Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Monday, October 07, 2013

What is important

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That is what I am talking about. The movie Gravity. It's all about the gravity. That's what I keep telling you people.

What is important is gravity.

I just watched the movie Gravity and even though it included a very good looking Sandra Bullock and an ever charismatic George Clooney, I couldn't help but wonder what a rip-off this was if all they had to do was pay their two salaries and fund the rest through Korean CGI artists. Meh, better if you don't tell me. 

(edit: ok just found out they spent over $100 mil so, nvm)

It was still moving though. Every disaster was unbelievably believable. But I would have like there to be more distance and more parsing during the lonely walk together through space. Sort of like Jesus walking you on the sand but no, it was mostly chatter. I would have rather seen something more like Life of Pi.  Maybe the next time I see it I will get it more. I never get a movie the first time I see it anyways, unless I'm toasted and in an empty theater.

And we all know that she has a baby that's adopted and... it's obviously not her husband's eyes looking back at her, so when a movie portrays her as having lost a daughter to a careless accident, it falls as vague because she and her adopted child are so famous.  Next time I would suggest (edit: yeah this isn't going well so I just deleted a bunch of crap) her act as a professional something. I don't know don't ask me why I can just tell you how I feel. You don't see Angelina acting with children in her roles and that's probably a good thing.

In fact, now that the subject is out there, wouldn't that really hit home to act as another child's mother when you have your own? Ew. Maybe I am too old or too sensitive or maybe I need to get a life or a child of my own and see how it feels before I go commenting on having children. I wish her the best of course and the movie was good but I was hoping for some extra dimensional finish or some rarely divined point to getting through a disaster besides break out the instruction manuals and hit GO. But they are right, it is probably as easy as that to get your life started up again.

I hope I can do it.