Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Todd the line

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I like Chuck Todd.

He speaks in a manner that is more respectful than Chris Matthews. Chris is just rolling over anyone that doesn't check his boxes like he likes. It's a waste of time to watch his show because... you don't learn nothin. It's kind of like reading comics or like watching Duck Dynasty.

I like Chuck more than Lawrence. Lawrence is in a class all his own. He is calm and quiet when he is talking to his "friends". He talks just like one of those hucksters that play 3 card monty. If you are in on it with him, you get respect. But if you are not, if you didn't get a call beforehand to see what you were gonna say on his interview, you can expect him to ATTACK you. Very selfish and quite unsporting since it is his show. And if he wasn't on after Rachel, I wouldn't watch. In fact I sometimes catch myself starting to go ahead and watch his show, just to end up with some attack he does on some Repub or Russia lover or Weiner type.

I don't like Chuck more than Rachel or Chris Hayes or Alex Wagner. Those guys are top drawer journalists imo. In fact it seems to me Chuck has some good examples to lead him down the path to Christendom or w/e. Wow, I am already tired of writing.

So Chuck Todd asked the president about a leak while in Russia last month and it hurt my feelings to see one of ours doing the do the top guy. I mean if you want to give the administration some feedback maybe hand it to Jay Carney, or Biden, or Rice, or Colin Powell. You know I have never heard anyone go to Colin and say "what were ya thinkin?" Oh but it's ok to ask the president about some flimsy whozit message about some secret noone can verify. All that does is hurt the heart of government. It's not productive.

But maybe I want to land a blow against the government. 

Maybe I want to see the center of control, weakened. The police may not be as honest as I once thought. The people of my own country may be willing to watch others suffer because they are complacent. The employers responsible for the jobs and motivation of its employess may be allowing CSRs to harass their fellow workers(ie. me), may allow fake customers to call in and verbally harass workers and then claim nothing happened and why'd you hang up on them, may allow managers to watch someone go nuts receiving abuse and then call them in for call reviews that mean absolutely nothing because the review process is a jumble of good ideas that are sometimes enforced and other times are disregarded altogether... depending on who the employee is.

You know if Chuck Todd was attacking the core of government by hurting the President's feelings and you ask me what I really think and what to say, I guess I would have to say...
