is the Tea Party has made getting rid of Obamacare a tipping point for the poor people's party to introduce coersion and unethical dialogue into Congress.  Ted Cruz has made this cause his and, lacking experience, he thinks it will be all right later but, truth be told, poor people are a mess.  Just look at how Occupy turned out.  Michael Moore lasted less than an afternoon before they booed him off as another rich guy capitalizing on bad feelings. 

The GOP has become the poor people's party and the Democrats are the ones that now side with the rich. 

Like so many things, it's not the other side that's wrong. Russia is not wrong. The Nazi's weren't wrong. Egypt and it's slaves were not wrong. The South WILL rise up again someday. All these things were not wrong until people were allowed to lose their emotion in the fight and take the next logical course. If people work together they willingly allow masters and slaves because one has to do the work, the other has to look and see where the work needs to be done. It's like being a man and wife, one doesnt have to be stronger but both work better if they know their place.

I hope you see that this will end in bloodshed... but only if we stop talking. Only if we refuse to negotiate. You are outnumbered, so BURN the oil fields? Are you no longer caring about your country?

I wish you could see yourselves, Democrats. You think you KNOW what is better and now it's time to put the clamps on the slaves without taking a vote.  

Without allowing the system to run its course.

I wanna know WHO would open the government without deciding this new TAX. What responsible person thinks that there would be ANY talk of stopping the ACA later, if a budget with the money to roll out the program was approved by congress and made available to the President.

It's fun to watch MSNBC now that I am on the other side on an issue and they used to be so informative but now it seems they avoid discussing things that make this impasse understandable. It's almost intentional ya? But at least they run ads that promote the other side so it gives me hope that money can cure any impasse if people can't. Which brings me to one of my favorite sayings.

For everything else, there's Mastercard.

Ps. I'm still waiting for someone at CNN to do a time slot of Chris Matthews ranting and raving like they used to do to Limbaugh.  I mean, they are like the same person. And when they do a monologue of Michelle Bachman acting all Christian and sounding nuts, I have to wonder if they realize that Lawrence is the devil for treating people the way he does.