Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Escapes me


Absurdities abound.  Just yesterday I saw a commercial toting the words "CNBC first in business".  What does that mean?  First, firstly, would seem to imply that there is a race to be won or maybe it's a pledge to be the first to cover some rare news story... about stocks.  I dunno.  Secondly, business is so general it might mean Elysium for all we know.  

Another weird statement I heard is "damn the torpedoes".  I used to wonder what this meant since for one thing there were no torpedoes.  I saw it mentioned in the game Hydro Thunder.  I finally reasoned it out to mean "ramming speed" or that you were about to kamikaze your boat.  

Another weird statement is the one about the guy who quit smoking who didn't quit in time to avert a serious gum disease.  "What does this say", he asks us as he shows us all of his missing front teeth. 

Um... can you say faulty DENTIST? 

Another weird commercial is the National Rent a Car one which mentions the guy having a "wandering eye"(It makes you wonder if those guys read my blogs doesn't it?) But then the whole commercial ends with the line "Go like a Pro".  At this point, you realize the whole commercial was about whores.  

Well, it always comes back to that it seems.  And like thugs, whores shouldn't be a word reserved for women.  Whores make their money in a middle-ground of legal and non-legal means because often the exact value of the act can be abused.  The whore could say "oops", when your penis falls out, as though you had something to do with that... nevermind her BIG FAT HUGE GAPING... well you get the idea.  

But men can be whores too.  They can make an agreement and then not live up to the spirit of the agreement.  It's like making a wish.  If you are a GENIE in Disney where millions of people are watching then when the wisher says "make me a Prince" it means promote you to leader of a whole country, whereas if you got like 50 people tops that care and you are a genie in the bar industry, making you a Prince might mean take a Prince tennis racket and do an overhead smash on your head.   I guess the wording of it matters too because if your whore is a nice whore, you would call her an "assistant" or an au pair perhaps, most especially if you have defended your  reputation to the degree that noone would ever question if your assistant, ASSISTED you.  Same goes for guys and genies and such.  Some guys are cool, some guys are jokesters.  In fact if you ever want to TEST whether your guy friend or business partner is still being faithful to you, just measure whether he laughs a lot.  Chances are if he is cracking jokes around you and laughing at stupid stuff, he's no longer faithful or at the very least he no longer enjoys your company.  

So if your friend is like "hey Charlie, what happened to, oh one second I gotta take this", and starts to laugh with his friend on the phone that he just interrupted your conversation to have, then your friend is a whore, if not he's your friend.  

See, I'm here to help.  

OK well I had this one really big weird idea from a commercial but of course, now that I am writing, it escapes me.  Maybe I will edit this later. 

PS.  One more thing I want to add as I read my previous journals somewhat is that our use of water is directly impacted by how cruel we are.  California is beset with water problems and because of that you can expect them to IMMEDIATELY see the benefit of sowing more food without meat in it.  It's because of VOX that I recently learned that the water used when growing food in farms is miniscule compared to the water used to raise animals, because the animals have to ALSO be fed feed, that uses up that much more water to grow.  Any minute now I expect all of them to either suddenly become aware of that and stop eating meat, or you can expect them all to quietly shut up about it and start eating more meat than everyone else... who knows. 

EDIT: Another thing that annoys me, now that I am doing a lot of reading, is the old adage about "those that can, do; those that can't, teach".  It's kind of backwards right? Because on the one hand only rich people can afford college, lol, so those that CAN, go to college, who can then teach, those that can't have to get a job... and probably CAN'T. Lol.  But to imasculate that statement perhaps I want to point to the profusiveness of people willing to make films about what philosophers grind their teeth about.  All of those people sit in colleges and make perfect arguments about things like eating meat and using fossil fuels but then fail to start a movement about it and it's in such impotence that I wonder about whether teachers are able to actually DO anything about the world's problems, 

... and yet here I sit. 

And that's what I love about journalists, is that they are not the brightest in the world, but they ARE willing to ask the tough questions.  That's what I love about 20 somethings or college kids or even black teenagers is that they might be dumb as a hollow post but they ARE willing to find out why police can walk into gas stations and grab free stuff or they ARE willing to expose the NSA's innermost secrets or they ARE willing to betray the country to hold their source inviolate.  You see, when your system is corrupt, when the people at the top can affect your reality REGARDLESS of what system is used... it's time to stop trying.  ALL YOUR EFFORTS at building things is wasted now that you know it helps some PERSON as opposed to some system that continues to grow.  That's me, perhaps, knowing what I know... why would I help these people? Why would I help THEM grow? (us/them)

Another thing I want to add about Destiny is that it turns the page in such a way as to make playing it seem temporary.  It's immersiveness, despite being beautifully rendered artwise, is just short of being a casino.  You can finish doing things.  It gets boring.  It is just that little bit of interesting to demand all of your attention for a while but it allows you to do other things instead of just wallowing in the world all day like a casino would.  

And I like that.  I like temporary. 

Btw, just advice to all of you journalists out there, I recommend that you format your hard drives, erase everything on it and re-install basic files, once a month.  To make that easy, you need to have, at least TWO computers, TWO centers that serve as your slaves, because as one becomes corrupt, the latter serves to handle the load while you work on curing the first.  Temporary, right?  Gypsies know best? Indians with tepees? 

And this has a lot to do with Ninja/Paladin right? Because if you have two computers, you have like a Ninja ISP that's hard to target because you keep changing which computer you use, instead of that you could have a HUGE Paladin PC that has so much memory, that any attempt to bog it down with a virus and make it slow is simply not sufficient to affect its speed.  

Btw, I don't mean to imply that journalists are not the smartest in the world, they are the middle ground between the thinkers and the doers.  The doers are willing to try anything usually because they aren't educated or have nothing to defend like McVeigh or Snowden maybe, the educators have TOO MUCH to defend, like Elizabeth Warren or Ashley Judd maybe, but a journalist is that blend of not too educated, not too brazen, enough that they are again a great representation of what we should all strive to be, imo. It's like in Braveheart where Wallace discusses with Robert the Bruce why the nobles won't support him or when Robert the Bruce discusses with his father what courage is to which the father responds "Wallace has courage because he fights, so does a dog, but it's the ability to compromise that makes a man noble"(paraphrased), that is, able to exist among others that are ALSO willing to compromise.  That's why when people say "you gotta do what you gotta do" it makes me think that they have RUN OUT of their ability to compromise.