Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Monday, June 09, 2014

That's why it's illegal


One of Star Trek's better episodes was "Dagger of the Mind".  Thanks to Netflix I can watch the episodes over and over and get new symbolism from them that perhaps affected even the people of that day, the way it affects me.  Thanks also to money well-spent remastering the special effects to make them seem much less dated.  Watching the old episodes is really a treat especially if like me, you think women from the sixties were not that very good-looking.

Well, "Dagger of the Mind" is one episode that thwarts that theory because that girl Marianna who played Helen in the episode was REALLY good-looking.  There was one scene when Kirk puts her into a vent that must have been so hard for him to play because he just kept on looking into the vent, that was at face level, until she crawled away from him.  

Ok, so now that the hormones have settled, the machine in the episode was one of torture.  And as you wonder how the machine works, it works by emptying the mind of thoughts, making you lonely, and then suggesting to you OTHER thoughts.  So she suggests to Kirk, who has his suspicions that the machine is harmless and no longer useful, that he is hungry and then suggests that they had a one night stand even though they didn't, but that's when she is captured and the warden/tyrant continues on with her scenario by suggesting that he has always loved her and that his one need in life is to see her happy.  

That's mind control for ya.  Doesn't... remind me of... ANYONE.  

Well the classic/funny part of the episode (as I imagine the police would ask ME if they ever thought that I MYSELF was under some sort of mind-control) is where I get to explain the controls...

Here goes the ON and OFF switch and over here is the INTENSITY. 

wait for it...  

it's not hard.

So you see, THAT is what harassment does.  It empties out ALL OTHER concerns and provides you with a brand new UNSTOPPABLE beam of concern, that drains you of sexiness, of gregariousness, of confidence, and of basic optimism.  

That's why it's illegal.  

(Welcome to the jungle)

PS. You might think that I have some hidden purpose, but no, I have NO purpose