Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Bretons are from England


I watched Maleficent today.  I thought it obvious that Angelina would look foreboding in the lead role, which she was but what was unexpected was to see how delightful she was portraying the fairy that turned into the evil or relatively evil Maleficent.  

As usual, I started to think the movie was about me.  Such a timid beginning she had, so much to look forward to and then she did what the Russians like to call "sleeping with gypsies".  The saying goes "if you sleep with gypsies you wake up in a pile of shit" Well, it's funny because I had MY wings taken in a similar fashion.  I felt betrayed. 

Still, it's been so long ago that I don't wince anymore thinking about it.  Later in the movie, when she was almost killed by the man wanting to be King, it occurred to me what REAL godlessness was.  

Godless people are mercenaries.  They feed off the populace.  In fact, the only way to tell who they are is to start a religion and look-see who doesn't enjoy the sermon.  That's why priests are so successful at keeping a city together because once there is a faith center, it's easy to see who is acting for the public good and who is acting selfishly.  

The problem with our country is that it is faithless yeah? 

Well, not really.  As we saw in Sin City, often the very leader of faith, abuses his power as all trust is placed in his hands, as sacrifice becomes justifiable for what he thinks is the greater good but since he is INTERPRETING, it means sacrifice occurs when he says so... for his own selfish good.  And the fact is that ANY book of laws is a simple structure that can be beaten down with exceptions that eventually include a whole class of people that feed off the rest of the people following that structure rigidly.  That's why it's better not to blame the system but the people.  All systems work well and the more sophisticated the better. 

In Skyrim, there is a class of people called the Bretons that have a natural affinity for magic resistance.  You all should know by now by reading my blogs that magic is influence.  It's a way of turning gossip into a spell that can cause REAL damage to a person without physical violence.  And Bretons have a resistance to that in the game.  Moreover, I believe the game was meant to depict the people from Great Britain as being these Bretons or Britons as they are called in real life.  The people with the MOST experience in the world, with the most sophisticated set of laws that have been re-written over and over, have the highest resistance to these "tricks" because TIME heals all wounds and once wounds heal, a resistance to the spell grows.  So who better to resist magic than a set of people that have been around FAR LONGER than we Americans.  

We could learn a lot from them I think.  

And yet I just got finished saying in my last blog that atheist/godless people can be good yeah?  You have to understand something about me.  I believe in using imagery to explain things.  A long while ago I used to want to tell people how to do things but as I grew up with my mother and father usually telling "because I said so" I was often frustrated with the not knowing why.   And that frustration, especially when it came to teaching, made me seek out examples to use when explaining things.  Symbolism and metaphor is another tool I like to use.  

And as it turns out the Bible is full of examples and even though I like to reference the Bible, it turns out that using real life examples or examples from good movies everyone has seen, make my points more believable.  

You all know what I mean by believable yeah?

And as it happened in the Star Trek : The Next Generation(TNG), as it happened in the TNG episode Darmok, the use of metaphor eventually allowed two different races to communicate.  

So today's lesson for you is that THIS is what the Bible is for.  To get different people to communicate by citing examples, EVEN in different languages, so that we can better portray ourselves as beings that exist to pontificate... about the greater good. 

ps. there is a Sarah Silverman moment in the movie and I won't tell you when but if you follow her work, you'll know it when you see it, and I DON'T think it was a coincidence :)