Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Worthless boob

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So it's noon and I'm missing Alex but I guess I only have myself to blame, since I'm Hohito Almighty. (yes, another movie about me, did u forget who's blog your on?)

It's funny because I remember once talking about Alex and her Ferrari and now I realize she is like an average worker. She's probably got ONE secretary and ONE break room and her office is probably NOT the corner one. And I am tempted to suggest how to improve her but like I did yesterday, if I say too much about it, I jinx it... then the whole ability goes away.

Ok, I will say one thing, she should get THREE screens. One to check twitter, one on the current news, and one to work on. ON her tabs she should have one on whatever story she is preparing, one on to look up definitions, one on WIKI, and maybe one on her email, if that makes sense.

Hope that helps.

I just figured out recently that Sarah Silverman is against abortion. It must be something to do with the burning bush... er, ah, I mean her talk with Jesus that she had when he came over to her house. In her little montage she explained that sperms are alive and that they are being killed so that to stop this, men had to have their testicles fixed by the government since that is what legislators want to do to women that ask for help with their abortions a la transvaginal sonogram(I think).

But it's ridiculous right? Sperm are not alive are they? You wouldn't stick that BIG FAT thing down into my Urethra would you?

Yet, if Jesus were humping Sarah, let's say, and if Sarah Silverman started to really "enjoy the go" for a change, she might ask him to keep it in there, make it special, "repeat after me... I likey the doody!" and then after making sure her pelvis was actually moving he might change his mind and not want to have a JESUS SARAH moment. In which case, he would pull out.

I imagine him gazing at her now wondering about all that sperm he just let splotch on her belly... all he would be thinking about is how great sex is and how wild it smells to smell her and him and the room. He would put his knee over hers, and flop her "worthless boob" over to that side and then in a moment of VILE CARELESSNESS he might start to mess with the sperm, at which point the smell of it would come RACING into the room as though a skunk just let off his spray.

You see, sperm don't smell until they are in danger and then they ALL smell. This is why it stinks but only right after you start to wipe it off. (who me?)

And as he started to understand it all, as JESUS often does, he would come to a conclusion... that he was possibly guilty of abortion... and that it's a FELONY in some states...  and that his reign was over, all because of Sarah but that's ok cuz hey, nice apartment, he might stay a while. 

So it should be clear to you all that men are guilty of abortion TOO and that it's a felony in some states.  Now MEN can enjoy the go... into prison.

 ps. You're welcome world... now you religious pro-life freaks can shoot to kill a MASTER OF ABORTION near you... (you want my address? why?)