Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Friday, May 22, 2015

So what


So is such a beginning word.  It starts so many things and like some writers I write a lot and type down that word to indicate that I am about to start writing.  The word reminds me of a young girl that didn't quite know how to talk yet and as I taught her words and songs, as I was her guardian, she would answer questions like "why did you do that?", to which she would respond, "so."  

This use of it, albeit by someone that didn't know how to use it, makes that word more of an ENDING.  

And it makes you wonder about another phrase.  The one called "So what?" It indicates that there is a story to follow doesn't it?  It's like a beginning.  So what?  And yet, it's also an answer too.  Maybe it indicates that the story was LESS than interesting.  So what, like an ending.  It depends how you say it doesn't it? 

Like so many things I have to side with my own conscience before I side with someone else's opinion.  See, that phrase was rambling.  Sometimes I just ramble because I forgot what I was going to talk about.  This happens most especially when I am interrupted.  You will find that most intellectuals, fine tuned ones, are easily interrupted by coughing, by the phone ringing, or even by captions on the TV being misspelled in WEIRD ways.  But if you have extra energy, you just keep on typing your thoughts hoping things will get back to normal.  

This is what is meant by having a clear conscience because if you do, you can type whatever pops into your mind and it should serve as layering to that fine cake of a blog you are writing for the day.  But if you don't have a clear conscience, you'd have to watch what you type because you might just point out that your POLICE department needs body cameras and people might just want to know WHY I think so.   

So?  So what? And I can't really tell them can I?  

In other news,  do you know what's annoying?  I am sitting here typing into the Wordpad.  I used to use Notepad but Wordpad is nicer and has more fonts and it has a nicer wordwrap.  I also once had problems saving stuff on Notepad.  I use these instead of typing directly into the blog.  When I typed into the blog, and saved its draft copy or whatever, for some reason my computer would have all sorts of problems while I was typing.  It was like someone was taking over my computer.  So one day, I got to thinking that if I just pasted my completed work into the blog, "they" couldn't harass me anymore.  And they used to harass me a GREAT deal.  I used to have problems pasting my pictures onto the blog.  I would have font problems for some reason even though I didn't mess with the settings.  I would even have delays where I couldn't save the draft or publish.  When I looked into how to troubleshoot it, I found a PILE of forums and I realized I would have to learn a BUNCH of stuff just to tweek it.  

But I didn't have to learn a bunch of stuff did I?  Any fool knew that someone had messed with my settings, since I didn't, and that to set them back again whoever did it just needed to undo it.  Telepathy right?  This is the trooghaft syndrome with me.  Even though I have superior intelligence, I can't know how to fix my car from damage or fix my reputation at the bar or even fix my blog.  It's too much.  I can't even figure out how to stop the neighbor lady from using her BEEP BEEP car alarm to open her car in the morning when I am asleep.  

And once all of these people work in unison, to harass me with little things that regular people take for granted, it's a kind of telepathy isn't it?  It's the trooghaft/mafia.  They all work in unison like witches boiling you in a pot.  First you go to sleep and then they EAT you.  Congratulations witches, "another victory"(Dr. Doom's saying).  This is what it means to have enemies that you can't see.  It's like they show you in Lord of the Rings.  The king is so addled with wormtongue's words that he believes what he is told.  "His mind is overthrown" says Gandalf.  It's so gone that he doesn't recognize his own son's death as real.  This is what a wormtongue does you see?  Your family is dying from these "orcs" or pig people = greedy people, and you don't realize that you have enemies or that they are arming against you.  But the movie shows the truth of it.  He is not lost, if he can be shown the light.  And the king, much like me, may not wish a war and may want to save as many of his people as possible.  But he may not have a choice anymore.  

"War is upon you. Whether you would wish it or not." - Aragorn

Life is like that though.  50/50.  Most times you can't even know if the gas station attendant is acting against you.  

Ok so way back there I was going to tell you what was annoying which was interruptions but also annoying, now that I am sitting here typing into a notepad is the computer running.  I haven't connected to the web browser(since I am still on Wordpad) and the hard-drive is a just a spinning away accessing something for some reason even though I am doing nothing to warrant that!  It's like someone reaching down my pants to see if I "soiled" myself while I am trying to do a presentation.  So what do I do?  I pull the Internet plug, type all that stuff and that I just typed and lo and hold, silence now.   Task manager is quiet.  

It's Norton Anti-Virus I'm sure, but I have spent a great deal of time tweeking its settings and it still manages to spook me.  Even now when I want to put it into sleep mode, the computer won't sleep.  It just goes to sleep, wait 10 seconds, and up it comes, awoken, even though I did nothing.  But if I pull the internet plug and put it to sleep, it's fine.  

I don't have to tell you that interruptions can drive you crazy.  Imagine being a journalist giving the news and having people cough at you while you are talking.   It's easy to see how you could forget what you were saying while you suddenly try to figure out if this coughing is intentional.  And never mind if you start to dwell on when you might have wronged this person or if they are related to one of your ex girlfriends.  It can be a bit much.  

Ok.  So now let's get to what I wanted to talk about today.  I recently had a talk with my father about how I should be.  At the end of working it out with him I explained that part of me didn't want to attack people, that is, take advantage of their weaknesses, but I also wondered if globalization is inevitable, and if so, maybe I am one insect warning of the downside of building a dam to a bunch of beavers.  And if so maybe, I best just be "insecting" my way through life.  

