Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Those CRAZY people

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I hate to say this but sometimes but when people start pointing to people that don't deserve guns , you are already "identifying" who you want out. People that want "mental health" checks to start happening, don't realize that this is already what judges are for.  Criminal behavior is about people that lack a sufficient amount of control.  How do you find these people?  With evidence.  With precedent.  

Don't let them tell you your crazy.  Voluntarily checking into a clinic is like asking a cop if he minds that you did drugs this one time.  Remember in airplane when the stewardess starts to go crazy and one of them shakes her a bunch, then another person smacks her and then shakes her.  A third person uses even more violence and then you see a long line of people waiting in line to have their turn at "helping" the mental patient.  It's funny until it happens to you. 

So when people start asking you "is everything alright?" you can start to section off the people that are your real friends from the "helpers".  

PS.  about a week after people pass the law limiting guns to stable people, you can expect everyone to start attacking each other's sanity for the sake of the public good. You really think that you are helping but once again you are taking rights from the poor and leaving the rich people's unquestioned sanity to benefit at the expense of the many CRAZY poor people.