Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Unsure about it

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I don't do segues.

So for some reason I now have access to Fox news which is good because all this time I have been looking for Hannity so I could catch Ann Coulter some of the time, and never once found it.

It's like I was too stupid, in a way.

i'm watching this commercial about Rosland gold and the guy from Payback is the spokesperson which makes me laugh. I can imagine someone somewhere asking to have GOLD shipped to THIS ADDRESS, with the location kept in strict confidence.

There is no confidence nowadays just make sure to pay the insurance ontime.

I totally disagree with sending youngsters to cover a war. OLD PEOPLE should be sent. They were never good enough to be anchor and if anyone is going to get accidentally bombed, and this is hard to say, the old groggy news reporters should be first ones to go. Besides everyone knows that a white man with gray hair and a news camera = millions in randsom.

(somewhere two young guys are high fiving in a break room)

It's funny because when people do insane stuff right on TV it doesn't sound insane but WHEN I SAY IT, it's scary.

Someone just mentioned that the New York Times recommended keeping your money in the stock market. WHEN would a newspaper go against Wall Street? The story right before that was a story about a woman that was sentenced to death for being Christian. Odd coincidence.

I keep going back to this old theme. I don't want anyone trying to be Christian because people willing to betray them simply do it and then convert a Christian to a betrayer. So it's better not to have Christians and relegate that to like children or foreign countries. Same goes for people in the stock market. People starting out ALWAYS lose their money or realize too late how ridiculous it is. But to have a lack of trust is to have a lack of a country. We can't even deliver the mail if there is no trust. So I remain odd about it.


The whole Republican party is based on that. I mean all of those people believe we should trust one another while at the same time voting into office people that reduce regulation and make deals with Wall Street to repeal Glass-Steagall. It's like a joke. My first day working for them would like "ok who's the biggest idiot in the room cuz me and him need to talk about stuff"

And that would be my LAST day working for them. I would say "God bless you all" and they would probably end up cursing me out cuz, cuz, "cuz you can't HANDLE the truth!"

It's an odd thing to like Bill Maher and Sarah Silverman. They seem to be the same type. They are people like me. They ain't buying your non-sensical jive-talk about what WE need when what I need is what makes sense. I don't mind listening to a good sermon until something in the back of my mind goes, "that's not right". Then it's time to never go back there. I am trusting and fearless enough that I will try ANYONE'S religion because I need to understand what it means to lead so that I can do it right when my time comes.

My time will come, or it won't but NOONE knows that yet.

I feel like my life has been one LONG peace corps mission to "educate the natives" or "doing the lord's work" as I used to call it. Hurting people is not the lord's work. Betrayal is not the lord's work. Ugliness is not the lord's work.

And you might think that I went into this with my Master's or something but no I was a simple man with religious upbringing, trusting and doleful at the prospect of leading.

In the end though, it's important to remember that I am from this side of the Veil. The veil is what separates secrecy from regular society. I have told you before that you should seek to do something illegal and to do a good job of getting away with it. Well, people from THAT side of the veil do that. Their battery is to do good things while mostly doing illegal things. People like me that don't take risks make their life irritating. And it's natural, I see now, that they make MY life irritating as a countermeasure. Still, it should be clear to you all that being centrist means taking MORE risks than normal so though I am more interesting than ANY regular people, people from THAT side prefer people of their own. And by the same token, people that would NEVER find themselves in a bar and have NO IDEA how many people drive drunk, would rather crucify the first person they hear was doing this, rather than deal with the reality of what IS REALLY out there.

It's people like me that you need in office btw. Though I have enemies on both sides, it's me that will stop them from fighting. I have told you before that revolutions happen as a course of nature and without ODIN-people like me that simply stick to people and do nothing, there would be MANY MANY more revolutions.

That's why professors like Rachel and Warren and Obama, (what?) are the best leaders because they are SLOW to act. People that WIN for the sake of winning act quickly, risk it all, hit the foot in the door with a hammer not realizing what they just did to someone on their property. SLOW is better. WE all know the rich are there to stay and history says there will be a mass-apocolypse before the people that have money lose it, but we CAN slow the process down so that WE don't experience it. ANd if we slow it down enough maybe bridges can be built before we get to the turn and then the river.

ON THE OTHER HAND, what about Bill Maher for President. Hah! We can legalize pot and mistresses and we all know he knows about a mistress's betrayal right? One of Maher's exes gave him the reality check not too many years ago. It reminds me of an old quote on one of my post-its.

Only a wounded physician can hope to heal.

It might seem that we aren't just the sum of our experiences but I have told you before that I could solve EVERYTHING at 19 but you know what, people stopped believing me and I started to make errors. The fact is it's very hard to make predictions well. People will ask you "how come you think so" and if you can't provide examples, people will think you are just trying to SHOW them that you are smarter.

And I really used to try this. Imagine not being me and having me just think of what you should do, like basically TELLING you what to do.

Ok, a math example. In differential equations, there are things we study called the Matrix. Yeah, like the movie. The matrix is a huge block of numbers and after you solve it it gives you the solution, if that's possible. Using a matrix is one of the ways of solving the earth's problems. Let's take a line. 8y=6x +5, now put that on a graph. Now take another equation and put that up on a graph. It's only two equations of lines so there is no solution possible yet. But if you add a third line, or if the 2nd equation is a quadratic, now you have a bubbled in space you can color. THAT is your solution. This system when you first study it is called simultaneous equations. When you get more advanced you simplify the equations and then use the coefficients(the numbers next to the letters) as placeholders in a MATRIX.

