Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Learning Lessons

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I edited my last blog not knowing that they would remove the shutdown today, so now it doesn't seem like I knew it was coming, but I knew. I dreamed last night about it and it seemed right that it should end because the poor people had used up their chance. People were not raising the concerns that were most pertinent and the cause was getting unfocused and restated differently.

You know why I like Alex Wagner? She reminds me of my very intelligent relatives from New Orleans. They are all incredibly brilliant but I guess they seem so because they trust me so much. Everyone else pales by comparison but maybe that is intentional. Maybe people are not as open when they don't trust you. I dunno but there is something about her that I don't see in other people, some kind of spark.

Why do people say that the Republicans failed? Does it seem so? Does it seem like Ted Cruz is going back to his state with his head down? He cost the American Economy a BUNCH of money. He cost a lot of workers a bunch of money. His actions made everyone sit up and take notice and I guarantee you that come 1 year from now, people will remember this chance he gave them to say no, and they called him ridiculous.

I keep having to make this point and it's a good point so I will say it again. I call it my Loser's lament.

Loser's Lament

I should be replaced.
I have risked and failed you great leader. 
I have cost you millions.
I have acted poorly.

You have acted poorly.
You have cost me millions.
You have shown me great personal weakness.
Should I replace you, so that another could repeat your mistakes?

Moral: Lessons are expensive

Ok , I am somewhat conscious of the fact that Ted Cruz is not exactly taking the pulse of the American people but remember in Mark Twain's short story about the dog that won all of those fights because he had ONE tactic, to lock onto the opponent's rear leg and never let go. And that would have been enough had they not put him into a ring with a dog that had no hind legs. That's when he lost you see. Because he got cheated. That was the end. I don't know why MT named him Andrew Jackson but I don't know a lot of history.

Now American People, are you going to do that now to your dog, Ted Cruz? Tell him he lost? Say that he was losing the whole time and that all the millions that signed the petition to have him keep doing what he was doing, were all equally non-sensical in their motivations?

You see thankfully we have something called "next year". Yeah, because it won't be long before we see what turned out. And you know what, I am gonna sign up because I don't feel remorse using young people's money to pay for my operations. Just have to know what country your in and you can readjust your heartplug to north/south instead of east/west and SEE, now we know how to act. South is weaker, thank you very much.

Hey, Chuck TODD, we did a good job on the president though Ya? Betcha he won't be going to Libya anytime soon. Say something else about the president man. I wanna see this happen ALL OVER again. Nawh man. I am not saying this all began after your interesting parley about secret messages in public. Not saying that.

SECupp whatcha think girl? Like me being on your side? Yeah well I go both ways. That's the beauty of being a steward of nature. Turn the page.

Shows over though. I despise Republicans in general. They are WAY too unrepentant and now that I see the Democrats acting the same way with their, where are the grown-ups and their they don't mind a catastrophe as long as they get their way and their Boehner should be fired because he can't lead. I mean W T H!

Did they have Rush Limbaugh actually hooked up to their earpiece?!!! Do they think this is some sort of game? I'm still waiting for one of the MSNBC people to ask their cousins what they think? Because they askin' experts but their answers come out like their at a family picnic.

If it was me, as a Republican, acting all STRANGE like they were acting, I would have gone straight out and asked them, "WHO GOT JOBS at Hooters that want Obamacare defunded?" Next stop, used car salesmen. Do you guys want healthcare mandated? Next stop, the responsible people... doctors! Oh wait that's cheating.

I guess it's obvious people owe Cruz and Boehnor some serious moolah for abating their arguments. I hope people can see that  ALL ALONG  we were on the same side... learning lessons.