Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Geral(r)d can afford it

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I saw 300. It was awesome. And if there is any woman worthy of mention as UBER-fine it is Eva Green. Wow. What would that movie have been without her. She is the half-sister of Xerxes as the story goes and it is through HER manipulations that he is made into a God-King.

But that's not the best part.

For the best part you have to see the movie. It reminds me a little of Alex Wagner. What would MSNBC be without her or Rachel. But truth is before I even watched the network they were there giving their all and I didn't even notice that I needed them, and now they are must-see TV.

The movie was incredibly flat otherwise however. I don't want Leonidas to take this the wrong way but we need more GIRLY men in films. Yeah, Harrison Ford and Robert Redford notwithstanding, guys need to look good in makeup. When you catch them at a still glance their faces need to be a chiseled feature cut out of clouds, much like I dunno Fassbender or Owen Wilson or Zoolander maybe. The men of 300 despite their skills just didn't capture my interest like the previous movie did. But that's OK, because Eva Green more than makes up for that by full-timing it onscreen.

I was dissappointed with Camelot for that reason. I mean she is every bit the A list actress but next to her they put these, I dunno, average types.

Trust me when I say I KNOW an alpha male when I see one.

And the movie 300 could have used more of them. So could have the series Camelot. And it's sad to dismiss her as forgone to the evil mistress class of actors but she would make a good leading lady in my opinion. An FBI agent leading a slew of men investigating let's say... aliens?

I know, I'm a sucker for a set of beautiful blue eyes.

Well, in other news it seems like Bill Maher is funny again. It was nice to see Pussy Riot talking in their native language and still being able to be guests on the show. But I KNOW Bill was like what is that little man translator doing with THAT? What do I mean? I mean that girl is OMG fine is what I mean. Paulina Poriskova, move over, now there's something leaner! And in the back of Bill's mind I KNOW he was just wishing to say something about it but he couldn't.

Or maybe, he's like a NICE comic.

And... depressing news... we went into Iraq for oil. Yes, it doesn't get any better... reality just gets older. I should take this opportunity to remind everyone that we as a group everyone, are busy bees not knowing why we are here and yet as members of this behemoth country we live in, it is our DUTY to know why. More to the point, we must know where the money is coming from and where it is going.

We can't have a standing army because that is like welfare and it costs, so we must take that from somewhere. We are out digging oil so that we can drive around in nice cars but fact is there is a cost to that and it's catching up to us. In hindsight we can see how we were deceived and thankfully we can predict that our spineless leaders won't be going to North Korea or to Russia any time soon because there is just no money in it. But when the money runs out and when the oil runs out and when Britain starts to realize HEY BP OIL is being taken over!!!! Then, we will reap the rewards of our good examples made public to the world.  It's like when Putin said that we need to watch our mouth about being exceptional.

But it's not new. I watched Rachel's show last night wondering why I am even here, talking about fighting injustice.  I did that at Citibank but all I got was discerning disrespect that ended more harshly than I would have expected.  I even tried at the bar but THAT past is perhaps STILL MORE harsh than when I was fired. 

It reminds me of the movie "All is Lost".

You people don't deserve me. I am overkill for apes. If you wanted me to sacrifice myself, I could have done that LONG before I learned all this crap about religion and equity.

You can't afford me.  

ps. Yet, I cannot do a single act that GOD would not sanction.  Maybe you should all ask yourselves if YOU are right with YOUR maker. BTW, All is Lost is a great movie but you have to see it like 3 times to start to get that what he is doing is a euphemism for life. It probably helps to have gone boating once or twice.  DO NOT watch this movie once or after work.  Watch it when you are ready to Pause and Rewind several times after watching it once just for background.  Be ready to spend 5 hours on it and be ready for a so-so ending. 

And don't think I don't know what your evil little minds are thinking, he's all righteous but little men shouldn't have THAT, the hypocrite!

Yes. (that's SPOCK's voice responding to whether someone(Jim) stinks in an elevator LLAP)(I use that a lot.[one word yes for something that stinks but I don't really want to admit it but since you asked])(Darmok in winter!)