Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Pundits are the priests

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I believe that we did the right thing in Syria. We gave it to the people to decide and after a week of polls it was obvious to everyone that we were against it.

We said this knowing that there is an international law against Chemical Weapons and we know that if we get bombed in some unintentional attack with a weapon of mass destruction, that we voted not to bomb them.

Now it should be obvious to everyone most especially the Republicans that they had their chance to get the votes and they couldn't do it. Too bad, so sorry, it's over, thanks for playing. Now we gonna do it my way, says Obama.

How does this get translated to Obama is weak? I fully believed Susan Rice when she said we were going AND so did the Russians. So much so that they didn't think for a moment that we were going to do it until Susan Rice started that speech with "we are going to bomb them we have little choice".

And I will wager Syria believed her. Oh yes, they couldn't agree fast enough that they had weapons and that good or bad they had to go... AFTER we were going to bomb them.

Now the whole reason we are even in this, which noone likes to mention is that we have been trying to remove Assad via "alternate" means for years now ever since the civil war started. What do we know? We don't know. We just know that Syria didn't sign the CWC along with Egypt and and for some reason their people are not happy and we are ok with that in fact we might even want to help them not be happy mostly because chemical weapons are cheap to make and unlike nuclear weapons, are not extremely expensive and impossible to create.

So fast forward to the attack. Whether the rebels did it or the government did it to their own people, some weapons were used and that breaks international law. The USA now has the right to claim foul. All the nations of the world can agree and what happens so often will be "allowed" because the right set of circumstances have occurred that were perhaps not an accident. (aka CIA)

But, like in so many court cases, it doesnt matter what the law says if the jury understands what was happening. People justify things the same so with the right jury, you don't even have to speak English to get off. And so it goes in the world. If we are tired of war, then you can have your one attack, free of charge, but we looking at you now and we might even spank some of your companies and people in the process of letting you get away with that but the "jury" has decided to let them get away with it.

Now, moreover, every red-blooded Republican ought to be ashamed of themselves. They call themselves the "geturdone" party and the responsibility party and the national defense is like welfare party but when it came to supporting the president, they said no.

This is not a party. These are enemies of the state. When you change your mind and go with the other person's vote and they still disagree, it's time to pull out the duel box and cry out "pistols at noon!"

So yeah, what should we do instead um "let's defund obamacare". Yeah, congress is working alright. If you consider letting the rich people move people around the chess board until the rest of the chess players have finished so that they are the ones up on the big screen 2 days later, if you call that skill, then yes they're working.

My solution? Duels for congress. Lifelong terms. Appropriate name yes? And just think as soon as someone else wants to run, poof, duel time! You see, you don't need large magazines for what needs to be done in congress. You don't even need an education and fact is after the really young bozos get done getting their jollies, probably only very old people would run for congress.

You know I honestly don't have a problem with Republicans. Sure they are a bunch of do it yourself ers that like to play hookey because WE CAN people that have no interest in serving as an example except to their own families, but I can at least understand what the good ones are thinking. I especially like the good-looking women of the Republicans. You know they would not settle of less than a millionaire and would probably have mexican midgets for foot stools if it was legal which reminds me of ANY Given Sunday when Charleton Heston mentions CAmeron Diaz character as someone that would eat her own young. Or it reminds me of The Transformers when the guy says that all criminal women are hot, talking about Megan Fox.

The real problems I have is when their "competitiveness' turns into sacrifice. It's already there you see? They already diminish the other side as inferior so it's a small step to then begin to treat the other side as "useable" or as something to be used or as "tools".

That which you do unto the least of these, you do unto me - Jesus

Ok, so sounds like I have never had sex in my life and truth is, it's been a while, but my lesson to you is to try stuff, like I did, and then come to your conclusion. This is mine.

And more importantly, don't bash the President. Bash his actions. Bash a vote. Bash a poll or an outcome but don't bash people. How are you going to bash Rush Limbaugh, and then turn around and start giving people names.

If you pundits, are at the TOP echelon of journalism, being seen by Moscow, Beijing, and London and you end your show by insulting someone like a regular comedian even though you ARE the ACTUAL jounalists, what does that say about the highest class of people from our country?

I mean our country doesn't have a pope. Every religion has a priest that will telll you what to think, from voodoo to jews. Every race has a belief that they are better but that only works if the "race" is beset with anti-thetical views like the gays or the blacks or maybe the FAT people or the smokers. Even then, those people need a spokesperson that is a "truthsayer". A person that points out what happend in the world today and then said this is what happened and "we the people HAVE to get this right".

It's you. You see? You pundits are all that is left for us as a nation to call holy. You are the last bastion of reality before the government starts to feed us nasally and blow us in our beds for our loyalty. You are the nations priests. Which brings me to my solemn and most faithful rule I try to follow at every turn of my life.

Rule #1 Watch your mouth

ps. I have been watching Crossfire and though it is still brand new, it's horrible. If I wanted to hear cats meowing all night long I would just open a window. I like SE Cupp though. I wonder about her sometimes. What are the odds of someone being from an Ivy League school, majoring in politics, actually trying to do it, being a woman, and then being super fine and then try to be in front of the camera as much as possible... chances? Rare. I guess she reminds me of Rachel, except that she's single... which makes her commentary SO much more intelligent. EDIT : Bah I missed crosssfire tonight :/