It should be clear to all of you that most Democrats feel that we should have more government programs and welfare.  Fact is, most poor people agree more government is better and since we are a democracy, perhaps in name only, we expect that the more votes from the MANY poor will keep the right people in charge that continuously put the laws in place that keep organizations from feeding too much off of the public.  That is, put people in charge that will stop companies from creating TOO MANY poor people.  

So every child should, at least currently, begin by being a democrat.  In theory, it seems that the smart people should rule the dumb ones, or better said, the wise and leisurely rich people should rule over the ones that are too busy to know what is going on.  Good idea.  But this can put the educated and otherwise well off people in a position to start to CARE about people that don't appreciate them.  It's like the police.  They want to be officers(that is, LICENSED to KILL professionals) who are trusted with a higher status than the rest of us(because we shouldn't have guns RIGHT?), but then find out that some of those that they serve, want MORE than just their protection.  Just as rulers can abuse, so can the beggars.  Gangs and thugs and, let's use a new word, villains(oh no I just talked about BLACK PEOPLE) can start up random acts of violence in an effort to hurry and USE UP the police force eventually dwindling their numbers down until it's clear who outnumbers who.  They don't know what they are doing until some kind of "smart bug" starts to think numbers.  It's a kind of gamble isn't it, taking shots at the police, the CALM police, and hoping they don't all come storming into your little nest egg of a place CHOCK FULL of roach people that feed off society's goodwill.  And it's through this "risk-taking" that millionaires are made in a very short time, I imagine.  

So at the end of time, there's no way to tell which will be in charge, the Republicans or the Democrats.  REPUBLICANS? you say?  What in GOD'S name do Republicans know about ruling.  They want less government.  They think we should just "trust" the rich people that live behind their corporate laws and indoor driving or whatever.  They believe that what's worse than having rich people abuse power, which gives them some free use of a Ferrari here and there, is to have whole groups of people abuse government welfare.  And to be honest, I can see that happening.  It's all 50/50.  If the government provides welfare, then the sharp people are going to USE it.  I spent too much time on my own, recovering from what they would call "burn out" from customer service by going to the bar and lo and behold, after a year went by, I no longer was able to claim unemployment.  

Shocker right?  Instead of collecting unemployment right away, I used up my savings to chill out and since I am "not so smart" my ability to use umemployment after I started to look for work, got used up.  After 18 years of paying into unemployment, I got nothing from the government.  So I'm starting to think maybe poor people don't NEED unemployment.  Maybe they don't NEED food stamps.  Maybe the tough get going and the rest can scrounge for scraps.  If the Republicans are rewarding the ones that are superior and can work hard then I am CERTAINLY one of those.  If dogging other people is normal, then I had just BEST get used to it and start doggin people.  All the rest of the world and Jeb are acting like we should have known all along that the world is an ever-changing place with wild people on the outside, a calm people on the inside and at the center, an ever-loving self-serving queen.  

And if that is what we are... then... so what. 

PS. I voted Republican.  Suddenly I am thinking of that song in The Sound of Music.   ~"I am 16.. going on 17... da da... da Dah DAH da" It's at just that age that we all decide if we are going to become adults or stay children.  Since we are all working together, as children, it seems normal that we should continue to work together as adults and that everyone agrees to this that we should continue to work together and not act against each other.  But in the movie, the boy child gets scorned by the daughter's family and then joins the army and then ACTS against the family.  See?  That is what is happening at that age.  We are learning to hunt.  Hunt what?  Hunt each other.  Jesus said this that we should become fishermen of men and I wonder if he meant for us to HUNT each other... muhahahaha... so you like to interpret the Bible do ya?!  

This is why regular people should not try to interpret the Bible.

I also got this idea from Dragon Age: Origins where the guy is trying to convince his girl to marry him but he hasn't learned to hunt yet.  I wonder often about that.  If I am to HUNT, what should I hunt for I wonder.  

PSS: I have thought about not doing spellcheck sometimes, since I have gotten a lot better at not misspelling or really just mistyping words.  I have always been a good speller(2ND PLACE in 4th grade spelling bee!) but whatdayaknow... today, poof, mispelled words... I needed that spellcheck today.  And see, another affirmation of how perfecting a system is NOT what it is all about, it's about... follow-up. 

Oh boy, now I HAVE to go on about another thing that has been bothering me is trains.  Trains are right there in the middle of what we all should be talking about.  There is MORE trust involved in trains and it costs less money both in eco-dollars and in people as opposed to running buses or even individual cars.  But I am dismayed as to how people don't see the necessity of trains.  Trains are at the TOP of the food chain trust wise(EDIT: Actually trucks are at the top). They should be employing many more people btw since they are saving SO much money by having people trust them.  If you want to do a diagram just put the cost of transporting oil in trucks(people drive them = very expensive = most reliable = most safe since someone is responsible = no whodunnits), next to transporting oil in trains(less expensive since no gas to pay for = less people employed = less reliable and safe since one person could screw it ALL up instead of a whole lot of truck people = possible who dunnits), next to transporting oil in a pipeline(aka. disaster waiting to happen).  In other words, it gets MUCH less expensive but it gets MUCH easier to have a disaster.  

PSSS: Oh and btw, we still torture people, I'm here to tell ya.  So that makes us not so exceptional.  You're welcome Putin. 

I'm not on anyone's side, because noone is on MY side. - Treebeard