And the way to solve problems is simply to take these matrices and keep adding equations to it making the matrix bigger and bigger but making the solution more and more possible or tangible maybe.

But THIS is why global warming is so hard to explain. You have INFINITE equations at play when it comes to the earth and one scientist from COREXIT or another from SOLARPANELS-R-US will probably CLAIM to know the solution but as I just explained... it's time to kick them in the booty for trying it.

Nevertheless, the warming can possibly be explained through philosophy because we know about the carbon cycle. People can be given examples and then asked to compile(think about it) and then vote what they think. Here go some examples of why global warming exists.

1. We have been told from time immemorial NOT to mess with the burial sites. Dead things tend to produce FLESH-eating things that don't know this FLESH from that and soon infect the whole colony of people just because some Frankenstein types didn't heed warnings. (Remember in The Painted Veil(great movie) where bodies were being buried close to the river?) So it's with this time-honored warning that messing with fossil fuels should stoke that same fire of "unclear" energies that might be meant to turn dead flesh into fertilizer but instead cause CANCER.

2. Indians were the first to realize, no I take that back, ancient man was the first to realize that overkilling the mammoth herd, by running it off the cliff, caused a cessation of food. Indians who ran with herds also believed this as we all saw in Dances with Wolves(who me?). And in books in American Culture it is often talked about that over-plowing the land clearing it of trees, caused disease. Trees serve as filters for the air. It's small wonder the most deadly diseases come from Africa or maybe people from that area are so bereft of defenses, that people in a forest would have, that they die faster. In either case, from example we know that people in a lush environment, like rain forests, are much more resistant to disease than people from deserts or from cities.

I once went to Costa Rica and got bit by these really exotic mosquitoes. The sores were strange. They itched ever so slightly and once I realized it was itching the bite had already begun to boil up to what looked like a tiny volcano on my skin. And the sores got almost everywhere so that eventually I started to just swat myself just for the sake of swatting possible mosquitoes. But those sores lasted for weeks. When they started to heal, huge little bubbles of plasma would ooze out of them. It was spooky but for some reason my whole family just knew I would be ok. And sure enough, I was and the sores healed. I wonder back at it now if they were tricking me. I realize now with all this time on my hands that even though they were lucky to have me around, maybe THEY didn't think so. Maybe they took me into that forest on purpose, hmmf. But I can't afford to second guess myself. Dealing in the past brings you to one outcome... debt.

Anyways so over-harvesting wood or mammoths or oil is likely another cause for warming and we can just use philosophy to make that apparent to a regular person. Is it obvious that we have been over-harvesting the oil?

3. The earth corrects itself. We should take a moment and try to imagine what it was like in the ice age. Maybe there was no huge meteor that destroyed all life? Maybe once there is too much life, the ice caps melt and take everything away into the ocean. Maybe there were too many dinosaurs or too many dead dinosaurs or too much feces such that the ice caps melted. What a load of shit I been shovelin', right? There was a documentary that postulated, that huge cracks at the bottom of the ocean basically melted away life from the water such that over time, all the water in the ocean was cleaned of impurities. And this made so much sense to me and filled me with such hope that I realized that I had been lied to. There was never going to be an apocolypse. The only thing the CHURCH was selling was fear. As usual the EXPERTS at the top of any field of knowledge are just bastardizing their field with stupidness about what we should fear, when in reality there is nothing JAGGED about the world at all. People don't die of cancer, there is no extinction event foretold in legends, there is no apocolypse or world consuming polarity shift, all we have are each other to fear and if everyone gets a gun, well then we have PLENTY to fear without worrying about nukes from godknowswhere.

4. The British are coming... and it was Leonidas who provoked it. Yeah, that's a french amalgamation for wedoneit.  Maybe we should not even worry about global warming or it's such a small problem that it isn't worthy of mention.  If there is anyone coming to kill us, we caused it and it's we that have to pay for it. And know this,  we don't have a morality problem in our government, we have a too many rich people problem living right next door. The best things in life are simple. So fixing our crime problem doesn't mean let's get all the blacks to start smoking crack so we can put them in jail, fixing crime starts by stopping rich peole from BEING the examples that lead people to betray each other. 

Betrayal doesn't happen in a good society.

People don't agree they should have a bunch of money unless those few keep that fact HIDDEN. Just like I get looks for being opinionated and blunt in public, rich people should have LINES OF CARS driving by their house with amazed looks of wonder as to how that was all possible.

Anything worth doing, is worth doing in public.

That's why I had sex with my girlfriend in a bush one time cuz we couldn't wait that long and it's nice to lose your mind with someone nearby that can appreciate it.

It's funny I used to want Ann and Bill to get together but SarahK seems a better fit for him. Still, I might get jealous if too many more people find happiness and leave me behind.

Ok, let's see, told the world how to save itself, gave rich people a wake up call, gave a smirch-con-ish compliment to two worthy comedians, ahhh, now I have to save Obama and Democrats from giving in to the pull of BIG MONEY.

Wish me luck.

PS. By the way I have hope that Rs like SE and Ann are going to be able to find their voice somewhere this side of "we don't need regulation" but it's not a lot of hope