Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Fancy toss

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"It's a sign of the judgment." - the song playing after the show.

Well I just finished watching True Detective. It finally gave us what we were waiting for... Michele Monaghan doggie-style. They could have spruced it up more I thought, because you know they both have just been WAITIN' for that to happen and then it's like meh, over in less than a minute.

Maybe that's more real than I want it to be? (Esp since I have never actually been able to capture a dream girl like Matt did in that scene)

Moreover, the part where Woody(I don't even know his character's name) puts up his gun and badge and starts to walk out there to get his ass kicked by his partner, after all that talk about "a man's price for a man's game" speech that he gave to the youngsters that had consensual sex with his 17 year old...  everyone likes to talk about violence like they are doing it for the other person's own good but in reality, if they KNOW they're gonna get beat, not so much. They should have shown Woody with a bit more fear in that regard I thought.

And that scene where she does a turnaround on Matt and tells him it's just for the sake of her marriage and doesn't care about him really yet in the lead-in she was talking all "we are looking at a person just like us" and "be honest with me now" bullshit, that reminds me of my 2nd gf. 

 TOTAL 360!

Who thinks up this crap and tells women to do this?!

Now I'm watching another re-run of Bill Maher with Rachel on his show. He's such a has-been sometimes. I realize he's a godless, in it for himself, but I care, guy... but what's with the zeroing in on the Christie story? Does he WANT to lower MSNBC ratings?

Does his mother live in New Jersey? Oh NOW I see how it is...

He's probably better off not talking about it then. I brake for boobies not boobs.

In other news, I was gonna start to watch House of Cards because Alex mentioned it on her show but just the plot line of it, having the president be corrupt, is like a direct opposite of what I find interesting. I know if I saw just one episode I would be hooked, and I know Rachel is gonna be on one of their shows, but meh, I'm still not in the mood to see corruption at its finest.

I still think Michele should have stayed Tom Cruise's wife in the later Mission Impossible movies. She was TOTALLY a top flight spy's wife.  I think he messed up there. 
And something I was thinking about in the shower earlier was that spot in the movie LEGEND where he confesses his love for Lily (I have watched that movie 20 times at least) and yet she makes fancy of his love and tosses away carelessly a symbol of their union. And I think in real life, Tom Cruise saw women as less than serious since then. 

In his movie Vanilla Sky, where he is scolded for being careless with Juliana(Cameron Diaz), I think that was meant to make clear to women how men feel when THEY THE WOMEN are careless. 

Fancy-free, that would make a good title to a biography.  

PS. And don't think I didn't get that scene with Michele and her sweaty exploded face and her dilated pupils, it was like a visceral depiction of the orgasm.  VISCERAL.