Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Wednesday, October 09, 2013


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This is not some mishappening that was slided into play by the unbabbled pakiderms, it was a plan.

Know that the President and his party want what is best for the country, which I believe is a far cry from what Harry Reid and the bumpkins of the House want. They are the leaders of a losing side. They are like being the president of an island, oh I wonder what their recommendation is?

It's funny because when I watched 13 days or whatever, it was the hard-liners of Russia that were antagonizing war and it was JFK who had to ameliorate the rhetoric despite having HARD COPY of the relevant threat. In the end, it will be our President who has to ameliorate the country's feelings. And remember this is all about the ACA, it's not obama-care, it's not an insult to him to want it gone anymore than refusing to negotiate is meant to give offense. You get hit, you go down, you get up, arms go back up... it takes time to realize you are in a fight.

So now, like JFK, we have a fight of our own.

Republicans, and the Tea party CHRISTIANS, (not sure what that has to do with a tea bag, I can say it TEA BAG, TEA BAG, TEA BAG... feels good to talk down to christians ya?) that want less oversight because of their blind trust in our banks, have found out that this whole healthcare crusade is yet another way for BIG GOVT to funnel some of their money to DC. Titheing optional, insurance mandated... thank God I think?

Democrats know they are on the way out because of it. This is the LAST STAND before elections next year welcome the influx of Reps that are kinda tired of WALL ST and new taxes or whatever you call it, insurance, oh that sounded better!

Terrible ya? Those brownie girl beanstalkers have thrown their last beans! We ain't having no more magic till Easter!

But the real problem is the cause. THE CAUSE. Are we gonna stop this new tax or are we gonna let the politicians haggle out some new Patriot Act thingy that future presidents can abuse?

Noone gives a flying rat's flea's tail feather of a smell about the REpublican Party! IF we want this new tax we need to say it, if not then get ready for a whole lot of new money that we have to pay that doesn't really go anywhere, imo.

It's like raising the minimum wage or doing economics. It doesn't matter if we earn more money, if prices go up. It doesn't matter if we have more infrastructure and programs, if the jobs go overseas.

If we can't see that poor people here need programs not insurance, well then I guess we don't need to give a flying rat's flea's tail feather of a smell about the Democrats either.

Epilogue: We don't have to fight each other... we have to fight period. Assert that we want what we had or say we want to risk having more. In critical thinking, you need two sides, like Scalia said if too many people agree with me, something is wrong. So make them fight. But don't say we gotta do what they said because we must be wrong or vice versa; the voices, and this sounds a little mental(which part?), it's all about the voices.