Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

We have a problem


I have spent the whole afternoon researching what the RACAgent does.  Its initials stand for Reliability Analysis Component.  I believe it is some sort of cookie that uses up my memory so much that it slows everything down.  I use the Task Manager to figure out which programs are using up memory and then I research them using F1 help.  Some of the answers to the queries that I made point to the RACAgent but other answers pointed me to the Microsoft Support website, and while I was there I was able to download a FREE malware application and while I was there I was directed to another procedure about an SFC scannow procedure in DOS mode that is also used to detect corrupted files, which I ran and which it did.  But soon after that I was told that the results were stored in a CBS.log file which it taught me was a long list of results but which I wasn't able to effect at the time.  So I do MORE research and close the DOS or cmd window since I typed out the log command in the Notepad and as I do more research I found a NEW way to access the log which, after I brought up the DOS window again... didn't have anything saved in the log... so that means I have to run the scan again and then do the command to read the log... so I wasted my time... and now I don't want to scan for corrupted files again because the last time it took ~30 minutes.  

How was your day?

Yesterday I was flogging around playing Destiny but I am reticent to spend the $35.00 to upgrade the software to the House of Wolves.  Man!  I just got a shot of the old pain from the carpal tunnel I once had more than 5 years ago.  Ouch!  Remember people to stretch out your hands to type if you want to avoid the injury.  

Ok, so some of the drawbacks I am having with the game is that they completely changed up all of the weapons.  I have all of the old weapons and they are "upgradeable" to the strength of the new ones but it really is way too much work considering all of the good weapons I have in storage.  The armor is also upgradeable but again, it takes a very long time if you don't get the DLC(downloadable content).  By this I mean the game demands that you farm items(by killing monsters or finishing missions) that you turn in to "step" up your weapons and armor, eventually to max, so that you are on par with other players.   I'm just gonna have to take a break on that game for a while until I enjoy farming again.  For now, it seems tedious.  

Diablo III is going good.  I have the demon-hunter up to max and have begun experimenting on Hardcore mode.  On Hardcore, you only get 1 life so it's not necessarily hard but it IS devastating to lose everything after you spend the time getting 10 levels like I did once.  Still, your loss reminds you to be more careful, though sometimes, especially in caves, there's just no way to prep unless you are REALLY careful of those boss monsters that use crowd control spells on you.  By crowd control spells, I mean that instead of just throwing stuff at you like fireballs or knives, some of the bosses like to use walls of stone and rotating lasers that spring up next to you, stifling your movement; and in tandem with the other projectiles, these multitude of annoyances, coupled with a boss with a BUNCH of hit points, can use you up quickly if you don't master evasion or see things coming ahead of time or plan an escape route.  

I have a molar that is like halfway cracked off.  I went to the dentist and he recommended I get rid of it but I am SO not going to spend the $1800.00 that it costs for such a simple thing.  But I am struggling to make use of it.  If it gets sore just a little, it starts to swell up and then it really gets in the way of munching even on my good side and I have to wash and wash and scrub and scrub until it dries out again and heals but then after a couple of days of good use, it starts up again.  It's nothing I ever had to deal with before and it's mortifying.  Still, I am not going to have some hole there and just "wonder" about what my wisdom tooth will be doing back there all by its lonesome.  I need to keep this molar if only as a placeholder, just to keep my wisdom tooth in its place.  

I heard what happened in Houston and I have to say that Houston used to always have rain just like New Orleans.  I'm surprised they didn't expect those floods since, growing up, we always were hearing about hurricanes and tropical storms heading to Houston or to us or to somewhere nearby.  They are perhaps right that this time was out of the ordinary but historically Houston was ALWAYS a place of heavy rain.